Chapter 38: Abnormal Disaster (2)

Chapter 38: Abnormal Disaster (2)

Elena, having bowed to Kim Hyunwoo who had said they would talk later with a serious expression, was-


-She gritted her teeth upon hearing the resonating sound of the Territory Stone inside the Lords castle.

And for good reason, as Elena knew about the phenomenon of the Territory Stone resonating.

Why the sudden Disaster () phenomenon!

The Disaster phenomenon.

This Disaster phenomenon, related to the Labyrinth and occurring when the door to another dimension randomly opens, was a truly terrible phenomenon that could only be described as a Disaster.

The giant monsters that emerge from this Disaster phenomenon resonate with all nearby Territory Stones and then charge at the nearest territory, destroying everything in their path.

And Elena, who had lived a very long time as a mercenary, had seen such disasters firsthand.

Elenas hands trembled slightly.

Memories of that time flashed through her mind.

The sight of a commercially successful neutral territory being overrun by monsters with bodies larger than the territorys walls.

The soldiers spears and swords could not make even a single scratch on the monsters bodies.

The heroes attacks only wounded the monsters flesh without stopping them.

Instead, the heroes were all swept away by a single movement of the monsters, who, with just one attack, destroyed the territorys walls and instantly eradicated everything within the territory.

Buildings crumbled and disappeared against the monsters bodies.

Fires broke out one after another.

The screams of soldiers and residents echoed like a panorama.

The last memory that surfaced was of a child crying in front of the monster, and the childs mother crushed under the monsters body-

-Elena cut off her recollection there.

Because she felt a surge of nausea.

However, the clear resonating sound from the Territory Stone inside the Lords castle continued her recollection, and soon Elena remembered the last image of the vanished territory with nothing left.

The commercial city that had completely evaporated, leaving behind only the Lords Stone enveloped within the Lords castle, with only traces that the territory ever existed.

That scene, which could only be seen as a Disaster () that humans could not prevent.

Elena turned her gaze to look at the residents from atop the Lords castle.

The expressions of the residents looked uniformly grim, as if everyone understood the meaning of this resonance.

Some had expressions of despair,

while others wore faces full of resignation.

Seeing the expressions of these residents, Elena also frowned.

Because Elena knew as well as the residents did.

That as the Lartania territory, they absolutely could not stop this disaster.

She too was painfully aware of the fact that they could not stop the Disaster.

We must evacuate the Lord.

Elena decided to evacuate the Lord.

For her, the Lord had become someone who must not be lost.

And when Elena had made that decision,


Kim Hyunwoo came out as the door opened, and

In front of the square, the Lord could be seen standing on a hastily made platform.

Now, lets get one thing straight first.

Following the Lords words,

If you all help, we can certainly stop the disaster.

The residents gazes

Before the Disaster even reaches this territory.

All converged on the Lord.

Right after Kim Hyunwoos brief speech,

Lord, are you serious?

About what?

That we can handle the Disaster.

Elena immediately followed him to the office and asked Kim Hyunwoo that question.

At least she had no idea what Kim Hyunwoo was aiming for or why he had made the residents do such a thing.

But one thing she knew,

was that no matter what, they could not stop the Disaster.

Thus, Elena had followed him with the intention of persuading Kim Hyunwoo, but-

Of course.

-Kim Hyunwoo responded very cleanly to Elenas question, thinking,

This could actually be an opportunity.

In fact, the special event Disaster (), was indescribable.

Simply put, the name Disaster () was the most fitting description.

In the setting of Arteil, the giant monsters that emerge from the door to another dimension, related to the Labyrinth, charge at the nearest territory with a Territory Stone, wreaking havoc as soon as they appear.

Furthermore, as these monsters approach, they resonate with the Territory Stone, causing the territorys functions to deteriorate rapidly, increasing the residents anxiety and causing them to flee.

From the Lords perspective, this special event was indeed a dreadful one.

Of course, it would be a different story if there was a guild.

Naturally, within the game, this special event was not one where players were merely beaten up; its essence was a Raid event recommended for 8 players.

That is, if there was a guild to undertake the 8-player Raid, they could defeat the monsters and receive a substantial reward.

Of course, even without an 8-player Raid, if a player had spent enough time on Arteil, they could clear it alone.

However, the unfortunate part was that Kim Hyunwoo currently had neither players to run the Raid with nor strong heroes to defeat the monster.

It was as if he had nothing at all.

Yet, there were two reasons why Kim Hyunwoo, who had initially cursed upon seeing the notification of the Disaster, confidently answered Elenas question and considered this situation an opportunity.

One reason was that the Disaster appearing this time was the Ghost () class monster Magdaora, which he had defeated thousands of times.

The other reason was,

200 fully armed soldiers, 300 Magic Stones, and Elena. This should be enough.

Kim Hyunwoo had a method to defeat Magdaora with just these resources and Elena.

After all, Kim Hyunwoo was a veteran who had played Arteil for over ten thousand hours,

and during that time, he had completed all sorts of ridiculous feats for achievements that seemed designed either for fun or frustration.


Alright, no need to delay, lets go defeat it right away.

Kim Hyunwoo grinned.