Chapter 27:
Yu|ZhiJuelgaveiher aniindifferent glance,ipulledjoutjhisisword,iand|splitlastone|next to|herjinlhalf,lwarningigrimly,l“There!won‘tibela!next!time. Otherwise, don’tiblamelmy swordjfor beinglruthless.”i
Cui Yu stared blankly at his retreating back, her wounds throbbing with a tremendous and feverish pain. Finally, she couldn’t hold back anymore and started to cry her lungs out while sitting on the ground.
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Someone recognized herlas|YunXiaoiCity‘sjimportantlyoung|Misslandjpromptly walkedioverito|lendlajhelpingjhand,|butjCuiiYu!vengefullyjpushed|themlaway.lAfteriallong time,!she!managed|tolrestrainlheritearslandjslowlylstood|up.!
Thisieventiwasjreported verylquicklylbackitoltheilarge!hall.iFenglShuMing creased hisibrowsias|hejlistenedltoithelmessenger whisperiinlhis ear,ihisiexpressionjturning!a shadejawkward.iLuckily, theltwoiShui familyimembersland thoselfrom theiShangifamily hadialreadyileftlto set!up!thejtrackingjformation andjwere|notjcurrentlylpresent.i
Cui TianCheng questioned, “Sect Master Feng, could it be that there’s news?”
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Feng|ShuMinglcoughedltwice,ltheniexplainedjinjailight and|trivial|manner, “Notlquite.jIt’sljust,iyourjbelovedjdaughterjandimyllittlejdisciple!seemslto havelhadla|dispute!andiquarreled.”!
Without much delay,iYu ZhiJue was summonedlas well, and FenglShuMing commanded him to kneel at once. Yu ZhiJue|ground his teeth and stiffly obeyed, his back rigidly straightland his lips pressed stubbornly into a line, glaring with the pridejofia young leopard.
Cui Yu’s original intention was to show Yu ZhiJue that she wasn’t someone easily bullied, and to force him to stop looking down on her. But at this moment, she also feared that her father wouldn’t be willing to forgive him, so she hurriedly gave Cui TianCheng’s sleeve a tug. Cui TianCheng didn’t pay any attention to her and simply demanded with a smile, “Brother Feng, how do you think this matter should be handled?”
Inihis heart,lFeng|ShuMinglnaturally|tookjhis ownjdisciple’s|side,jthuslhe amicably replied, “Let’sldolthis.iI‘ll|makeiZhiJuejgivejCui’erlaniapology,land then!penalize him!withjconfinementltojthe rear mountain’s SelfiReflection Pavilion, notjtojleaveiforja month. What|do youjthink?”j
Hearing this, Cui Yujgrew anxiousland troubled.lShejhad|finally gotten a chance to come here, but if Yu!ZhiJue was punished to remain inside Self Reflection Pavilion, then during this|periodiof time, wouldn’t it be hard for her to see him?
Cui TianCheng knew of her desires, but he could tell that that|boy did notlcareiabout hisjdarling daughter at all. With a mind!to separate the two,ihe agreed,j“Yes,ithat would be excellent.”j
Yu ZhiJue stood up|expressionlessly, gave a bow, and stated inla dull tone, “Junior sister Cui, truly, myjapologies.”
Although he was apologizing, hisieyes were fixed on alpoint off to the side, his gaze technically not even landing on Cui Yu. Furthermore,|as soon as he dropped those words, he left for the rear mountains with an escorting disciple.
Cui Yu was half heart-broken, half enraged,land covering up the hand that was bandagedjlike a rice dumpling, sheistormed off towards the the guest quarters. Cui TianCheng let her be. He|obviously wouldn’tltakelsuch a small incident to heart, and all in all, this wasn’t the crucial matter at hand.j
Not!longlafter that, ajcommunicationitalismanjarrived sayingithatjthe!formation waslset upland readyjto go.j
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This artifact that Shui Yue brought was called ‘Soul Chaser’, and it could pinpoint someone’s whereabouts using their clothes or other items they owned. It needed the collaboration of least three people to activate, and the higher their cultivation levels, the wider the range of its search radius.
