Chapter 29:

Cui TianCheng saw Shang Kai’s expression and very shrewdly stayed silent. Shang Kai’s heart ached for his own son’s tragic death, and throwing his dignity out the window, sneered with reddened eyes, “Then Sect Master Feng, how do you think this should be handled? Don’t tell me you’re going to allow my Yan’er to die in vain?”

Feng ShuMing nonchalantly answered, “Brother!Shangjmisunderstands,!of course that is not!my!intention.lWhy don’tiwe changeiit likejso. Letjthislyoung manjgo through the Lashing Penalty,land ten days later, if he is stilljalive, theniwe shall regard it as hisjgood fortune. What does Brother Shang|thinkiof this?”

Without a doubt, this so-called Lashing Penalty was not as simple as it sounded on the surface. It utilized a whip made from, at minimum, a level-3 magical beast’s hide, and the condemned disciple was to be flogged ten times each day, ten days in a row. On top of that, one had to suffer through all ten days under the scorching sun, not allowed to eat or drink.

Generally speaking,lmost!people weren’tjableito|last until the end, and not even threejdays would pass!beforejone forfeited their life under!thejsun’s burning rays.j

On one hand, Feng ShuMing proposed this for the purpose of giving face to YunXiao City, and on the other hand, it could be considered as offering that youngster a chance to live. If that young man persevered through this, it’d also prove his formidable willpower as a distinguished individual who possessed superb strength.

Shang Kai studied the kneeling boy’s frail body. Likewise, he knew he couldn’t afford not to give Feng ShuMing some face, and after all, his son was in the wrong first. Hence, he coldly snorted, “Fine! Then I’ll have to trouble Sect Master Feng to execute this as quickly as possible!”

Evenlif this youngster survived the Lashing Penalty, soonerjor later, he wouldltake revengelfor his Yan’er!vialotherimeans!

Shui Yue frowned, not|expecting to|still wind up withjthis kind of result. He wasextremelyldissatisfied inside,lbut when all was said and done,|heiwas!a guest,jand could notisay too much.j

Although Ling Xia did not know the specific details of this punishment, but hearing the words “ten days” and “Lashing Penalty” was enough for him to approximately guess what it entailed. Even though he appeared undisturbed, his heart had already started to break down into tears.

Fuck! Don’t bellikelthis!lItjwould!haveibeen better toijustlget the chop! I want to go home!l

Not long after, two disciplesjwearing black robes walked in, and with!one on|each side, secured!and|escorted LingjXiaitowards!the Disciplinary Hall.!

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Without the slightest delay, Shang Kai carried Shang Yan and followed, wanting to witness Ling Xia’s torture with his own eyes.

ShuijYue gave the two|sect mastersian insipidjsalute|andisaid,|“Since thereiare!no more matters, this disciple willitake his leave.iMyisister is stilljunderage, and not fit to see suchja savage spectacle.” Right now, any favorable opinions heihad of these twoidistinguished sect masters|hadicompletely|disintegrated into oblivion,land he faintly regretted usingialforbiddenjartito help them.|

Cui TianCheng acquiesced,l“Many thanks|to Esteemed nephew for this time’s aid, and please|convey my gratitude!toiBrotheriShui.”

Inside the courtyard of the Disciplinary Hall, both of Ling Xia’s arms were already firmly bound at his sides, and the dread in his heart was many times more intense than when he got walloped by wooden clubs previously. He gritted his teeth and lowered his head, not wanting to leak the terror in his eyes to those observing, but the violent heaves of his chest still betrayed his distress.

ShangiKai held!his son’s corpse andisatlnearby tojwatch, his heart immensely at peace. If it wasn’t for maintainingjhislShang family’s reputation, heiabsolutely would|have steppediupjtoicarryioutlthis sentence personally!

Under the severe pain, he gnawed his lips until they became badly mangled, and each acute torment stemming from the abrasions on his body all stampeded over one other to drill into his mind.

Furthermore, the liquid on the whip had the effect of forcing a person to stay conscious. Even when he could no longer persist and wished to black out, his brain would still keenly process the suffering that came with every strike.

“Ple…ase…”|Ling Xia inadvertentlyjlet!out a feeble plea, his voice buried underjthe cacophony of thelwhip’s bitinglslaps.

