Friends don’t need to see each other often, couples were different.

Shi Ning ate lunch with his roommate and dinner with Lin Suno.

The two had dinner and then took a walk around the campus like any other young couple.

“Sihan called me today.” Shi Ning said to him.

Lin Suno: “What did he say?”

“He said he’s coming to Beijing for a concert, and asked me to bring you along.”


“Next Saturday night.”


As they were talking he never let go of Shi Ning’s hand.

Shi Ning saw the two hands clasped together, and blushed slightly, before lowering her head and pursing her lips as she smiled secretly.

When they were tired of walking, they sat on the grass, and together they watched the stars in the sky as wind blows the evening breeze, and occasional saw people walking by the campus.

This area was relatively secluded and was large, from a distance they saw a pair of men women together.

The two were taking advantage of the night’s darkness, and hugged together not even forgetting to kiss.

Shi Ning turned her head and coincidentally saw this scene, flabbergasted she immediately turned her back again.

“What’s wrong? ” Lin Suno looked at her surprised face and turned his head along to see.

“Don’t look.” Shi Ning put her hands over his face and didn’t allow him to turn around.

“Someone is kissing over there.” Shi Ning lowered her voice and whispered.

After knowing the reason of her stunned appearance, Lin Suno said.

“So what? We’re all grown up, there’s nothing unusual about this kind of thing. Do you still want to cover my eyes when you see a kiss scene like you did in the movie theater during your freshman year?”

“It is not good to peek at others.”

She argued softly.

But in fact, she didn’t want him see it because she was shy.

What she didn’t know was she was as red as an apple and Lin Suno couldn’t help but think–

The way she blushed is particularly cute.

He reached up and took her hand off the one she had placed on his face and hold her hand again.

“Ning Ning, I still feel especially surreal when I see you now, do you really like me?”

He waited too long, so when the moment he heard her say she also like him he was awed with happiness.

“We’re already together, why are you still asking me if I like you.”

Shi Ning muttered, thinking to herself that Nono was a little stupid.

“Because I like you so much that I often lose confidence.”

Hearing him say he likes her “too much”, Shi Ning hearts overflowed with sweetness. Although she didn’t like the fact that he has no confidence in himself, but since he really like her “too much” she would forgive him.

“So what does it take for you to feel confident?”

His fingers caressed her palm, and his voice was coaxing.

“Kiss me.”

“I’ll believe you like me if you give me a kiss.”

Shi Ning: “….”

How did she get the feeling that she was being set up.

She slightly lifted her eyes and met his watery eyes, perhaps the atmosphere was too good, or perhaps it was sentiment.

Shi Ning obeyed his words, leaned over and dropped a kiss on the side of his face.

Her force was light, and her soft lips gently touched and immediately withdrew.

Shi Ning has always been extremely reserved in this regard, and after being coaxed by him to kiss him, she blushed until she felt to hot.

And without waiting for her to react, his hand covered the back of her head, then his thin and cold lips fell on her forehead, and from the forehead down, he kissed her brow and eyes, the tip of her nose, and finally the corner of her lips, extremely gentle and extremely restrained.

The kiss was full of reverent and was pure, even though the way he looked at her was so deep that as if he wanted to eat her.