Before she fall in love with Lin Suno, Shi Ning once felt that marriage was very far away from her, and never thought that just after she graduated from college, she was abducted by someone to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage license.

That year, he and she were only twenty-two years old, and Lin Suno had just passed the legal age of marriage.

The staff at the Civil Affairs Bureau laughed and flirted when they saw the two of them.

“You two are the most beautiful couple I have ever seen since I worked. Your baby will be very beautiful in the future.”

Shi Ning blushed and whispered.

“The baby is still early.”

The staff smiled at her and said, “That’s not necessarily true, you guys got married quite early. From what I see this gentleman just passed his 22nd birthday yesterday, so he dragged you to apply for a marriage certificate. He couldn’t wait.”


Can’t wait

Thinking of what happened last night, Shi Ning’s face was like a cooked shrimp.

Yesterday was Lin Suno’s birthday.

The Lin’s wanted to hold a birthday party for him, but Lin Suno declined.

He said that he didn’t want to celebrate his birthday with some people he barely know, and just wanted to spend a simple celebration with her.

So, the two went to the zoo and the amusement park, had dinner together, and finally saw the premiere of a movie at midnight. They did all the happy things that a couple would do together.

In order to let Lin Suno have a fulfilling and happy day, Shi Ning made a full itinerary, and the two of them played until two o’clock in the middle of the night, and then finally finished all the things on the schedule.

When they got back to the car, Lin Suno drove her home.

Shi Ning sat on the passenger side and asked him, “Did you have a good day?”

“Very good.”

“Are you a little tired?” She seems to have arranged her schedule a little more carelessly.

“Yes, a little.” Lin Suno smiled. “It’s the first time that I have had such a fulfilling birthday.”

“You have declined the birthday dinner at home, and only let me accompany you on your birthday. Of course, I will prepare more for you.” He has always taken care of her, and she also wants to give him something.

“Thanks, baby, I had a great day.” His eyes looked at the road ahead and his free hand held her hand.

Usually, he calls her by her first name or nickname most of the time, or only when they were pampering each other as lovers and when he was particularly happy, he would call her baby.

The person sitting beside him was quiet for a moment and suddenly said, “Actually, there’s one more thing in my schedule that I haven’t done.”

Lin Suno: “Do you want to do it now? Wouldn’t it be too late, you still have to sleep.”

After their two undergraduate degrees, they were both recommended to take their master’s degrees. It was now their summer vacation, and they also returned to Yangcheng from Beijing recently. Shi Ning still lives in her family’s home while Lin Suno has been independent since childhood and moved out after college.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It really doesn’t matter? Aren’t you afraid your brother will scold you?”

“I have graduated from college, and I can make my own decisions.”

“Well, baby has grown up.” He smiled, raised his hand and touched Shi Ning’s head again, and continued to say softly. “What else do you want to do? I’ll go with you.”

Shi Ning clenched her seat belt as she bit her lip and said, “Let’s go to your house.”

“What are you doing at home so late?” They already ate the birthday cake at dinner, so it couldn’t be for his birthday.

“You’ll know when we arrive.” She whispered.

Lin Suno was puzzled, but he still listened to her.

In Linjiang Mansion.

Shi Ning followed Lin Suno into the elevator. He lives on the 25th floor, and it takes a little while to go up the elevator.

As soon as she arrived at his house, the little lady seemed to be extremely silent, but her expression was very serious. In a state of preparation, Lin Suno wondered whether she was holding up any big moves.

“Come in.”

At home, Lin Suno turned on the light and found a pair of shoes for her to change into.

Then he went into the refrigerator in the living room.

“What would you like to drink? Fruit juice?”

He only has juice and milk in his refrigerator, which was a relatively safe food in his opinion.

“It’s fine.” Shi Ning said.