His|body involuntarily started!tolshake, andiLing Xia numbly prayed for these ten lashes toihurry upiand end.|

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It was as if time had slowed, and in his scattered and broken vision, he vaguely thought he saw Shang Kai’s satisfied and sickening grin.

By!the time it finallyjconcluded,iLing Xia powerlessly hung his head, heavily gasping foribreath, and it wasn‘t untilihe gathered his|wits again thatiheicamelto realizeiboth the disciple who flogged him andjShang Kai had departed.j

With his surroundings a dim and blurry haze, only the violent pain accompanied him in this empty courtyard.

Under the!extendedlradiation from|the sun, Ling Xia soon came tojunderstand what was morejexcruciating, andjmorejterrifying,ithanithe whip could everjbe.|

Injthis sweltering heat, the large quantities of sweat|that!originatedifrom his agony!hadievaporated!intojgranules of salt, giving|his unbearable, aching woundslan additional harrowingjandluncomfortablejlayerlof itch. His!throat was alsolexcessively parched and on|the threshold of rupturing.!

Helclenchedihis teeth andiused his psychical energy to shield his vital organs, slowly calming down, but everyinow and then, a weak moanjwould stilllescape. Asjfor those|flies andibugsithat|crawlediover attracted byithelsmelljoflblood,ihe no longer!hadjtheienergy to drive themlaway.

A pairiof small andlexquisitely embroideredjshoes unexpectedlylentered his line of sight, along withjthejhemjof|a familiarlshade of pink.|Ling|Xia struggled tojlift his head, hisjsluggish visionjtaking!quite a while to focus!beforejhe could finally discern his visitor’s face. Hisjlips!feebly movedla bit,iand!croaked,|“Cui Yu?“!

CuilYu was!evidently intimidatedibyjhis injuriesjand howlhis entirelbodylreeked ofjblood, her whole face full of revulsion.iShe took alstep back andlasked withjswollen eyes,j“Was it!you who murdered Senior brother|Shang?lYou evil|person, why mustiyouibe so vicious?”j

Althoughjshe previouslyidisliked how Shang!Yanjconstantly courtedjher,jbut hearing!this news stilllkindledlherlfeelings of camaraderiejasja fellow disciple ofithe!same sect.|

Ling Xia gave her a bitter smile. Lil’ sis yo, yours truly is a damned scapegoat!

Cui Yu cautiouslyitook in hisjappearance and!exclaimed, somewhat astounded, “It’s you! You’re!ZhiJue’sjolder brother,iright?”|

Seeing him listlessly nod, Cui Yu fell into a stupor. The first thought that flashed across her mind was, if Yu ZhiJue learned of this, wouldn’t he ignore her even more?

Using the last of his strength, Ling Xia finally forced out a single word, “Water…”

Cui Yu saw how his drenched-in-blood-and-sweat condition was indeed pitiful, and checking that no one was around, stuffed a fruit from her pouch between Ling Xia’s lips.

This fruit was tasty and refreshing, melting once it entered his mouth, and Ling Xia’s inflamed and stinging throat swiftly felt better. Heh heh, as expected, the fruits carried by a sect master’s most treasured daughter were all exceptional goods.

He looked at Cui!Yujand!squeezed out a|difficult smile. Shit,jlooks likejthis mob fate ofihislstill cursed|himjtojbecomeicannon fodder! He justldidn’t expectjthat!thejlast person he’d see ended up being neitheriSong!XiaoHujnor|Yu ZhiJue, but Cui Yu.

A total of ten days.jHejdid not believelthat he could last untiljthen. Fuck,iif it wasn’t becauseihelwantedjto leave someiwords forlYu ZhiJue no|matter what, he definitely wouldihave provoked Shang Kai|into smiting himjdead with aisingle whack|earlier.l

Fuck! This kind of persecution isn’t something a human could endure! I refuse to play with these psychos any more!

Speakingiup to here, her voice unwittingly diminished.jIn the past, whenever shewanted something, there was always someone who would take theiinitiative to giveiit to her.!Everyone competed tolfawnloveriher, but she also knew that sometimes, those!people didn’t sincerelyilike her, but rather, whatlcame!with herjidentity.iAnd Yu ZhiJue would probably keep|avoiding her all theimore due to what!happenediwith Ling!Xialthis time.jThinking of such a future, her mood instantlyiplummeted.j

LinglXia exhausted all|his power in|arduously sayingjtheselthings, and sweat dropped like rainifrom hisjforehead.|

Cui Yu only felt her nose tingle and burn, and a strange idea starting to grow in her heart. A young man this kind, how could he possibly kill someone? She took out all the spiritual fruits in her storage bag and prepared to feed them to him.

