Shen Yan, listening to Wen Mo's question, felt more and more shocked, and his back was chilly. He pushed away the abnormal man and said, "I don't know what it means!"

Before the voice fell, he turned around and left. The soles of his feet were like stepping on the wheel of wind and fire.

Winmer rushed over and tried to hold him from behind. But the silence goes too fast, and Wenmo only catches a corner. Then, there was a crack.

Because of one person desperately walking, one person desperately pulling, under the huge tension, Shen Yan's clothes were pulled down directly. But he still did not look back, as if there were ghosts chasing him, and he went out in a hurry.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with him, Wenmo said in a high voice: "I'll help you cure the third prince!!"

Shen Yan stopped and turned back, half believing and half doubting, and said, "the third prince has his own doctor. I don't need you."

Wenmo quickly fell down from the second floor and vowed: "if those quack doctors in Tai hospital were useful, would the third prince still be sick in bed now? If you want the third prince to recover, you'll have to find me! "

Shen Yan looks at the fragment of Yuan Dan with a very tangled look.

Wenmo is a full ten medicine refining devil. He doesn't care about anything except medicine refining. In essence, he is no different from a super invincible metamorphosis.

If you take such a person back to the palace, you will be in great danger!

But, Du Zhi's body also really can't drag. Day by day, he saw that Du Zhi was not able to move, and he was worried.

After thinking for a while, Shen Yan nodded slightly and said, "OK, come back with me. But I'm going to tell you that if you can't cure my Lord, or if you act recklessly, I'll kill you! " I absorbed you directly!!

"Good." Wenmo answered.


"Shen Yan!" When Du Zhi saw his princess, he jumped down from the bed and put him in his arms. The direct result is that the body can't bear to eat, and finally was carried back to bed by the princess, or very standard princess.

"Where have you been before? I can't find you anywhere Du Zhi didn't care about his shame. He was so worried that his eyes were filled with silence. He held people's hands and his voice trembled when he asked questions.


Shen Yan gave a dry cough. He realized that his previous experience was a bit shameful. After beautifying it in his mind, he said in a low voice: "I came out of the hot spring at that time. I felt something was wrong around me. As a result, I saw a suspicious person sneaking around."

"I ran after him immediately. Who knew that he was so fast that he turned over and went out of the palace! Where can I let him run away?! I'm going after you

"This man is also very strong. I chased him for several hours and finally caught him!! Who do you think he is? " Shen Yan, with a smile and a pick of eyebrows, said with deep pride, "this man is actually Wenmo! I just caught him! I didn't even get a chance to take any medicine on him

Princess Du looked at the house in silence.

He knew that Shen Yan must be boasting.

This word filter, three true, seven false.

Nine times out of ten, it's Wenmo who takes away Shenyan, but Shenyan seizes the opportunity to fight back.

Du Zhi's eyes turned cold and his fists gradually clenched.

Robbing people under his nose!

He had no desire for the throne, but his brother pressed him step by step. He made a little prince bully him here!!