Nan Xiao was squatting on the ground, one hand on the knee while the other hand was clutching a cigarette stick.

While Jin Sihan stood quietly a short distance away, looking at Nan Xiao as if he wanted to say something.

“Are you guys doing a pantomime1 here?”

Lin Suno asked.

These two were not the quiet type of people as the two of them were always loud every day, so he did not expect to break the silence himself in this lifetime.

Nan Xiao exhaled the puff of smoke.

“Suno, you know what it’s f̲u̲c̲k̲e̲d̲ up? This kind of dog and pony show of brothers falling in love with the same woman at the same time. I never thought it will happen to me one day.”

Jin Sihan moved and walked towards Nan Xiao.

“Nan Xiao give me one, I’ll smoke it with you.”

Nan Xiao swept a cold gaze at him.

“Go away, what kind of cigarette does a kid smoke.”

All these years that Jin Sihan followed him; he took him to skip classes, he took him to play and he even took him to fight.

But speaking for conscience, everything that was conductive to the physical and mental development of a child, he would let him do it, but he never let him touch cigarette or wine.

Except the day the boy was heartbroken, he had let him shout and drink which Nan Xiao normally didn’t let him touch.

Even in the fight, Jin Sihan was always behind him. He would not let him lift his finger when he was there.

As a result, one day this little wolf cub actually like the same woman with him and his gust were even bigger than him.

He and Shi Ning did not even dare to hold each other hands, but this naughty boy dared to hold her in front of many people.

Lin Suno did not say anything, in fact from the day when Jin Sihan was drank and pestered Shi Ning he could see that Jin Sihan had unusual feelings for Shi Ning.

Nan Xiao did not want to pay attention to this basted boy as his eyes fell on Lin Suno.

“Suno I’m talking to you, why are you ignoring me too.”

Lin Suno: “………”

How do you want me to react?

Telling your brother about falling in love with the same woman is actually not that exciting—

Because you have one more brother who is in love with the same woman!

Nan Xiao was accustomed to silence, he flicked his fingertips flicking the ashes away.

“Forget it, I know from your expression that you are also speechless at this kid. We have one mind.”

Lin Suno stayed quiet with his expressionless face.

What else could he say? Didn’t he say they have one mind, they also have one heart at that.

Nan Xiao stood up straight and looked at Jin Sihan in front of him.

“In that case, let’s play fair.”

“How fair?”

“First of all, you’re not allowed to hug her or act cute to her anymore.”

“Then brother, need to change your seat also. You force Shi Ning to change seat, it should not be called fair, right?”


The two men didn’t able to come up with an agreement in the end, and decided it was better to go their own way.

“Brother Xiao don’t blame me anymore?”

“Blame you for what? The woman I have my eyes on is naturally the most perfect, there would be many people who will like her and more like you is not that much since she will definitely be mine in the end.”

When he said this, his tone was full of confidence.

“That’s not necessarily true, I’m afraid.”

Lin Suno coldly interjected.


Nan Xiao turned his head.

“Suno who exactly are you helping?”

“I’m not helping anyone, because this matter is not for you to decide. Its Shi Ning who will decide.”

Lin Suno said.

Nan Xiao: “That’s true.”

Jin Sihan: “I’ll make her like me.”

“The bell is about to ring go back to class first.”

Lin Suno reminded the hot blooded youth.

Jin Sihan refused.

“It hasn’t rung yet, what’s the hurry.”

Not even five seconds later, just right after he said this the bell resounded over the whole ground.

“Damn Suno, you can even guess that.”

I didn’t even see him look at his watch either.

Lin Suno raised his legs and walked back to their classroom, just after walking a few steps the other people were still standing unhurriedly without the intention of moving.

So Lin Suno added more words and reminded them.

“Don’t you see that right now Ningning’s priority is not dating?”

“Take your studies seriously. It embarrassing that your score is as good enough as middle schooler.”

Jin Sihan and Nan Xiao: ??

So the both of them were being despised?

Returning to the classroom, Nan Xiao walked to his seat and saw Shi Ning was already reviewing the questions while waiting for the teacher to come in.

He then remembered Lin Suno’s words.

“Shi Ning.”

Shi Ning turned her head after hearing him call her name.

“Do you look down on students with poor grades?”

Shi Ning decisively said.


Nan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s good.”

“But I despise those who skip school, and play with their phone while in class. Don’t do their homework and go out to fight and brawl after class, also using the review material issued by the school as pads on their feet and those who don’t respect learning. I think they are just wasting educational resources.”

Shi Ning said in one breath.

Nan Xiao felt a piece of stone smashed on him. Shi Ning words has hit him ten more times.

He silently sat down and quietly pull out the math tutorial book below the table and patted the dust stained on it in front of Shi Ning.

“This master respects you and will never step on you under the table again.”

While Nan Xiao was talking to the book in his hand he also stole a glance at Shi Ning.

And saw her laughing.


pantomime1– Pantomime is a type of musical comedy stage production designed for family entertainment. It was developed in England and is performed throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland and in other English-speaking countries, especially during the Christmas and New Year season.