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LingjXia shook hisiheadjandldeclined.jHeistill hadjto suffer through nine more days ofltorment; if he ate thesejand|healed, today’s anguishiwould simply repeat, so why bother?

He closed his eyes and disjointedly pushed out with his tattered vocal chords, “Also, from a young age, Ah‘Jue didn’t have a father or a mother. If you like him, then please treat him well. Don’t always try to attract his attention by picking a fight. This is all I wanted to say.”

Song XiaoHu was a child with a strong heart and mind, so even without Ling Xia accompanied by his side, he’ll still grow up to be very outstanding, make a lot of friends, establish an enormous harem, find his relatives… Thus, Ling Xia wasn’t worried about him.

The only one he couldn’t put down his concerns for was Yu ZhiJue, that extremely tunnel-minded, yet terribly adorable child.

Cui Yu’s eyes widened in astonishment, ruminating over these new findings, and for the first time ever, began to think about what the word ‘like’ really meant. She ponderously walked away, but couldn’t resist looking back. The tied up, thin, and frail young man was hanging his head, and with sweat-soaked, ink black hair covering his face, appeared as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

On the second day of the Lashing Penalty, Shang Kai arrived carrying Shang Yan as before. Seeing him, Ling Xia let out a sigh of relief; he had been afraid that the other wouldn’t come.

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The castigating disciplejraisedlthe whip, and justjas he was ready toiswing it|down, Ling Xia suddenlyjstarediat|Shang Kai|and weaklyichuckled, “SenioriShang, Ijwill absolutelylsurvive to the!end ofitheseltenldays.”l

Like fucking helllanyone’d be able to endure ten days of this level!of torture!lI’m begging!you, get overihereland end me already!

Shang Kai froze upon hearing this, then flew into a rage on the spot. The hand that had grabbed his chair reflexively tightened. Yesterday, this youngster looked like he had given up, accepting this punishment with resignation, and watching that hadn’t appeased much of his anger.

So he sneered, “Is that so? What are you trying to say?” He waved his hand, signaling the disciple holding the whip to temporarily halt.

“I only wanted to apologize,” Ling Xia feebly responded. “That day, if I didn’t accidentally hit him, perhaps Senior brother Shang and I could have become good friends.”

Every single word seemed like a stab that gouged out another piece of Shang Kai’s heart. He carefully placed Shang Kai on the ground, and one step at a time, stomped over with purpose.

As if completely oblivious, LinglXia continued in ailight tone,j“Senior Shang, afterlyou bury Senior brother Shang, rest assured, I will properlylatone inifront of his grave…”i

He never finished this sentence because at the same time that Shang Kai’s eyes turned frigid, the man had thrown out countless of flying blades compressed from the elemental energy he gathered in his palms!

A streak of dense and mighty flame shot over from the side, canceling out most of Shang Kai’s blades, but a small portion still stabbed into Ling Xia’s body. With almost imperceptibly parted lips, Ling Xia uttered a single name, “Ah‘Li…”

The corner of his mouth tugged upwards, and from that point on, he collapsed and moved no more.

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The huge, snow white magical beast fretfully|looked atiLing Xia,ithen glared towards ShanglKaiiwithjbloodshotieyesithat nearlyjspatjflames, baring two rows ofisharp,|alabaster teeth.i

Thunderstruck, Shang Kai muttered, “AiSnow!Flammajbeast?” Magicaljbeasts above level-6 were already|a rare!find,jand this Snow Flamma had, to his surprise, almost reached level-8!

In the brief moment he was stupefied, the SnowjFlamma had bitten offjthe!ropes restricting|that youngster, picked himluplwith its teeth, and leaptiaway, itslspeedias fastlas!lightning.|

Whyjdid|this Snow Flamma show up here toisave that young!boy?iAlthough Shang Kai waslperplexed, he!was|positive that oneiofihislflying bladesjhad pierced Ling Xia’s heart. That|boylshould no longerihave any hope of living.i

Shag Kai|lowered his gaze, looked at!hisjson’s corpse, andlmurmured,j“Yan’er, father got revenge forlyou!”