Book 2: Chapter 179: My goodness. The sea, the sea! (5)

Name:Trash of the Count's Family Author:
Book 2: Chapter 179: My goodness. The sea, the sea! (5)

Cale touched the top of his clavicle. He could feel the texture of the soft silk.


He realized it after noticing the changes to the emblems on his clavicle as he washed off.

It has to be a charging type.

Maxillienne. He was certain that the power he got from that Dragon was one that required charging. Cale was extremely relieved after figuring that out.

It was because he understood, at least to a degree, about how his body works.

He was certain that should these eight black waterdrops all turn white, he would either cough up blood, faint, or have something extraordinary happen.

Of course, the Vitality of the Heart that was now within the Indestructible Shield would work hard and quickly help Cale recover, but

It still wont be good.

Raon might really destroy Central Plains sculpture this time.

Cale knew to a degree now. He knew how his friends reacted whenever he coughed up blood or fainted. That was why he was planning on controlling himself as much as possible.

That had been the reason he had not used the Sky Eating Water at 300 percent.

Ill be careful this time too.

He didnt want to cough up blood and cause some annoying chain of events.

It will be quite bad if I end up fainting.

He could not stay long in the Central Plains when he needed to return to Roan as quickly as possible.

Against the Blood Cult this time, Cale was planning on staying to the rear, fighting only as necessary.

Yes. This can be done easily.

Find the information and people he needs to find.

Then destroy the core of the foundation.

Cale looked toward one part of the boat. The young Blood Demon candidate, Hoya, flinched after making eye contact. Cale didnt care as he walked over and plopped down next to him.

Its quiet here. Isnt it?

He looked around.

He could see the stars shining on the clear night sky above him.

Below him was the calm sea path.

Yes, it is a sea path.

The path that Cales boat was on was the only calm part.

The rain and wind were still swirling viciously around them.

Splash, splash!

The height of the waves were quite high as well. However, the waves did not reach this calm area as if there were walls blocking it.

What an amazing formation.

This was the first time Raon was amazed at a formation.

A formation that can freely control this large of an area Im going to learn this power!

Ill pull apart the formation mechanical device later so take a look once we go back home.

Thanks, human!

Cale finished his short conversation with Raon and asked.

Youre certain that we can disembark without getting noticed?

Hoya flinched at Cales nonchalant voice but still answered. His voice sounded a bit less scared than earlier.

A small amount of peace had returned to his heart as Cale had not used the Dominating Aura for a while.

Yes sir. It is possible. Of course, we will need to go through a bit of the rain and wind to do that.

In a little bit, just as they start to see the lights on the island

Cales group would immediately leave this safe path and go into the storm. They were planning on docking their boat in a stealthy place where the patrol and even the lights of the island could not reach.

Right now is the best time for it, sir.

It was currently midnight.

This is the time the priestess goes to pray, so nobody in the Blood Cult uses boats during this time to enter the island.

Someone suddenly interjected, as if adding to Hoyas comment.

By the way, who is the priestess praying to?

It was Choi Jung Soo. He seemed quite curious.

Is she praying to the Blood Demon?

Similar to how the Heavenly Demon was the revered of the Demon Cult

He seemed curious to know if the Blood Cult was the same way.

Someone else answered instead.

Kehehe. You must think the prayer is that kind of prayer.

It was Old man Baek.

He had followed Cale without any issues once he became conscious again.

In fact, he begged Cale to take him.

Furthermore, he also told Cale whether Hoya and Yoon were telling the truth. As a result, Hoya and Yoon had no choice but to be very specific with everything they said.

Hoya viciously glared at Old man Baek. Old man Baek didnt even glance at him.

Then what kind of prayer is it?

Old man Baek answered Cales question.

God. It is a prayer to a god.

But there isnt one?

It was at that moment.

No, there is one!

It was Yoon.

She flinched at Cales gaze and fixed what she said.

There is one, sir. They said that there definitely is one.

On the other hand, Hoya smiled bitterly.

Old man Baek smirked in response.

Hoya seems to know the truth. But it looks like Yoon does not know yet.

What do you mean?

Yoon felt anxious after seeing Hoyas reaction and looked toward Old man Baek. Old man Baek smiled even bigger after seeing her gaze. He seemed to be sneering.

The Blood Cult has served an existence called a god for generations. The priestess has led the cult to do so.

What god?

Choi Jung Soo, who had been listening with curiosity, asked and Old man Baek shook his shoulders as if his arms, which were tied behind his back, were a bit uncomfortable. Yoon answered.

A god is a god. We dont put a what to a unique existence.

