"I didn't suffer much..." Shen Yan doesn't want to say anything sensational. Now he looks at a dog man just like he looks at a human form drug. He just wants to confirm that he is the man.

"We've been apart for so long, do you just want to talk nonsense?" Shen Yan directly presses the dog man to the bed and pulls off the dog man's belt.

Du Zhi was not well before, but Shen Yan was arrested later. In this way, they have never really married since they got married.

Du Zhi's enthusiasm was hooked up, and he was no longer talking nonsense. He was very excited to pick Shen Yan's clothes.

They are both in high spirits. They are both in the attitude of being a good person.

So, at the critical moment, they were on the bar.

"I'll come this time, you next time." Shen Yan expressway.

Du Zhi showed no sign of weakness and returned the words intact: "this time I'll come, next time I'll change you."

"No way!" He said in a dumb voice.

Both of them had to fight against each other.

But the two men's force value is equal, no one can have the upper hand, stalemate.

"Just scissors, stone, paper, who lost who is below!" Shen Yan suggested.

Du Zhi's eyes were dim, nodded and said in a dumb voice: "good."

"Stone scissors, paper!"

Shen Yan won and excitedly pressed Du Zhi's shoulder, but the dog man didn't cooperate at all.

"Why, do you want to cheat?" Shen Yan is dissatisfied with the tunnel.

"Two out of three." Du Cheng said in a hoarse voice, "you just won one game. It's not a win."

Shen Yan frowned and said, "who said two wins in three games? It's a one game game game. "

"I said two out of three." Du Cheng obstinately said, "you just didn't make clear the rules yourself, do you want to deliberately pit me?"


Who is going to pit who?

Shen Yan was dissatisfied, but in view of the fact that he could not take advantage of the force, he had to compromise: "two wins in three games, two wins in three games. Come on! continue! I'll still beat you! "

In the second game, Du Zhi wins.

It was a draw.

The third is crucial, and it's up to you to win.

Shen Yan held his breath and pulled out the scissors nervously.

Du took out the cloth.

Oh yeah!

"I won!" Shen Yan is overjoyed and wants to suppress Du Zhi.

But Du Zhi's action is faster than that of him. He points his acupoints first, and then pulls out his belt to tie Shen Yan's hand.


"What are you doing?!! What are you doing Shen Yan was surprised and angry.

Du Zhi's mouth began to smile, "how can we call things between husband and wife" trickery "? It's all fun... "

Your sister!

Son of a bitch!!!

Cheat him to play with scissors, stone and cloth. When he's happy, relax his vigilance and immediately bow to his overlord!

Don't accept him!!

Shen Yan is very angry. He shouts in a hoarse voice: "I don't agree with you!"

"I'll sleep on you."

Shen Yan's voice went down and his heart bleeked.


Shen Yanping was lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, speechless and tearful.

Why did you still do the following one?

Clearly at that time, he and Du Zhi were equally matched. How could he finally become the one below?

"Shen Lang..." The dog man lay beside him, kneading his waist and calling him gently.


It's no use flattering!

Dog man!

Shen Yan smelled a face, closed his eyes and pretended not to hear.