“Damn, don’t be so exaggerated.” After Sa Lei left, Qin Fei lay prone on the animal skin blanket and cried piteously. The tribe had set off again early this morning because they hadn’t made it to the collection site yesterday. But there was a tacit agreement not to call him which meant it goes without saying. Qin Fei had already cursed Sa Lei a million times in his mind, most likely the whole tribe already knew what he and Sa Lei had done last night and even if there were still those who didn’t know, now they all knew today. 

Although he had been living in the same tent with Sa Lei for how many days, the two had never made it to the final step. Yesterday, somehow, Qin Fei was ‘eaten’ muddleheadedly and later pestered Sa Lei endlessly.

“God, it’s so embarrassing!” Qin Fei really wanted to beat his own chest and stamp his feet in sorrow, but he didn’t have much strength so he could only continue to lie on his stomach and muttered as he cursed on the animal skin. 

Just as he was getting depressed, he saw a thin figure quietly enter the tent. Qin Fei felt ashamed, so he immediately did not move and pretended to sleep while he watched that small and thin figure with his slightly narrowed eyes.

Xiao Bu slowly approached Qin Fei, carried a few large purple fruits in the animal skin bag, quietly placed them on the edge of Qin Fei’s bedding and then carefully walked out. Qin Fei narrowed his eyes as he looked at Xiao Bu; he originally felt so awkward and embarrassed to speak, but then he noticed that the boy was walking a little limp. Looking carefully, it appeared that his left foot was injured.

“Xiao Bu, what’s wrong with your feet?”

Qin Fei’s sudden voice startled Xiao Bu, he immediately turned his head back to look at Qin Fei and his watery eyes opened wide, “No, it’s nothing, it’s just that I accidentally stepped on a stone when picking up the fruits and injured it.” Xiao Bu was like a child who had done something wrong, lowering his head as he muttered. 

Qin Fei turned over and got up. He was just about to put on his underpants but suddenly he felt something sliding down his thighs and when he felt it with his hands, his face turned red. Gritting his teeth, he then said to Xiao Bu, “Xiao Bu, you wait for me for a moment. I’ll go and wash up. You sit here for a while, I’ll be right back.”

Coafg rjslcu atja, tf mijwqfv tlr mtgsrjcatfwew, delmxis qea bc tlr rtbgar jcv gjc bea bo atf gbbw ilxf atfgf kjr j olgf lc tlr jrr. Lf gjc ragjluta ab atf glnfg jcv abbx boo tlr rtbgar jcv qiecufv lcab atf kjafg. Ciatbeut la kjr jiwbra cbbc, atf kjafg kjr ralii j ilaaif mbiv. Hlc Mfl delmxis rqijrtfv j ofk tjcvoeir bo kjafg bc tlr ojmf. Lf ofia jr lo tlr yegclcu rxlc tjv mbbifv vbkc. Oemxlis, wbra bo atf qfbqif lc atf aglyf tjv ubcf bea. Ktf bcfr ktb kfgf ifoa yftlcv kfgf yers, batfgklrf tf kbeiv tjnf ibra ojmf. Pcrlvf atf kjafg, atf tlut qgbaflc gfrlvef ogbw j mfgajlc yjgyjgljc kjr gfwbnfv ogbw tlr ybvs. Lf kjrtfv tlr ybvs mjgfoeiis yfobgf qeaalcu bc tlr rtbgar jcv kjixlcu yjmx ab atf afca. 

Xiao Bu was still standing dumbfounded in there with his eyes already filled with tears. Qin Fei had never been fierce to him before but just now he looked so angry. Xiao Bu was so afraid that he didn’t dare to sit, he just stood there, enduring the pain in his feet.

The time Qin Fei saw how aggrieved Xiao Bu looked, therefore he had no leisure time and mood to scold Sa Lei. He hastily picked him up, prepared some cold boiled water to clean his foot and apply some herbs on it. 

Xiao Bu obediently let Qin Fei fiddle with him and asked him timidly “Did Xiao Bu offend you and make you angry?”

Qin Fei stroked Xiao Bu’s hair, doting on him dearly and soothed this frightened child who was likened to a little animal. He was determined to pay more attention to him in the future and to do his best to give him family warmth as much as possible. 

Afraid that the wound on Xiao Bu’s foot would get infected again if it touched the ground, Qin Fei carried him to Ruma’s tent.

