Chapter 91 We'll See Each Other In The Future

Going back a few minutes in time, while Dantalian distanced himself from Echidna and headed to Marian's office, Echidna made her way to her own room.

Inside Dantalian's room with the other girls, Freytan was sitting on the bed, gazing towards the door. Her lilac eyes displayed a small yellow gleam around the irises.

'What should I do?' Freytan thought, her mind lost in another world, practically immersed in thoughts. 'How can I tell him?'

Freytan's face started turning red. 'I feel dizzy...' She laid back on the bed, still pondering her future actions, and sleep overcame her.

Three hours later, Dantalian and the girls were in front of Marian's mansion, saying their goodbyes to her and Echidna.

"Echidna, are you sure you won't come with us? I thought we were friends. Don't you want to go on an adventure with us?" Fiona spoke, holding Echidna's hands. 'Having one more girl would be interesting.'

With a smile on her face, Echidna pointed behind Fiona, saying, "I think he understood your true intention."

Fiona looked through her peripheral vision and saw Dantalian standing behind her, motionless. She flashed a playful smile and said, "Are you that greedy? Wouldn't it be better to have more?"

Dantalian sighed, placing his hand on his forehead. "Stop acting like that, Fiona."

"Ah, okay, you meanie," Fiona let go of Echidna's hands and continued, "I hope to see you in the future. Let's beat someone up together again."

"Hahaha, sure, as long as it's a criminal," Echidna replied.

Echidna turned, waving her hand as she walked towards the carriage, passing by Dantalian and giving his back a light slap, sending a shiver down his spine. "Since you're not coming, have a proper farewell, but make sure not to take too long, Master Dantalian."

'Fiona, don't you ever learn?' Dantalian thought, smiling and looking at Echidna and Marian, who stood in complete silence in front of the mansion. He spoke, "It seems you can handle everything here, right?"

Echidna's eyes flickered for a moment as she placed her hand on her chest in a pose of superiority. She said, "That's one of the reasons why I will stay. Of course, I can handle it, and my mother will help too, won't you?"

Averting her gaze, Marian replied, "Of course, we'll take good care of Master Dantalian's property."

With a smug smile, Dantalian said, "Is your mother doing well? I imagine she must have enjoyed the party."

"I apologize for that; I really can't control her, you know? Sometimes she goes overboard," Echidna responded.

At that moment, Dantalian and Echidna heard a slight sound of teeth grinding as they both looked at Marian, who smiled and said, "What? What are you talking about? Mr. Dantalian, you're back already?"

"Huhuhu, my apologies, Mr. Dantalian," Echidna snapped her fingers, and quickly, one of the maids ran out of the mansion.

"What do you wish, young mistress?" the maid said, bowing.

"Oh, Dina? You look lovely today, did you know that?" Marian spoke with deliberate flaws in her speech.

"As you can see, my mother isn't feeling too well. Could you take her to her room?"

'What happened all of a sudden? Wasn't Miss Marian in perfect condition?' the maid thought as she led Marian back into the mansion.

"Are you enjoying this a little too much, Miss Rulemaster?" Dantalian spoke.

"She deserves this and much more, so I have no qualms about it. In the end, it's almost impossible for me to see her the way I used to," every word from Echidna was imbued with disgust.

'Ah, you're still the same, good to know,' Dantalian thought, recalling his conversation with the entity about changes.

" Before my farewell, I must apologize for what Fiona did. She was undoubtedly planning something again."

"That was quite obvious; she wanted to do to me what she did to Anna," Echidna froze, feeling a tightness in her chest and growing embarrassment as she recalled that night.

'Wow, how cute, all embarrassed,' Dantalian thought, waving in front of Echidna's face. "Echidna, are you okay? You seem like you were daydreaming."

At that moment, Echidna snapped back to reality, a little startled. "Daydreaming? Huh? What do you mean? I'm awake; that's impossible."I think you should take a look at

"Haha, okay, okay, that scene really left an impression on you, huh?" Dantalian teased with a playful grin.

