Hundreds of years later, the demons and the fairies finally reached an understanding, and both sides agreed that the well water should not violate the river water. At this point, the two clans turned the war into a war of friendship, reducing a large number of casualties.

As a result, Shen Yan achieved great success, and his soul power soared again.

The consequence of the surge is that the small world can no longer afford such a powerful person as him, and heaven directly kicked him out of the small world.

Shen speechless, choking, and make complaints about the way of heaven! Let me drive you away before you leave my house. Before leaving this morning, Duzhi was waiting for me to go home for dinner. At this moment, my wife is expected to be watching at the door. If she suddenly hears the news that I am coming back, she will die of grief?

However, Shen Yan soon lost his mind to worry about his wife. He went back to the hell, a bowl of special soul soup, the memory of this life forgotten.

"Laozuzong, the effect of this soul refining soup is not long. After a while, the things you forget will come back to you automatically Yama reminds me.

"How long does that take?" Shen Yan's heart trembles when he thinks about it. Now he has not only drunk a bowl of soul refining soup, but also lost more than a little memory. If all of these memories suddenly come to mind, it's hard to feel the pain of the brain and the pain of the whole body?

"I don't know." The king of hell thought about it and said, "it took thousands of years for some people to think about the past. For others, it took only a few decades to think about it. For others, they even lost their memory for a few years. Therefore, how long the effect of this medicine will be varies from person to person. "

Shen Yan's mood is complicated, so he can only pray silently that he can recover his memory later.


In this life, Shen Yan's situation is not the same as before - he is a person who gets the script ahead of time.

According to the records in the book of life and death, the owner of his present body is also called Shen Yan. In short, the eldest son of the Shen family is cannon fodder. He fell in love with the third lady of the Liu family and tripped over her fiance Du Zhi all day long. Finally, Du Zhi cut her to pieces.

Note that this "thousand cuts" is not an adjective, but a real cut to death.

Shen Yan was very excited and thought, what kind of pervert is Du? It's so cruel!

Fortunately, I am a person with script. Moreover, the king of hell has already said hello to him in advance, so he doesn't have to go according to the things in the book of life and death.

According to the routine in the book of life and death, I should go to the street now, and then I see Liu Sanniang standing under the willow tree. Then, I fell in love with this beautiful lady dancing in the wind at first sight. And then, he will be blinded by jealousy, every day changing patterns, the fiance of the beautiful lady pain under the black hand.

In other words, nothing has happened yet.

Shen yanmaliu packed up the burden and went out without saying a word.

The master of Shen family is very angry. Although he has become a bucket, he runs like a rabbit.

"Where are you going again, you little son of a bitch?" Master Shen is standing in his waist (if he still has a waist), and his eyes are staring like a copper bell. His bearded and glaring appearance was a bit shocking, but more funny, just like a Fuwa who deliberately played a black face.