After parting with Tang Zhen, Tang Guo went back to the company.

She went to work out the next development plan for Zhang Qingqing. She wanted to confirm whether it was the same as her guess.

In addition, she doesn't think that he Xiao's film with AI xiaonuan as the protagonist can maintain the previous level.

Of course, she didn't want to risk the show.

She has not forgotten that the success of intercepting AI xiaonuan will weaken her aura.

She didn't have any pressure to do this. After all, the original owner's family was ruined by he xiaonuan, so that the other party couldn't make it.

Tang Zhen's words, when the time comes to compensate her for a good script on the line.

Think of here, Tang Guo has taken action.

She managed her own relationship and found that the Tang family's network was really good. Not only the Tang family, but also her personal relationship in the circle was very wide.

If there is no TV station to buy the play, it can't be broadcast.

When the time comes, the best way to go is webcast. If webcast can scan more, or she can help netizens recall AI xiaonuan's past, it will definitely have a great impact on her.

"Zhang Qingqing is a good girl. I'm very optimistic about her if I cultivate her well." Tang Guo told the people in the company that she was right. If Zhang Qingqing was not good, he Xiao would not have taken a fancy to her at the beginning.

The company got her words and soon picked out a good script for Zhang Qingqing and contacted her spokesperson.

Zhang Qingqing is also a very strong person. After a period of recuperation, he quickly came out of the previous setbacks.

Recently, she doubts about life every day. Why should she go to AI xiaonuan for brain damage.

Like Tang Zhen, she felt that there was something wrong with her and went to the hospital.

Now that the company attaches so much importance to her, of course, she is working hard to get a post show in the next play.

She read the new script, if there is no accident, the script role and her acting skills, absolutely no problem.

As for AI xiaonuan's snake skin acting, she doesn't think much of it.

The more she thought about it, Zhang Qingqing felt speechless. She really had something wrong with her brain.

After Zhang Qingqing is arranged, Tang Guo takes over the script and starts to get busy.

Of course, she did not forget to observe Tang Zhen.

In front of AI xiaonuan, Tang Zhen still gets angry from time to time, but when she learns to be smart, she chats and calls Tang Guo every time, and her anger soon dissipates.

Now she doesn't want to get anything in this play. She can play normally and leave immediately after shooting.

After the killing, Tang Zhen went to find Tang Guo.

Tang Guo said before that she would go to see her after she had finished her work. She said that she was going to take her. Of course, she didn't want to refuse.

And she thinks it's safe to follow Tangguo.

With Tang Guo's black box operation, AI xiaonuan's play is not bought, can't be on the star, can't be broadcast on TV.

When he heard the news, he Xiao himself was a little shocked.

AI xiaonuan was very disappointed about this. Later he heard that it could be broadcast on the Internet, so he was more happy.

Before the play was broadcast online, Tang Guo made an appointment with He Xiao. The young director who was in the production group fighting with Jing Hong was not in line with his always elegant style.

She thinks that he Xiao is more demoralized by AI xiaonuan's aura.

Last time there was no close contact, this time she wanted to go and have a look.

She remembers that in the original plot, he Xiao didn't come to a good end.

He Xiao is very distressed recently. He didn't buy his play. It's obvious that he has done it with so much effort. It really disappoints him.

Tang Guo made an appointment with him. He didn't think much about it. He thought the other party wanted to talk about cooperation with him.