Chapter 53: Dragon (2)


Right after escaping Lartanias territory, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness aimlessly walked before murmuring with a low exclamation as if realizing something.

I didnt bring all the weapons

She realized that although the darkness she controlled habitually gathered weapons, she had failed to properly bring a few of them.

However, even upon realizing this, Rins expression did not change significantly.

After all, she had realized it.

That gathering all the gifts in the end meant nothing.

Upon thinking this, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness unknowingly smiled wistfully and looked up at the sky.

Staring blankly into the dark night with only the moon, she unknowingly shed tears.

In fact, from a certain perspective, today could be considered a good day for her.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

No, perhaps it could be considered a very good day.

After all, she had met him today for the first time in ten years, the one she had longed for, and at the same time, she realized a very important fact.

Namely, the certain realization that she could return to his side.

That was important.

At least until now, she had gathered gifts for over ten years but always trembled with anxiety.

After all, it was uncertain whether he, who had left disappointed even after she gathered gifts, would accept her back.

But today, she had received confirmation.

From him.

From the one she had always waited for, and dearly cherished.

The confirmation that she could return.

It was an incredibly happy moment, and something she had wished for.

After all, her purpose was to return to him.

However, despite realizing this fact, Rin silently shed tears.

No matter that she had received confirmation, the fact that she had been rejected by him weighed heavily on her heart.

Thus, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness, who had been biting her lip and shedding tears for a while, wiped her tears away at some point.

Then, with eyes full of determination and swollen red, she looked back at Lartanias territory that she had just left.

Not the vast territory she knew from ten years ago, but a small territory just beginning to develop.

I must return, no matter what.

Rin remembered what Kim Hyunwoo had said.

More precisely, she thought about the reason he did not accept her.


If only she could get rid of that, the Absolute Ruler of Darkness could return.

She could return again.

She could get another chance.

Ultimately, mercenaries who start to establish themselves and become active in the Labyrinth city begin economic activities within the territory, which then translates into taxes from the residents.

Of course, introducing a public point system to buy Magic Stones cheaply will eventually reduce taxes.

Still, it was fine.

At first glance, the public point system created by Kim Hyunwoo seemed like a positive system without any problems to the mercenaries, but naturally, he didnt create it without thought.

In essence, Kim Hyunwoo had played a trick.

Of course, the trick he played was not just about increasing public points, a tactic often seen in third-rate games.

Messing with public points, an element that could upgrade the card to the next level, was an effective method, but it was likely to elicit poor responses from the mercenaries, separate from its efficacy.

This is because the intent behind tampering with the required public points was too obvious.

Therefore, Kim Hyunwoo did not tamper with the public points.

Instead, the initial public points he set were quite conscientious, slightly excessive from the mercenaries perspective, but still quite reasonable.

Instead, the trick Kim Hyunwoo played was introducing a ranking system.

The mercenaries public points remain as they accumulate.

However, the value of the accumulated public points gradually decreases.

Why? Because if other mercenaries accumulate public points, the card rank will drop.

Of course, the rank system starts from bronze.

In essence, Kim Hyunwoo intended to incite competition among the mercenaries, and he firmly believed this would be successful.

This was because the system, which kept the competition going no matter how much public points were accumulated, was modeled after the structure of a once very successful mobile game.

From Kim Hyunwoos perspective, a reduction in taxes was not a big loss.

While average mercenaries might not understand, eventually, the skilled mercenaries who gather will deposit most of their Magic Stones in the territory for public points.

Just like in that mobile game from the past, where players retried hundreds of times for a single flip.

In fact, even without all the above mechanisms, Kim Hyunwoo was genuinely profiting right now.

After all, monsters in the Labyrinth would continuously regenerate while the package was purchased.

Therefore, Kim Hyunwoo, who was smiling,

A hero 'Golden Witch' has entered the territory.

[The Tienus Merchant Group has arrived at the territory!]


He noticed the notification pop-up.


Soon, after some time had passed, Kim Hyunwoo, who met Adria as usual,



Adria suddenly widened her eyes, causing Kim Hyunwoo to look puzzled, but she, making that expression, couldnt easily relax her face.

That was because Adria, who was currently sharing consciousness and senses with the Red Dream Dragon, the Guardian of the Tienus Merchant Group,


could hear her voice chillingly echoing in her head.