A unique existence.

Was there such an existence among the gods?

Cale said the words that came to his mind as soon as he heard that.

The omnipotent god?

Old man Baek smiled brightly.

Thats right. You really are smart. Do you want to be a god?

Cale ignored him and asked.

But there is no omnipotent god.

There is not.

Yoon closed her mouth and looked around after hearing Old man Baeks answer. Her eyes were full of chaos. Nobody cared and Old man Baek continued to speak.

But it can be created through worship. One of the best support for someone who wants to be a god is worship. That is why they are worshiping a god that doesnt even exist yet. That is the way for that gods power to get stronger.

The two young Blood Demon candidates then walked out with their hands bound. Next to Choi Han was Number 7, who had a completely pale but relaxed look on his face.

Number 7 was not resisting in any way despite not having his hands and feet bound.

He simply looked at Choi Hans hand every so often and flinched.

Lets go.

The group got off at Cales order.

The Fist King and the captain remained on the boat. They would wait for Cales group to return.

Chief Eunuch Wi-nim, you remember what needs to be done, right?

Yes, young master-nim.

Chief Eunuch Wi went a different way in the middle.

He had something he needed to do after finding the administrator who was stationed out in Hainan.


Cale walked down to the ground before entering the cave without any hesitation.

Ill turn on a light!

He heard the invisible Raons voice.


Cale was about to tell him not to turn on a light but closed his mouth after seeing that it was already lit.


Raon did not say anything either.

Everybody silently looked at the cave.

There were countless white skeletons inside the cave.

These were the lives that were all sacrificed during the initial jiangshi experiments.

This sight made Cale recall the alchemy lab in the Mogoru Empires basement.

Cale raised his head.

There was a giant opening on top of the cave.

These corpses had simply fallen from up there.

There was only one thing Cale could say right now.

Lets go up.

Raon used flight magic to lift everybody up. Cale could slowly start seeing outside the ceiling of the cave.

He could see lights in the distance.

At the center of those lights

There were extremely beautiful and dazzling blue buildings that could not be found on his map of Hainan sparkling as if it was the middle of the day.

It felt as if a city underwater had returned to the surface.


Raon quietly whispered.

His invisible front paw appeared and pointed somewhere.

I can feel something over there. It is the aura of a Dragon.

A beautiful blue building that seemed to be higher than ten stories

Raon was pointing at it.

Cale looked at Old man Baek.

Thats right. That is where the core is located. That is also where the priestess resides. We call that place the Stairway to Heaven.

Stairway to Heaven.

A place to head toward the blue sky.

Cale nonchalantly commented.

This is good.

Both the core of the formation from the Dragons and the priestess would be there.

Lets go.

Cale headed toward the little city sparkling in blue, the Blood Cult.

Hoya and Yoon made eye contact with each other at that moment.

The two of them soon stopped making eye contact, but their blue hair seemed to be sparkling more than earlier.

Choi Han was watching the two of them.

He recalled what Cale had said to him.

No matter how scared they are, they are likely to forget about that fear when they return home to their territory.

Cale had given Choi Han an order.

So, keep a close watch. Pay attention to the two of them.

Choi Han looked up and slightly nodded his head.

Human, human! Choi Han sent the signal!

Cale, who was standing in the front of the group, started smirking.

He thought about the items in his spatial pocket bag.

< Cape of the Sun (Rank: Divine) >

This was an item he received as a reward from Xiaolen.

It was an item used by the first person from Xiaolen who became a god. Cale had not used it until now because it could put him in an awkward situation.

However, he was planning on using it if he had no other option.

It was because Cale had an ancient power he could use without coughing up blood or having any other side effects.

Are you talking about me? Hoo hoo.

The Dominating Aura.

He had not coughed up any blood no matter how much he had used this ancient power in the past. At least that had been his experience.

It was strengthened in this world, but based on his experiences until now, he could conclude that this power did not burden his body no matter how much he used it.

Cale thought about one of the Cape of the Suns effects.

This was an amazing Divine Rank treasure. The explanation for the effects of this item had been all over the place. Furthermore, it was awkward to use.

< Your dignity is increased. >

Cale thought to himself while recalling one of the effects.

If I use this with the Dominating Aura-

Wouldnt everybody cower?


The Dominating Aura gasped with joy in an imposing voice.

Cale ignored it.

However, he had to consider a situation where he would need to use this cape.


He ignored the Sky Eating Waters voice again.

He couldnt let himself faint.

That was the one thing he wanted to avoid.

Cale wanted to quickly go back home.

Translators Comments

We all want you to quickly go back home Cale.

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