All the tents in the tribe were little different, except for their size. They all consisted of a long wooden stick, set horizontally on two crossed sticks secured with vines and tied firmly to make a framework. The bark from a tree called ‘slippery bark’ was used to make the surface, sewn together with straw rope and animal bone needles. Inside, there was little furnishing except for the ‘plank bed’ covered with hay and animal skins for sleeping with only some rough stone work. Because of Ruma and Sa Lei’s position in the tribe, the tents were relatively tall and they didn’t have to bend all the way down when they entered, which was the only difference between their tents and others. 

Ruma was sitting on the animal skins, twisting the ropes, when he saw Qin Fei enter with Xiao Bu in his arms, he gave them some space and asked Qin Fei to sit down. It was not the first time that Qin Fei had visited Ruma’s tent, but he could not help but look at the sceptre of human bones that was enshrined to one side. At the top of the sceptre were four human skulls, each set with four fist-sized diamonds on it; blood red, sky blue, golden yellow and deep purple.

Ruma smiled helplessly, having heard Qin Fei say that the gems were particularly expensive in their area and by just one could feed hundreds of people for the rest of their lives. It was a pity that Qin Fei’s tribe was so far away that he might not be able to return for the rest of his life; otherwise Ruma would really want to try it, after all, there was nothing in this world that was more important than being able to get a lot of food. 

It was the fist-size of diamonds and more importantly there were four of them. Even knowing that it was probably completely worthless now, twenty years of the money value system still made him find it full of appeal. Qin Fei finally withdrew his gaze from staring at the gems and placed Xiao Bu on the animal skin.

Xiao Bu was very obedient and began to twist the straw rope along with Ruma. Because they had been given a lot of the mountain breaker mythical beast’s meat, Ruma planned to use salt to dry some meat and give it to Xiao Bu in the winter. After all, children still need to eat more meat to survive the cold winter season. 

Qin Fei raised an eyebrow as he looked at the hay on the ground. This kind of hay was common and everyone liked to tie it up and put it outside their tents to warm oneself or put it under their animal skins. Qin Fei didn’t usually pay much attention to it, but now that he saw Ruma using him into a rope, he also grabbed a few and rolled it with his hands. Finding the hay very soft and pliable, a ray of light flashed through into his mind.

Ruma watched Qin Fei pulling and tugging left and right at his straw ropes. He was about to say something when he saw Qin Fei running out with great enthusiasm and in the blink of an eye he came back carrying some hay that had been left outside the tent. First he ran his fingers over Xiao Bu’s feet and made some movements that he couldn’t understand, then he went back to on top of the animal skin and started working with the hay. 

Ruma was curious about everything Qin Fei was doing, this little guy always managed to come up with something different. When he saw Qin Fei’s hands fiddling with the hay, he also stopped rubbing the straw rope and watched Qin Fei working on it carefully.

Qin Fei’s movements were unskilled, although when he was young, he had lived in the mountains with his grandfather for some period of time; every summer and winter vacation where he also had learned to make many things from grass and thin bamboo strips used for weaving. But it was already so many years ago and many details were blurred in his memory. Now he could only gradually recall how the straw shoes were made while slowly making it out. 

Luckily he still had some impressions. Finally, he was able to make a straw shoe. Although it was a bit misshapen and tied in many places, the prototype straw shoe had taken shape.

Ruma saw Qin Fei busy with work. In the end, he came up with something grotesque or fantastic in shape but he didn’t know what this odd thing was for. He wanted to ask Qin Fei about it, his face full of curiosity. 

Qin Fei looked at the small straw sandal in his hand, carefully recalled how to make it again and took the dried grass again to weave it. This time it was obviously much better than the last time, the straw shoes were tight and beautiful.

Ruma looked at them and clicked his tongue in wonder and asked, “What is this? I’ve never seen it before.” 

Qin Fei laughed, ‘He he! ‘ as he put the woven straw shoes on Xiao Bu’s feet and showed Ruma how to do it; tying the straw shoe straps tightly, he fastened the straw shoe to Xiao Bu’s foot also loosening the straps before he took the straw sandal from Xiao Bu’s feet.

Ruma gasped in surprise, “Oh God, this is the same thing you normally wear on your feet. It’s so amazing…” He remembered Qin Fei saying that the thing he was wearing on his feet seemed to be called a shoe, so he wondered what this one was called? 

Qin Fei saw what he was thinking, “This thing is called shoes, with the shoes I wear on my feet although the material to make it is different but it used for the same purpose. Because it’s a shoe made of grass, that’s why our people there call it – straw sandals.”