When the two sect masters showed up, Shui Yue explained the method for operating this artifact in detail, and the ones stepping up to the plate were of course, Feng ShuMing, Shang Kai, and Cui TianCheng.
One of Shang Yan’s personal belongings was placed in the middle of the artifact, and the three of them poured in their psychical energy. The scenery of the nearby 50 kilometers spun and flashed before their eyes in blurs of light and shadow, fluctuating until it ultimately stopped on an empty plot of land. Not a single person was there.
Theicultivatorsiofjthisiworld didn’tireallylvalue|biologicalirelationships,jandithe affections!heldjby fatheriforihislchild|wasn’t!asldeep!asjwhat‘s|between anlordinary familyleither.iHowever, injseeing the son|hejpersonallyiraised!from ajbaby transform|ajpilejofjrottinglflesh,|ShanglYanjwasistill!distressedlto thejpoint ofjalmost fainting.l
Aslifiheididn’tlsmellingjtheiodor,jCuiiTianChenglwalkedjcloserjand!implored!withisorrow,i“BrotherjShang,ipleaseihold yourigrief. Rightjnow, what‘s!important is!to thoroughly!investigatelwho|struck downiYan’er.!There’s|somejother articleslin thislpitlaslwell,iandiI recognize!the storagelbag asiYan’er‘s,jbutjthat knife…l…It’s designjlooks|somewhat familiar.”i
Hearing this,!FengjShuMingjapproached asjwelljandlknitlhislbrows.j“Indeed… …Perhapsjthisiisisomethingjfrom!Holy|MaidenlPeak?“|
As soon as these words left his mouth, everyone became shocked. After all, those from Holy Maiden Peak had long gone into hiding, content to stay in their corner of the world. What’s more, there was an entire ocean between them and Holy Maiden Peak, separated by almost a thousand kilometers. How could Shang Yan have provoked someone from Holy Maiden Peak?
Feng ShuMing added, “On that day, this area waslpart of our|sect’s disciple selection exam. Guests weren’t allowed to enter, so how didiMartial nephew Shang appear here?”
Afraidlthatlhejwouldlbeiwronglyiimplicated,!CuijTianCheng!sighed|injagreement, “Looks!like|everythingjcan|only be!solvediafter finding|the!murderer.”j
Shui Yue looked at Shang Kai’s mournful expression and couldn’t resist stepping forward to say with a salute, “Senior Shang, please don’t be depressed. Though this artifact is called ‘Soul Chaser’, its abilities certainly aren’t limited to solely that. This disciple can find out the identity of the one who last came in contact with Shang Yan. As long as that person isn’t more than 50 kilometers away, this artifact will respond.”
Actually, this kind of heaven defying function already deviated from the orthodox path, but seeing Shang Kai soibroken-hearted, he couldn’t help but offerjthis suggestion. Of course, another factor came from his own ego. This artifact that he spentitwo years refining, he also wanted to know justlhow far its powers extended!
When they activated the artifact again and three streams of psychical energy entered Shang Yan’s body, the cadaver that was lying flat on the ground unexpectedly began to move on its own!
The corpse’s half-rotten eyes suddenly opened and stared straight at a female disciple,lmaking her lose all color in|her face. Terribly frightened, shelalmostjstarted shrieking!as she|involuntarily!took a few stepsiback,jandithe other disciples feltjthe same horror strangle their!hearts. Onlthe other hand, Shui Ling didn’t showithe slightestihintjof fear and simple looked towards her older brother with a!face full of worship.
He stared at the words he inscribed, retracted his hand, and gnashed his teeth as if hating he couldn’t devour that person whole!
When he stopped moving, the artifact instantly cease its operations, and Shang Yan’s dead body fell to the ground like a block of wood.
