Maybe it's because of AI xiaonuan's aura, or maybe it's because the conversation between her and Tang Guo takes a long time, and the program team needs to stir up the heat with Tang Guo.

Therefore, the lens belonging to her was not cut, so the dialogue between AI Xiaowen and Tang Guo in the second issue was seen by the audience.

At the beginning, some people sympathized with AI xiaonuan, thinking that Tang Guo was aiming at Ai xiaonuan. As the conversation goes on, they come back.

Isn't selection a two-way choice?

If Tang Guo doesn't choose you, AI xiaonuan, is it aimed at you? Bullying you? This brain circuit is ridiculous, isn't it?

Because across the screen, although the aura of AI xiaonuan has a certain influence, people with a little brain will quickly see AI xiaonuan's true face under the guidance of Tang Guo.

AI xiaonuan looked at the reaction after the broadcast of the program and turned pale.

She didn't do anything. She just asked why Tang Guo didn't choose her. How could these people be so good at brain tonic?

She asked the reason, was it wrong?

AI xiaonuan feels that she has been targeted. If not, why are so many sailors scolding her on the barrage?

She is just a plain person who has just appeared. She has not offended anyone at all. How can these people say that about her?

Yes, she was bought by the Navy.

After thinking of this possibility, AI xiaonuan immediately recalled in his mind whether he had offended anyone.

In an instant, Tang Guo's face appears in her mind. Her eyes struggle. Is it really Tang Guo aiming at her?

Why did the other party target her?

AI xiaonuan feels that Tang Guo is too bullying. He is wronged and doesn't know what to do for a while.

Tang Guo is an old man in the circle. What can she do if they buy some water army to blackmail her?

She has no power, no power, no money, no way to resist.

She could only break her teeth and swallow it down. If she resisted rashly, the other party might beat her down.

She'll have to stay on her feet until she gets to the top.

When her wings are full, no one dares to bully her.

Tang Guo didn't know about AI xiaonuan's brain circuit at this time.

Recently, there was a reality show recording. She didn't choose any other scripts for the time being. She declined the invitation of some acquaintances.

She also paid attention to the situation of the Tang family, lest they were accidentally warmed by AI Xiao.

She can see that AI xiaonuan may have her own careful thinking, but it's not smart to say how smart she is.

It's the way of heaven that gives her a strange aura. It's a little disgusting.

But this aura is still a force that can't be captured and can only be dissipated in this way.

Generally, the world like this is incomplete, which may be derived from novels, games, virtual imagination and so on.

therefore, what has been chosen as the child of the carrier to support the world has the final say.

If the aura of AI Xiaowen is almost spent, she will lose her identity as the son of Qi Yun, and the Tao will be basically free that day. There is no need to support the son of Qi Yun in this story line, and the world will naturally be stable.

That's what the system said at the beginning, why the world would collapse after killing the hero and heroine.

Because without losing their aura, they are the support of the world. They are the protagonists of the story. Of course, they can't be killed.

There are, of course, some special worlds.

The recording of the third issue begins.