"Ah, shut up, Dantalian! Just leave, get out of here now," Echidna retorted, giving him a few weak slaps.

Dantalian gently stopped one of Echidna's hands and with the other, he held her waist, causing her to falter in her protest, "What are you thinking? You can't do this..." Echidna's voice trailed off as Dantalian placed a finger on her lips.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want. I just want to say goodbye in the proper way, you know, it's a custom in some places," Dantalian explained, looking into Echidna's eyes as he moved his face closer to hers.

"You... you..." Echidna couldn't finish her sentence as the atmosphere around them grew tense. She could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. The combination of Dantalian's teasing and their recent argument made her heart race, and she found it hard to keep her composure.

As Dantalian drew closer, Echidna felt her heart pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes, expecting a farewell kiss from him. The anticipation filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness, causing her breath to hitch. The seconds felt like an eternity, and she could almost sense his breath against her lips.

But to her surprise, when the moment finally arrived, Dantalian planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. The unexpected gesture caught her off guard, and she blushed even more intensely.

Feeling a bit bewildered, Echidna quickly opened her eyes and took a step back, trying to regain her composure. "Uh... Thank you," she stammered, trying to hide her disappointment, "for everything."

Dantalian chuckled softly, amused by her reaction. "You're welcome," he said, giving her a warm smile. "Now take care, and I'll be waiting for you right after the king's celebration to celebrate together."

Dantalian noticed Echidna's mind drifting again, shaking his head with a smile.

'I'll be looking forward to using the key you gave me,' thought Dantalian as he turned away, leaving Echidna standing there, still feeling a mix of emotions. Her heart was racing, and her mind was in turmoil.

As she watched Dantalian depart, Echidna couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. However, she also knew that this was the right decision. She needed to focus on herself to make their reunion perfect.

To her, this vision was blurred, as if she were in a lucid dream.

Echidna snapped back to reality with a quick memory of the last thing Dantalian said, "I should be saying that to you. You keep getting into various troubles willingly..." Echidna stopped talking, closing her eyes and smiling slightly at the corner of her mouth when she realized he had already left.

"Alright then, time to start my work," Echidna said, looking towards her mother's room, wondering what schemes she might be plotting at this moment. From her peripheral vision, she could see Dantalian's carriage getting further and further away. "Oh, so I haven't spaced out for too long."

'Hope you rest well until our reunion,' Marian thought, turning around and entering her house again.

Inside her house, Echidna ascended the staircase and headed towards her mother's room. She opened the door and found Marian wearing only a towel, having just stepped out of the bathroom. "Hmm? Daughter, so your master has already left? What a shame, right? You didn't even make the most of it."

"Mother, stop it."

"Stop what? I'm just stating the truth. Oh, wait, I forgot, he's my master too, isn't he?" Marian dropped the towel, revealing herself completely naked. "I wonder if he'd get excited seeing the body of this widow."

"You're insane..."

"Yes, I'm insane for having so easily accepted to be a puppet of such a weak man."

"You really are crazy. Can't you even hear what you're saying? If by any chance you plan to regain my trust, you're going about it the hardest way."

Marian began to approach Echidna with her eyes glowing pink. She said, "I'm sorry... I wanted you to punch me, but it seems like you won't..."

Hearing this, Echidna turned her fist, hitting Marian in the face, sending her flying. As Marian fell to the ground with a bleeding nose, she smiled and said, "Thank you. You truly are my daughter, ahaha."

Echidna flexed her hand, cracking all her fingers. "You're right, and that's why you know the reason why I haven't done something crazy yet."

Marian placed her hand on her face. "Of course, the power of my name, right?"

"Exactly. So learn your place from now on if you ever want to become the woman I once saw," Echidna spoke before leaving the room and closing the door.

After hearing Echidna's footsteps descending the stairs, Marian put her hand in front of her face. 'It's a lie; you're not like me... and that's why you shouldn't die.' Marian thought, looking at a small rat on her bookshelf with colorful eyes, clearly staring at her.

'And you also lied to me, didn't you, Dantalian?'