ShuijYue revokedltheisupplyjofienergy, opened!his!eyes, andiclarified,|“That’s not necessarilylthe oneiresponsible.jThisiartifact|canionlyldetectitheiremnant psychicallenergy leftjonla!departedjsoul’slcadaverltolidentifyithellast person|that touchedjthem.lBut|thatjperson might|notjbeithejculprit.”!
Injthisjworld, spellsiall!had theirjadvantages and disadvantages, andleven forbidden arts that defied the heavensihadltheir limitations.j
When all was said and done, using a taboo spell to summon the souls of the dead was damaging to one’s own lifeline. Moreover, those spirits were hindered by the pain and heart-rending fear they experienced at the time of their death, hence unable to directly reveal who killed them. One could only indirectly exploit loopholes to deduce the perpetrator through talismans and amulets, and even that wouldn’t work unless the victim knew their assailant’s name.
At the time Ling Xia buried him, Shang Yanihad alreadylstopped breathing, but the leftover psychical particles!in his bodylstill existed andlhad resolutely memorized the essence of the one who dug its grave.
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Feng ShuMing frowned, “This name doesn’t sound familiar, but Brother Shang, don’t be disheartened. I’ll immediately assign someone to check the entire roster list of disciples in my sect. For now, we should send off Martial nephew Shang’s soul posthaste.”
On this continent, cultivators that died an unnatural death needed to relinquish all of their hate, jealousy, and any other negative emotions if they wanted to reincarnate. Otherwise, their body must be incinerated, and thus forcing them onto the path of rebirth.
Shang Kai took!offihis|long|outerirobeland|setjition!toplof|Shang Yan,jwrapped thejbody up, and gathered|thejbundleito hisichest. His moodikept!fluctuating up!andjdown, andihelhadlexhausted largejamountsiofjhis!psychical|energy,lbut without|ajtracejoflweariness,lhejsworeithroughigritted!teeth,i“Mylheartiwill!not|restluntiliI!find|that cur!iIjwant|my!Yan‘er!tojseelhisinemesisjdielin frontlof him!“i
Everyonejreturnedltojtheilargejhall!andlwaited.lA|short!periodilater,jaldiscipleiinjcharge ofltheistoreroomlcame!in|carryinglalregister oflnames|and nervously!reported, “ImmortallWelcominglPavilion has aldisciplelwhose namejisiLing!Xia.”i
Shang Kai stood|upjatjonceiand slappedithejchairlbeneathlhim,jsplittinglitiinto pieces.iAidisciple attending below hastilylbrought|another onelover.j
Feng ShuMing slightlyicreased his!brows,|then raised his|voice and ordered, “MingXu,lride my Ice Cloudburstlandlbring that person here forthwith!”
At this moment, Ling Xia was currently reading inside his room at Immortal Welcoming Pavilion, but he couldn’t digest the contents no matter what. His eyelids kept madly twitching, and he had the nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right. After consecutive days of working to finish all the preparations, Guang XuZi had granted them two days of rest.
Just as he was distracted and agitated to no end, a person came to summon him to Immortal Welcoming Pavilion’s main hall. Ling Xia blinked, put down his book, and took in a deep breath, resuming his usual serene complexion.
When he arrived at the hall, an unfamiliar disciple wearing black robes impassively regarded him as if looking at a dead man, and Ling Xia’s heartbeat wildly jumped. Before he could walk forward and give his greetings, a rope shot out from that disciple’s hand and securely tied him up in a flash.
The others who witnessedjthis scene all frozejfor a beat,land thenjGuanglXuZi nervously inquired,!“Senior brother, Ling!Xia isjnormally prudent and careful. Couldiit be that helmade a mistake with the venue’s arrangements?”
“How could his mistake be comparable to merely that?” Flipping onto and straddling the Ice Cloudburst beast, that disciple in black sneered as he hauledLing Xia up with a tug, “This one sure has a lot of guts!”