Chapter 1085 All Rescue

The atmosphere in the living room of the Xiao family was stagnant.

The Xiao family and the Gu family gathered together, and everyone looked solemn.

Gu Jin, Xiao Yize and Feng Jue were all in front of the computer to quickly investigate and monitor, and Su Ye was also called by Gu Jin to help.

Ruan Xueling was worried, but she didn't dare to disturb her. Tong Wan was also worried, but she knew that Gu Yang was not in danger for the time being, so she held Ruan Xueling's hand and whispered, "Our daughter will be fine. "

Ruan Xueling nodded, but the worry on her brows could not be dispelled.

Xiao Dingkun and Xiao Zhengqian were discussing something solemnly, and they could mobilize more manpower in the capital.

Grandpa Xiao's old and majestic face is particularly calm at the moment, with sharp eyes.

The investigation of the Xiao family was proceeding intensely and methodically, which made Gu Zhaoming and Ruan Xueling feel a little more at ease.

Xiao Yize's face was condensed and serious, and he reported very quickly: "No suspicious person was seen on today's flight at any public airport in Beijing, so it can be ruled out that the gangster took his sister to leave Beijing on a public plane.

A total of nine private jets left Beijing today.

Among them, there are six helicopters, two belonging to firefighting helicopters, going out to carry out firefighting missions; three rescue helicopters belonging to the hospital under the name of the Ji family, going out to pick up critical patients; and one is the private helicopter of the Ye family, the mother and daughter of the Ye family went out of the province travel.

Apart from the monitoring of the two firefighting helicopters, the rescue helicopter of Ji's Hospital and the monitoring of Ye's private helicopter were all cut off.

The three private jets that left Beijing to go abroad belonged to the Ning family, the Bai family, and the Ji family, and the monitoring was cut off and could not be retrieved. "

Airplanes are the least in number and the easiest to check, but now there are so many surveillance power outages that cannot be investigated. It is obvious that Utopia is releasing fog bombs.

Gu Jin: "There is no abnormality in the monitoring of the water transport terminals in the surrounding cities."

Feng Jue: "There are no abnormalities in the monitoring of the streets and shopping malls in the capital."

So now it's clear that the key is air freight.

Xiao Dingkun sent people to the Ye, Ning, Ji, and Bai families to investigate and collect evidence.

It is one thing to go to investigate in person, but in order to find people faster, Xiao Dingkun called someone to obtain satellite surveillance to track the three planes leaving the country and determine their whereabouts.

After all, if Utopia wanted to smuggle people out of the country, it would definitely not choose a helicopter.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Utopia organization will take Gu Yang out of the capital by helicopter first, and then leave Beijing by plane from another place. But this will be more time-consuming.

In terms of time, the three planes of Ning, Bai and Ji's family who went abroad across the ocean are the most suspicious.

Ye family, upon learning of this, Ye Hanchen immediately gave Xiao Cheng the monitoring of the family's private airport.

The helicopter is owned by their Ye family, and they don't know when the monitoring on the plane was powered off, but the monitoring before boarding can prove that Gu Yang is not in their hands.

Although Qin Shuzhen and Ye Qingzi were reluctant to have their trip canceled suddenly, they returned to the capital to cooperate with the investigation after receiving a call from Ye Hanchen.

The suspicion of the Ye family is basically cleared.

The head of the Bai family, Bai Shao, was also quite surprised by the power failure of the private jet monitoring. In order to prove his innocence and not offend the Xiao family, he immediately asked someone to contact the plane that was traveling across the ocean, turned on the monitoring on the plane, and provided monitoring to clear away the suspicion. .

As for the Ning family and the Ji family, they evaded that the plane involved privacy and did not provide surveillance.

Finally, through satellite monitoring, it was discovered that the private planes of the Ji family and the Ning family had arrived at O ​​Continent and M Continent respectively.

(end of this chapter)