Chapter 603: Even if it takes my last breath (3)

Name:Trash of the Count's Family Author:
Chapter 603: Even if it takes my last breath (3)

Translator: miraclerifle

Editor: Borderline Masochist


They heard some quick footsteps.

Cale looked toward the watchtower entrance.

“Rok Soo.”

It was Lee Soo Hyuk.

“It looks like we’ll need to fight with the yellow head toni-”

His words that were coming out not too quickly yet not too slowly had stopped.

His urgent footsteps quickly stopped as well.

"Why are you stopping? Is something going on on the watchtower-”

Park Jin Tae shoved his head to Lee Soo Hyuk's side before flinching.

“...Hey, you......”

Park Jin Tae could see Kim Rok Soo, who had an extremely pale face and was shaking.

Choi Han, who was supporting Kim Rok Soo, had a terrible expression on his face as well.

But the way he was supporting Kim Rok Soo made it seem as if he had done it many times before.

‘I was wondering why they went back so quickly, was it because of this?!’

Kim Rok Soo had quickly returned to the watchtower even though they had set everything up to celebrate his birthday.

They thought he was just worried about the enemy that could come at any moment and had also quickly eaten before they were about to return to their posts.

But Park Jin Tae had come to the watchtower with Lee Soo Hyuk after hearing the alarm go off.

But what he saw was not the cold commander he had seen until now but a young kid who was suffering in pain with only Choi Han by his side.

‘What is going on? Why was he in so much pain?’

He had seen Kim Rok Soo being tired and bleeding during the battle at the original central shelter.

He had not been in this much pain then.


Why was Kim Rok Soo looking like this right now?

The same question kept repeating itself in Park Jin Tae’s mind, but he could not open his mouth and say anything.

Tap. Tap.

Instead, his eyes focused on Lee Soo Hyuk’s back as Lee Soo Hyuk headed toward Kim Rok Soo.

“Rok Soo.”

Lee Soo Hyuk’s expression was calm as he quietly called out to Cale.

However, his eyes were focused on Cale, who was barely standing up with Choi Han supporting him while his hand was clutching his chest.

Lee Soo Hyuk’s footsteps quickened.

“Kim Rok Soo.”

Cale looked back at Lee Soo Hyuk who was now calling him by his full name.

Lee Soo Hyuk stood in front of Cale.

“Kim Rok Soo, I know that you are hiding something.”

Kim Rok Soo was calm.

It was actually Choi Han and Park Jin Tae who flinched after hearing Lee Soo Hyuk’s question.

“You are the same Kim Rok Soo I know from the past, but I know that something has changed.”

The corners of Lee Soo Hyuk's lips started to go up.

“But you should still tell me the things you should tell me, don't you think?”

Cale already knew that Lee Soo Hyuk was quite angry even though he was smiling.

“You should tell me if you're in pain, hmm? Rok Soo.”

Lee Soo Hyuk watched as the corner of Cale's lips slowly started to go up.

He could feel the amount of effort it took to smile through the pain.

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing--- Beeeeeeeeep----

As they were surrounded by all sorts of alarms...

Cale smiled and slowly started to speak.

“It feels like someone is trying to pull my heart out.”

Choi Han’s fists clenched while Park Jin Tae subconsciously closed his eyes and turned away from Kim Rok Soo.

Another person came up to the watchtower at that moment.

“Commander-nim! They said they’re going to move the device to the castle wall and activate the defense!”

It was Choi Jung Soo.

He had come to the watchtower to deliver this message for the others who were busy getting ready as he was not going to participate in the battle like Kim Min Ah and Bae Puh Rum, and then he saw Cale.

He gasped while standing behind Park Jin Tae.

However, there was someone whose expression had not changed.

“And the method?”

Lee Soo Hyuk was still smiling as he asked.

Cale looked toward the large figure heading toward them from the distance in this night fog.

The yellow head was coming.

His life...

And the lives of everyone in the Seomyeon shelter...

The method to take care of everything.

‘The God of Death gave me a hint.’

< The people who tried to save you broke the law that said that you were supposed to die. >

Humans were able to break laws and fate.

That was how Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo had died to save him.

‘Nobody can die this time.’

Cale opened his mouth to speak.

“I’ve mentioned the method quite a few times already.”

His voice sounded weak as he was breathing heavily, but his tone was firm.

Cale looked around past Choi Jung Soo and Park Jin Tae, before looking at Lee Soo Hyuk.

“Successfully completing this hunt without anybody dying.”

That was one of two ways for Cale to change fate.

Lee Soo Hyuk slowly started to speak.

“...Is that the answer?”

