"Ah Che Lingjun didn't know how far he had gone. He couldn't walk any more. He stood down and took a breath. He shook his hair, and the strands of hair near his face were frozen.

"It's hard to walk, isn't it?" He said to the king on his shoulder, "you are not the snow owl, and I am not the owner of the snow owl. We don't like this kind of weather. But a long time ago, someone liked it. Do you remember? "

Somehow, he remembered the past.

The man he was talking about was no other than his sister Wan Xuan.

"Wan Lu was born on a snowy day and loves snow. Her bird is snow Owl - do you remember?" He looked at the king of Cang, his eyes showed some tenderness from memory.

He continued to walk forward facing the wind and snow, but his face was more tender because of the memory.

Wan Xuan, his sister who is totally different from him. He likes black, warm and deep night, but wan Xun always likes to wear plain white clothes, and likes the short winter, especially the snowy days. He has a pair of dark eyes as deep as the night, always more cold than gentle, but Wan has a pair of grey eyes like thin clouds in winter, which are always light with the warmth and joy of golden sunshine behind the clouds.

Just think of her appearance, car Ling Jun already showed a faint smile. But only in a short time, his smile solidified, because he thought of her ending.

"Cang Wang, am I old?" "How can I think about her all the time?" he said, breathing heavily

For a long time, he didn't think of Wan Xun. He didn't mean to forget his former sister, but when he thought about it, he would be filled with pain and anger.

Wanxuan has a red face and a poor life. She died before she could get married, and the main culprit was Xiaotian, the nephew of Wanyu Lingjun, who is now Wanyu Lingjun.

In that year, Wan Wan was about to reach the hairpin. It's the season when yaotao is in full bloom. She and her girls go to see flowers outside the city to celebrate the girls' Qingyun Festival.

Flowers bloom on the street like red clouds. Flower girl, dressed in colorful clothes, you chase me, talk and laugh, or pick a peach blossom inserted in the temples, or a bunch of petals tied to the waist. No one noticed that an oil wall chariot, driven by eight golden bridle horses, slowly stopped on one side of the road, just opposite them.

A gorgeous young man came down from the car. When he got out of the car, he gazed at the peach forest and followed the girl in white for a long time.

He is Xiaotian, and the girl in white is wanxuan.

"Who is that?" Xiao Tian asked his entourage. The entourage didn't know.

"Ask! Tell her I want her! " He said proudly, as if it was not a Protoss girl, but a toy, an implement.

The entourage went and came back with his face covered for a moment: "it's clear, but she didn't do it and beat the maid!"

Xiaotian was furious: "who is she? Whatever I want, whether it's things or people, must belong to me! "

"She, she's the daughter of Xiaowang. Her name is wan wan..."

"Xiaowang's daughter, wanxuan... Go back! I'm going to arrange a marriage promotion! "

The result of the marriage promotion, of course, was a setback. No matter what his family told him, Wan Wan would not marry the supreme boy.

Xiaotian received the reward and immediately became angry: "don't you marry me? Well, she will never marry - no, I won't let her heart belong to anyone

After a few days, Wan Wan received a decree from the supreme good city, asking her to attend a gathering of the king's daughter.

"What queen? Why haven't I heard of it? " She pouted and said unhappily.

But she had to go, because if she resisted the edict, her family would be severely punished. Worried about his sister's safety, Che Lingjun said to his parents, "I'll go with her."

But what's the use of that? Where Wan can go, he can't go in. He could only wait outside the Hongfang hall where Wang Nu was. When the sun set, all the other girls came out, but he didn't see Wan Xuan.

"Ah, have you seen Wan Xuan, the king's daughter of the Xiaos?" He grabbed several girls and asked. But they all blushed, shook their heads and said sorry to him.

Only one, looking at him timidly, said in a very thin voice, "she has been taken elsewhere... You go!"

Che Lingjun was shocked like five thunderbolts. Although he didn't know where Wan Xun was taken, he knew it must be Xiaotian.

It's late at night and the dew is cold. The bell and drum sounded again and again, telling Che Lingjun that it was very late now. But Che Lingjun refused to leave. He must see his sister Wan Xun.

Suddenly, the door of Hongfang hall opened, and the two lanterns moved out of the hall like two red, gorgeous and evil ghosts, standing on both sides. Between the two lanterns, a man came out. It's a teenager with a girl in her arms!

Che Lingjun immediately recognized that the boy was Xiaotian, and the girl in his arms was not wan Xuan, and who was it?

"Wan Lu!" He called and ran up. Under the red lantern light, he was surprised to see his sister's eyes closed, her face pale, and the faint color of blood around her mouth. What made him even more shocked and angry was that on her slightly raised chest, there was a dagger!

"She killed herself, not me." Xiao Tian said calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him, or it was just a bird that died.

Che Lingjun is not easy to be caught by his parents who are in a hurry. He doesn't work hard with Xiaotian. But the scar of Wan Xun's premature death is deeply engraved in his heart. Although it can be buried in the dust of the years, it can never disappear.

