He also understood that these people were very happy that he was defeated. After all, there are not many people in the same family who want to have someone far beyond them.

It's enough to have a genius to suppress them, a Mervyn and a Maureen. They have to share a lot of their resources.

"If you have any new discoveries, please let me know." Maureen is not interested in staying here when the photosphere detects that Mervyn has nothing to copy.

Although the courtyard is very beautiful, he doesn't want to stay here to enjoy it. He has time to enjoy it later.

"Next month is the family assessment. Has your sword Qi recovered?" Asked Maureen, hypocritically.

Mervyn shook his head: "may not be able to recover."

"Oh, that's a pity." Maureen left with regret, ignoring the meaning of Mervyn.

Mervyn looks at the people leaving, closes the door and continues to practice his sword. He vaguely hears the voice of people outside.

"Maureen, why are you so polite to Mervyn?"

"He's my brother anyway."

"He deserves to be your brother, too? A waste, unable to gather sword Qi, will soon be driven out of the main courtyard of havoc. "

"You are very kind to him."

"I think the bug really thinks that he is a waste and disdains to attack him."

On this point, Maureen is also very strange.

He went to see several people in Bari with his own eyes. All their skin was gnawed by insects, and even their nose, ears and eyes were gnawed off. Anyway, it was miserable.

He has a way to make Barry recover, but for such a few unimportant people, it's not cost-effective to waste his beauty spots to copy his skin and facial features.

It took Tang Guo more than half a day to read more than 30 Summoner books. She planned to test them, but before that, she needed to take out her previously refined medicine for sale.

When she opened the door, Mervyn heard the movement, quickly put the sword away and walked to the door.

He looked her up and down, and saw that she had nothing to do with it. He felt relieved: "have you had a good rest?"

In fact, he doesn't know whether Tang Guo needs rest. His body may not need it, but his soul needs it, right? He guessed.

"Well, while there is still time, I want to take out the potion refined last night and sell it for some gold coins, so it's more convenient to buy things."

Of course, her main purpose is to make some fame and gain a position in the mainland of dongshengzhou. She has a reputation as a pharmacist. Even if Maureen wants to get into trouble with the help of the havoc family, it is not possible.

Such an old family is not at Maureen's disposal. Of course, she also has a purpose to collide with Maureen in medicine refining.

The other party should have provided the medicine to the hafluk family. If she sold the medicine to other families, for example, the opponent of the hafluk family, she would also be able to muddy the water here.

"Don't know if you need to eat?" Mervyn finally asked her question. After all, he had yesterday's experience and didn't know what food he could prepare for her.

"I don't need to eat now." Tang Guo replied that her body was supported by magic elements. If she can taste the delicious food, she doesn't mind eating something and using magic elements to digest it.