Translator – Xiao He Lian

Chapter 8.2

Wen Chi was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He stared at those silver needles on the ground for a long time before coming back to his senses.

“Then, that means……”

“If bengong had not been able to defend myself those silver needles would have been stuck into this bengong’s head.” Shi Ye’s tone was light, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

“Then Yue Shan…”

Shi Ye stopped talking and admired Wen Chi’s reaction with an inexplicable expression.

Now, no matter how stupid Wen Chi is, he understood that Yue Shan married into the Eastern Palace and approached the Crown Prince for a purpose – her purpose is to kill the Crown Prince.

There are neither more nor less number of people who married into the East Palace. Unexpectedly, there are two people who have murderous intentions for the crown prince…


Not necessarily just two.

Maybe there are still people who are holding their ground and are silently waiting for the right moment.

“Tell me now.” Shi Ye’s voice sounded at the right time, “Is it still safe under Bengong’s eyes?”

Wen Chi fell silent.

He really could not expect the villain to be surrounded by such dangers. The novel did not describe the story of the original owner and Shi Ye too much. The only thing he knew was that Shi Ye would ascend the throne smoothly in the future and he would not encounter any life-threatening accidents during this period.

But then again, why did Shi Ye tell him this?

Wen Chi suddenly remembered what Ping An said about Shi Ye’s special treatment of him. He didn’t feel anything before but now he can clearly feel it – compared to other people, Shi Ye’s treatment of him is really very special… 

As the saying goes, the more you know, the worse you will die. Wen Chi wondered if Shi Ye is teasing himself like a cat catching a mouse and after the teasing, he will die in the most tragic way.

Wen Chi was so scared that his leg went soft.

At this time, he discovered that Shi Ye had sent out the palace maids and eunuchs in the study at some point and even Eunuch Zhu and the maid who helped him push his wheelchair were not left behind.

Shi Ye was still sitting with his chin resting on his hand giving off a lazy and casual look. His black eyes were half-closed and his indifferent gaze impartially fell on Wen Chi.

He seemed to be used to Wen Chi’s cowardice. Even though he had just spoken, he did not intend to wait for Wen Chi to reply. He stared at Wen Chi’s pale face for a while and spat out two words: “Stand up.”1Originally It’s three words –站起来 [zhàn qǐ lái]

Wen Chi was extremely nervous that his weak legs could hardly stand. Fortunately, he held the couch behind him in time.

Shi Ye said, “Take it off.”

Wen Chi was confused for a moment. But when he realized that Shi Ye was asking to take off his clothes, his whole face suddenly burned up.

“Your Highness….Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince…”

“Hmmm?” Shi Ye used a soft tone to bring Wen Chi’s speech to a screeching halt.

Wen Chi blushed to the point of dripping blood. He wanted to say something, but saw Shi Ye’s fingertips tap twice on his cheek – a symbol of his impatience.

Wen Chi remembered the tragic state of the corpse just now, so gritted his teeth and took off his clothes in front of Shi Ye, leaving only a pair of obscene pants.

He didn’t know if it was his illusion but after he took off his clothes, Shi Ye’s gaze became deeper and deeper.

He looked as Shi Ye slowly sat up straight. His eyes were as deep as the sea, staring at Wen Chi’s chest, like he was looking for something.

Wen Chi subconsciously hugged his arm and cried bitterly, “Your Royal Highness.”

Shi Ye’s eyes stayed on Wen Chi’s chest for a long time, then turned to Wen Chi’s waist. Wen Chi was very thin and white but not unsightly thin. His body is slender, his waist is slim and his body gives out a very beautiful curve.

Looking at Wen Chi’s face again, with almond eyes and thin lips, he was good-looking but his face was sullen, always frightened and cowardly as if he was a man-eating tiger.

Shi Ye said, “Continue.”

Wen Chi: “…”

Shi Ye glanced at his trousers.

Wen Chi gave up, pinched the bottom of his trousers and took off his trousers in one breath.

He knew it!

When the crown prince asked him to come, it was not for a good thing!

But he never dreamed that the crown prince would call him to come and serve him in bed!

Wen Chi looked at Shi Ye’s disabled legs and the wheelchair under him. For a moment, he falls into deep despair, thinking that since the crown prince is really disabled but determined, then he still needs to do piston exercises even if he looks like this.

Knowing that what should come cannot be avoided, Wen Chi took advantage of this time to quickly recall the contents of those erotic pictures.

Then, he asked carefully: “Your Royal Highness, how about I push you to the inner room?”

Shi Ye tilted his head, seemingly genuinely curious: “Why go to the inner room?”

Wen Chi instantly felt a sense of shame and he stammered: “No, it’s okay not to go to the inner room. If Your Royal Highness wants to be here, I… I can also do…”

Shi Ye asked, “Can what?”

Can ‘do’ you.

Wen Chi said cutely: “Serve His Royal Highness.”

However, Shi ye answered him with exaggerated laughter. He was laughing so hard that if his legs weren’t disabled, he might have rolled in place. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Wen Chi from head to toe: “You?”

Wen Chi was stunned and suddenly he forgot his fear: “What’s wrong with me?”

“Put on your clothes.” Shi Ye said, pointing his hand to the door, “Go.”

Wen Chi: “…”

Shortly after, a neatly dressed Wen Chi walked out of the study with a blank expression. Eunuch Zhu who was outside the door hurried over to greet him: “Young Master Wen, are you alright?”

Wen Chi shook his head: “It’s alright.”

After saying that, he left like a walking corpse.

Is there anything more humiliating in the world than a woman standing naked in front of a man and the man not being moved?

There is.

That is, a straight man standing fully naked in front of a disfigured disabled man and was driven out by that disabled man mercilessly.

Wen Chi looked up to the sky at a forty-five-degree angle and shed tears of sadness in his heart. For a moment, he didn’t know whether to be glad that he was rejected by the crown prince or sad that he was rejected by a disfigured and disabled man.

Translator – SPOILER!!!!
















There is a reason why Shi Ye asked him to undress…





And the reason will make you wanna cry. TT





It is explained around the second half of the novel