"Why don't I get angry when I think about it now? Not only don't get angry, but also feel relieved. I feel so relaxed! " Che Lingjun wakes up from his memory and says to Cang Wang on his shoulder.

The king did not respond. Che Lingjun turned to look at it and said with a smile, "it's easy for you. Just close your eyes and hide your head in your neck feather? But let me carry you

Before the words were heard, Che Lingjun stopped. Because he saw a scene in front of him that he could never imagine!

In front of the sky, there is a thick cloud, and the cloud is still gathering, more and more, more and more thick, thick like a solid wall, a gray cloud mountain. The cloud is still constantly deformed in the wind, which is almost changeable and unpredictable. Finally, it turned into a huge and ferocious God face, which stopped.

Che Lingjun didn't care about the pain in his eyes. He opened his eyes wide.

Only in the depth of the sky, in the mouth of the God of cloud, there was a heavy voice: "who are you, why do you want to cross the snow sea and come to my snow mountain?"

Che Lingjun was shocked by the giant God's voice, but it only took a moment for him to regain his composure and said, "my name is Che Lingjun. I'm the king of the demon Yemo kingdom. I'm not here to offend the power of the snow mountain god, but to find someone in the sky by taking the road."

"Looking for someone? Is there anyone in lingxiaotian? " The giant god widened his eyes, as if laughing at Che Lingjun's ignorance.

"Just for convenience! She's a spirit. " Che Lingjun was not afraid.

Che Lingjun was so unstable by the cold wind that he shook his body.

"I respect you! I'm not going to walk on it, but can you make the wind and snow less and let my giant owl fly me over? " Che Lingjun yelled in the wind, but no matter how loud the voice was, it was weak from the strong wind.

But the giant god still didn't agree. He twisted his face and said in a more gloomy voice, "birds fly over? That's even worse! I will never allow any living creature to pass through my territory. If there is one, it is blasphemy to me! "

Che Lingjun also frowned: "what you said is no longer negotiable?"

The giant God said: "there is no room! If you want to pass by, go ahead in spirit! "

Che Lingjun said: "I didn't intend to go to lingxiaotian in the form of spirit body! I'll ask you again: is it OK or not? "

The giant god wrinkled his cloudy face and replied in a thunder like voice, "no way!" Then, it changed again and became the huge cloud mountain.

The wind is stronger and the snow is denser. Che Lingjun knew that this was the meaning that the God of snow mountain was determined to stop himself. In the wind and snow, he tried his best to send out a roar: "if you don't want to, I will kill you!"

"Roar --" a gust of wind roared, rolled up countless pieces of snow, like a sharp blade to the car Lingjun body, cut him in pain.

"Ah -" Che Lingjun raised his arm to resist, and the snow sliced his sleeve. All of a sudden, his arm was scratched with bloodstains, and the red blood spattered in the wind.

"That's my answer, overconfident fellow!" The voice of the Colossus sounded deep in the sky, with deep contempt.

But Che Lingjun was not afraid. He put down his arm, smirked scornfully at the sky, waved his hand, took out the coagulation night, and jumped to the deepest part of the cloud.

His black body, like a black dragon, broke through the snowstorm and stabbed at the clouds that were spewing the storm. Condense the night to make a sharp upward, draw a black line in the gray sky, and abruptly separate the long-term snowstorm from a black sky!

"Drink --" Che Lingjun growled from the bottom of his chest. He had reached the middle of the cloud. The cloud transformed by the God of snow mountain is really different from the ordinary cloud. It just looks like a cloud, but its essence is compact and solid. Even the body can stand in it.

Che Lingjun dances the night's cry and rushes up and down in the clouds. At the same time, Cang Wang, who has already been flying from his shoulder, also turns into a thick black air and winds around the night's cry, stirring violently and impacting the thick clouds. The clouds were so scattered by him that they could hardly get together again.

Che Lingjun called to the cloud, "how about letting me pass?"

Silence in the clouds. But for a moment, deep in the clouds, came the fierce roar of the giant God: "is that the only power you have?

With the sound, the clouds scattered by Che Lingjun became disordered. They swam up or down, back and forth, and finally condensed towards the top of Che Lingjun's head and suppressed him.

It's a heavy cloud. It's as thick as a mountain! Che Lingjun went through a lot of battles, but it was the first time he fought against such a huge enemy with no fixed shape; And it's the first time to be pinned down by Mount Tai.

He could only lift the sword over his head and carry it as hard as he could!

But he is only a person, his strength is limited. No matter how powerful the spirit power is, how can we deal with this monster giant god who can change his body size at will? Soon his arms trembled.

"If there is enough spiritual power to use the array of Dark Universe to suppress him in darkness and static force, I can break him at one stroke!" Che Lingjun quickly turned the idea in his mind. But the problem is, he doesn't have enough power.

"No? Get out of here "I don't want to hurt you, just leave!" cried the giant God

"No harm?" When Che Lingjun heard these words, he suddenly had an aura: "broken Tianshi!"