This friar is Ji Chenyan. He is 32 years old. He is a golden elixir.

In this world of Xiuzhen, which is often hundreds or thousands of years old, 32 years old is too young. At this age, it can be regarded as the first-class qualification to cultivate to the golden elixir stage.

Once a person thinks he is excellent, his ambition is easy to grow.

Nowadays, guiyunzong is the most powerful Xiuzhen sect in the world. In Guiyun sect, the highest position is the leader, and the second hand is the leader of twelve peaks.

Ji Chenyan is one of the twelve peaks.

But he was not willing to be a peak leader. Ji Chenyan wanted to be the leader, and further expand Guiyun sect's power to unify the whole cultivation world.

If you are ambitious, you need more of yourself.

Ji Chenyan is reckless in his cultivation. One of them is caught in the devil carelessly, and his muscles burst and he dies.

Die so suddenly and hold back to bend, want to unify the desire of the true world to become a grudge, obsession.

Shen Yan supported the ground and stood up with difficulty.

His muscles and veins are seriously damaged now. It's nothing for him to walk about. But if he exercises, his muscles and veins will burst immediately and die thoroughly.

Damn it! Eggs!

A monk who can't protect himself is too dangerous in this dangerous world.

But what's more dangerous is that Ji Chenyan, as one of the twelve peak masters of Guiyun sect, took a group of inner disciples down the mountain for training this time.

He not only needs to find a way to protect himself, but also needs to find a way to protect these disciples.

It's hard.

Shen Yan meditated cross legged and combed his muscles. When the black air on his face was gone, he went out and went downstairs.

Guiyunzong's disciples are all wearing water blue school clothes and are sitting in the hall on the first floor of the inn to have a rest. At this time, seeing Shen Yan coming, they all stood up and saluted, "master Ji Feng."

Shen Yan felt like a God for a moment. It's a long time since he was worshipped in a high position. There is no need for him to raise his hand at will

Although that's what he said, Ji Chenyan usually has a lot of power. How dare his disciples feel free? When Shen Yan sat down, they dared to sit back on the bench.

"Help!! Help

A milky cry for help suddenly rushed into the inn.

The disciples of Guiyun sect immediately grasped the sword in their hands. They are the first decent sect in the world, and it is their duty to eliminate the evil and pacify the good.


Soon, a dirty baby broke into the inn. His clothes were broken and dirty, and the original material and color could not be seen. His hair was shaggy, and his face was covered with mud and blood. He couldn't tell his true appearance.


All the way, the baby dashed into Shen Yan's arms in the chaos, trembling all over and pleading: "uncle, please help me..."

Shen Yan's body is frozen. There are so many people in the hall of the inn. How can this milkman rely on him?

Several tall men in black hats came after them. They recognized Shen Yan's sect clothes and didn't dare to rush out. Instead, they stood three steps away from Shen Yan and said, "hand over the children! We don't want to be enemies with guiyunzong! "

Shen Yan's first reaction is to hand over the people. After all, he can't do his best now. Let alone save others, he can't even protect himself. Why bother himself?