After returning to the city, the first person I encountered was the one I least wanted to see: Drakion Vlad. The desire to beat the shit out of that bastard is immense. In the end, he truly betrayed me. I really needed to grab those gloves and destroy them, but I'm too tired for that.

"So, it seems the plan worked, right? You managed to kill Fiona?"

I smiled, putting my hand on Drakion's shoulder and said "Your performance was great, I really thought you had betrayed me."

I gave him a few pats on the shoulder and continued walking into the city.

' Am I safe? I am, right? ' Drakion thought, motionless. A few hours later, I found out from one of the adventurers that he stayed there for almost an hour.

And now, as I arrived in front of the guild, Amanda and Freytan were standing there, waiting for me.

Amanda gave me a quick glance, looking me up and down, running towards me while saying "Master, are you hurt?"

Amanda jumped and hugged me, starting to cry, as she ran her hand over the tear in my abdomen, surprised to find no cuts.

"Look at that, Freytan, the master is indestructible."

"Do you want me to talk to her about it?" Freytan spoke, approaching.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

I ran my hand through Amanda's hair.

"Do you remember how I saved you? Well, that's basically why I'm still in one piece."

Upon hearing this, Amanda's eyes took on a feline appearance.

"So the master was hurt? Who did that? I'll kill him."

I lightly slapped Amanda's head as I thought 'This is getting dangerous, her abilities are starting to influence her '

"You can't say those kinds of things so naturally to just anyone. It can cause problems."

"He's right, a lot of people hate me for that reason," Freytan looked around.

"Oh, so that's why you like the master?" Amanda made a surprised expression, while Amanda and I tried to understand what she said.

"But getting straight to the point, what was the outcome?"

Freytan smiled, pointing to the guild's door.

"Why don't you see it with your own eyes?"

"Oh, so it really was a success."

' Drakion remained silent as I left, and the biggest problem, Fiona, wasn't here. This city will never experience the Ice Age ' I thought, trying to move forward, but I was stopped by Amanda, who had a displeased expression.

"What's wrong now, Amanda?"

"It's embarrassing to say, but..." Just as Amanda was about to finish her sentence, Freytan turned around and said,

"She wants to fuck, that's it."

Amanda let out a nervous laugh.

"Looks like you got your revenge..."

"Nah, it wasn't even that pleasurable to do it, sorry to spoil the moment."

I put one arm under Amanda's legs and the other on her left shoulder, lifting her up.

"Don't worry, today that won't happen. But unfortunately..." Before I could finish speaking, Amanda put her finger on my mouth.

"I know, master, you have a lot of things to do and you're very tired, I know that. So, I don't mind if we save it for tonight."

Amanda smiled. At that moment, she seemed to emit a radiant light. She looked like a true angel, but that image was shattered only a few seconds later.

"Besides, I don't want anything getting in the way."

"Of course, of course."

"So, if you're done flirting, can we go inside?"

Whispering, Amanda said "My legs are sore, you know? Can you carry me to the door?"

"Huh? Really? Well, I guess it won't be today then since we're both tired."

Amanda quickly let go and jumped forward.

"It's fine, I'm okay, let's go, master."

Finally, I entered the guild, seeing a huge crowd of people, not only adventurers but also non-adventurers, having fun, drinking, and eating as if the world was ending.

"They're going to spend everything they earned like this..."

When I said that, everyone stopped and looked at me with serious expressions, which turned into laughter in seconds.

"What are you talking about, master?"

"That's the only reason we become adventurers."

"That's right, what's the point of risking our lives for money and just hoarding it?"

"We only have one life, we have to enjoy it."I think you should take a look at

I put my hand in front of my face.

"Do whatever you want then, hahaha."

When I looked around, Freytan and Amanda had disappeared, but in a few seconds, I felt someone's hand touch my leg. When I turned to look, it was a group of children.

"Thank you so much, sir. The miss with the bow told us everything."

"That's right, sir, you were amazing. Not only did you defeat the fucking fire guy, but you also took the ice bitch away."

"You're a true hero."

The children continued talking non-stop about how incredible it was and how the fight against the fucking fire guy was too easy. But what surprised me was why the hell Amanda taught those words to children.

' The future of this city is lost ' I thought, looking at the children who seemed like a group of parrots.

"I'm glad you're safe. Now I'm going to leave, okay? The hero here is very busy."

"Really? I wanted to hear about your adventures."

"That's right, tell us how you defeated the ice bitch."

I crouched down, pointing at the middle child, a girl with black hair.

"Then, I'll tell you all about it later, but only if you forget that the words 'bitch' and 'fucking' exist, okay? You can't say those, otherwise your mothers will come and complain."

"Huh? But why?"

"Just do as I said, okay? Well, see you later."

I smiled and waved at the children, starting to distance myself.

' I've already had to deal with angry mothers in the other world, I don't want to do it in this one ' I thought, sighing.

"Are you the guild master?" The one who said that was a woman with brown hair and eyes, holding a beautiful black rose with not a single thorn.

"Yes, I am. Do you need something?"

The woman bowed, extending her hand.

"Please, accept this flower. I know it's not worth a gold coin, but I really wanted to thank you."

I took the flower, holding the girl's hand, and could see the engagement ring on her finger. Smiling, I said,

"Use this money well for your wedding. By the way, this flower is really beautiful."


"Don't you dare say anything."

The woman looked at me, smiling, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this will help."

The woman started running out of the guild.

"So, master, how was it? Your fans are really adorable, aren't they?"

"I thought you were going to do something with that woman," Freytan said, looking at her nails.

"Oh my God, you really love vilifying me."

"Haha, Freytan only does it to get attention."

"Quiet, you bunny."

"Who sleeps all day after sex is you, not me, hehehe."


"You two, stop it, for God's sake. Miss Dealer is about to faint from embarrassment."

Dealer stood motionless behind the counter, just waiting to do her job, but now, hearing these two, her ears were completely red.

"You two are always like this, right? So don't worry."

' I'm really sorry, Dealer ' I thought, and as I looked at the two, I could sense the deadly silence that had settled.

In this way, all the adventurers and non-adventurers continued to celebrate until nightfall, until the party ended and those who weren't lying on the ground dying left the guild, starting to walk around the city.

As I made my way to my room, I was still a little tired, but nothing that the golden energy, which had fully recovered, couldn't solve. But when I arrived in my room, Amanda wasn't there, and from Freytan, I learned that she had fallen asleep, and it would be best to leave her until tomorrow.

"There's no other way unless you want to do it yourself."

"If you want it to be cut off, of course. Don't you see that Amanda would only become more unbearable if that happened?"

"Understood. Well, good night, dear."

The doors closed, and as I fell asleep, something entered my room. In the darkness, it was impossible to tell what it was.

"Evil master, you will pay today!"