“Yes, sir.”

He asked once more after hearing Cale’s response.

“Are you sure?”

Was he sure that this was the correct answer?

Lee Soo Hyuk could see Cale smiling at him after asking that question.

Cale then started to frown as he started to speak.

“Only being somewhat certain is not enough in order to change fate.”

Was he sure?

It wasn’t that level of commitment.

Cale quietly started to speak.

“I will make that be the case.”


Choi Jung Soo looked at him with shock but Choi Han didn't care and just pushed him forward.

Choi Jung Soo ended up right behind Cale.

Choi Han sat behind him and the Steel Feather Hawk started to fly up once all three of them were seated.

“Here we go!”

The moment the Steel Feather Hawk cut through the night fog and headed toward their destination...

Heo Sook Ja shouted from the castle wall below them.

“Point the light at the enemy!”

All of the lights inside the castle and on the castle walls were tilted in one direction.

These lights were created with abilities, electricity, and anything else that they could find.

“Point the lights at the yellow head!”

They were all pointed at the enemy.

They could finally see the enemy through the fog.

The Steel Feather Hawk was the closest to the monster right now.

Cale slowly opened his mouth.


He quietly laughed.


Choi Jung Soo gasped.

Choi Han started to speak at the same time.

“It really is going to be difficult.”

“Of course.”

The yellow head had changed.

Actually, the yellow head was no longer just yellow.

It was now a large monster with a blue horn and blue and yellow scales that made it look as if it had stripes.

This monster that now looked like a dragon that could not fly was looking directly at the Steel Feather Hawk, no, Cale who was on the Steel Feather Hawk.

The yellow head had eaten the blue head.

“Did its abilities really get absorbed?”

Choi Jung Soo mumbled in a concerned voice.

The Steel Feather Hawk started to speak.

“The abilities are one thing, but its body seems larger than before too.”

The yellow head was now 1.5 times its original size.

The Steel Feather Hawk and Choi Jung Soo...

The people who had already seen the yellow head before...

And even the people who had faced an unranked monster for the first time...

None of them dared to say anything.

It could not be helped.


“Kaaaaaaaa, kaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

The nearby monsters would start to rampage, whether it was due to fear or anger, whenever an unranked monster appeared.

They could hear the sounds of the monsters rampaging all around them.


Kim Woo was standing on the castle wall taking all of this in as he started to speak.

“Everything that young kid predicted was really on target.”

Kim Rok Soo had said something to them.

He had said that there was a good chance that the yellow head would have changed when it comes back.

‘The blue head... This monster ripped the part with the horn and ran away with it in its mouth. It could have done it out of friendship, but the chances are high that there was a different reason for it. We must consider all potential variables.’

One of those situations was that the yellow head would come back after having absorbed the blue head’s powers.

Kim Woo subconsciously looked up at the sky.

He was not the only one.

Everybody was looking up and searching for the Steel Feather Hawk.

That was where the battle would start.

Cale, who was up in the sky, was quietly observing the yellow head instead of looking back at the people who were looking at him.


The monster quietly growled as it glared at Cale.

Cale heard Choi Han's voice behind him at that moment.

“How long will the pain continue?”

Cale nonchalantly responded.

“I don’t know.”

Choi Jung Soo started to frown after hearing Cale's nonchalant response.

It was because he could see that Cale’s body was still shaking and he was breathing heavily.

“But soon.”

Choi Jung Soo looked at Cale, who was still standing up straight, as he heard Cale continue to speak.

“I'm certain it will die down soon.”

Cale was certain that that would happen.

It was because he knew that his friends would have started to make their move.

He trusted the abilities of his friends who were in a different world right now.

“Choi Han.”

“Yes, hyung-nim.”

That was why Cale could not stop.


“I'll be back soon.”

Choi Han kicked off of the Steel Feather Hawk’s back and started to fall down.

He pulled his sword out.


His black aura that was rampaging more wildly than ever before shot up as if it would pierce the heavens.

The moment people saw this black signal...

“Open the castle gate.”


The gate opened and Lee Soo Hyuk, Kim Min Ah, and Mr. Rabbit headed out.

The representatives of the different regions and hundreds of warriors were following behind them.

Alberu Crossman raised his head.

He could only see the stars in the night sky through his helmet.

Alberu Crossman was wearing a black armor without the Roan Kingdom's crest today.

He was here today not as the crown prince, but as a friend and as a hyung.

He looked down.

The black barrier was gone from the sinkhole.

He looked down at the large sinkhole where the Endable Kingdom was located and started to speak.

“Let’s head down.”

Cale’s friends stepped into the sinkhole without any hesitation.