Song Bei’s words, Li Ai Guo believed half and did not believe the other half, but he slapped his thighs in approval: “Spoken very well.”

“Okay, I’ll speak to my superior some time later, then get the approval note.”

“We can’t let our heroes be disappointed!” Li Ai Guo promised quite straightforwardly, “Colonel Song, I’ll go with you to greet the heroes!”

Song Bei cursed him in his heart: This sly guy, bastard!

Cursing in his heart, but smiling happily on his face: “Deal, let’s go together, but it’s very dangerous there, not many people can go.”

“You’ve official business to attend to, and are busy, how about calling over a young comrade to follow behind us in a car and be done with it.”

Li Ai Guo laughed: “How can I do that ah? Speaking truthfully, I’m also very curious. That troop of monkey’s intelligence is almost catching up to that of humans. If I go look at them personally, I’ll at least be able to gain some experience. Who knows, maybe they may help us next time, in any case, we can be considered neighbors of neighbors.”

Song Bei smilingly sent away Li Ai Guo, turned his face, and exclaimed: “Old sly bastard!”

Li Ai Guo hummed, with disdain across his face: “This crafty Song deceiver, he definitely knows an inside story that I don’t know about and wants to hide it from me!”

There’s no way I’ll believe it when Song Bei says that he wants to get along with the neighbors, you’re fine, I’m fine, everybody’s fine.

My ass! As your neighbor, you also have that Amur tiger, so why don’t you gift something to the Amur tiger?

Anyhow, it saved your right-hand man!

This can’t be, when I get the opportunity, I’ll call Xiao Fang to ask him. This stupid thing, he went out with them for a trip, but after returning, he’s like a fool that doesn’t know anything no matter what you ask him.

Angering this grandma to death! Still needs to be trained!

And there’s that extremely shrewd Old Song, doing something sneakily and hiding it from me, that’s not honest!

“There was a photographer that came searching for you,” Qin Xiao remembered Liu Feng: “He said that he wanted to take some photos of you, are you willing?”

“…” That art fanatic, he’s a nutjob but still hasn’t been sent to the psychiatric hospital? Bai Xia Xia’s head shook like a rattle, Some people look normal on the surface, but behind everybody’s back, they’re mentally ill. 

I don’t want to deal with people with mental problems, I pass.

The most important thing is… what, you want to freeload? Calling me to be a model with no pay, I let it go once, but this time, he came to my door, yet he didn’t even mention compensation.

Only stupid cats would accept.

Smart cats don’t do things that are strenuous and unrewarding!

Long-term freeloading? Are you surnamed handsome?

“Then when he comes next time, I’ll help you refuse.”

Bai Xia Xia heard about this matter and forgot it; she did not put importance on it. She was particularly concerned about the progress of the stray cats in their search for the kidnappers, and there had been no cat returning from the west district to send a message.

Bai Xia Xia had sneakily gone to the alley two to three times. The stray cats that were originally gathered there had disappeared, there was not even one.

After eating, the cat once again ran to the alley.

On her way, there was a big auntie who used all kinds of leftover food to entice her, the food bowls were very dirty, and were all dodged by Bai Xia Xia.

She even heard that auntie regret that she would have to throw the food into the trashcan, that it would be bothersome.

Bai Xia Xia: So I’m basically a living trashcan then?

The kitty waited in the alley for some time, its paws tugged its ears, then turned away its body in disappointment; when it was almost out of the alley, it heard the sound of wings fluttering, and a thing flew down.

A gray-spotted dove landed on the rooftop, its feathers were slick, and its beady eyes turned left and right consecutively.

When they stopped on the body of the Persian cat, the beady eyes lit up, “Are you that rich cat from a wealthy family? The foreign breed one? This is rare ha!” Bai Xia Xia was startled by the gray dove’s rough and clear northeast accent.

“I’m Hui Ban Jiu[1], you may call me Xiao Hui. It was given by my stupid master. F*ck, he really has no self-control, it doesn’t show at all my power and grandeur, handsomeness, and formidableness…”

Bai Xia Xia’s cat face was frozen: Mommy, look, this dove knows how to speak idioms[2]!

“Why are you standing there stupidly, this lord is speaking to you.” Hui Ban Jiu gently combed its feathers, emitting gugugu sounds. Outside of the alley, some people occasionally passed by, and when they heard this sound, they would take some glances at the alley.

When they saw a gray dove, they did not pay attention to it, but… This dove’s gugu sound’s frequency is a bit high.

The passersby would have definitely never thought, that the reason this Eurasian collared dove was crying, was because it was passionately scolding its master, their national curse words spoken in a dialect came out successively, Bai Xia Xia: Let the ancestors calm this dove ah…

Only a minute had passed, but Bai Xia Xia already had a preliminary understanding of the dove’s master.

— —Likes to wear black clothing, seems to be extremely idle during normal days, may be a writer, lives alone. Loves to talk with the dove, and hugs the dove to watch television together, reads newspapers and tells stories to the dove. One human and one dove mutually dependent on each other.

Then, a Xiao Hui that knows how to speak with a heavy northeast accent was trained from that.

Xiao Hui was there doing a one-person comedy sketch by himself, and he did not give opportunity for Bai Xia Xia to chime in.

“Aiyo, shoot! Look at the time, this lord must hurry back home to eat dinner, otherwise that stupid master will yell my name in the whole neighborhood, this is terrible!”

The small gray dove flapped its wings to fly away, Bai Xia Xia chased it some steps: “Eh, didn’t you come to find me?”

Xiao Hui stirred its wings: “It’s all my stupid master’s fault, infecting me, I almost forgot.”

Bai Xia Xia: “…” You didn’t almost, but had already forgotten, okay?

“There was a cat that told me to send you a message, they’re probably finding it soon, told you to wait a bit more, and that there would be news these two days.”

“If there’s news, I’ll come to deliver the news to you.”

Bai Xia Xia still wanted to ask questions, but ‘Hui ge’ energetically flapped its wings fast, and soon charged towards the blue sky, leaving for the west.

From far away, she could still hear the gray dove’s gugu sounds.

It was probable that it was still cursing its stupid master, afraid that if it returned late, he would die socially.

Translator’s comments:

This is a true dove messenger.

Translator’s notes:

[1] 灰斑鸠 means Eurasian collared dove, but since it introduced itself like that, it’s using it as its name.

[2] When Xiao Hui described said ‘power and grandeur, handsomeness, and formidableness’, it used four-word idiomatic expressions.