"Are you finished yet!?" Hinata asked Airi from outside the bug dome.

"Almost! Just give me a little bit more time! 2 Minutes is enough!" Airi replied from inside the bug dome.

"Hikaru-dono is as strong as ever. To take on the four of them and still hold back a large margin of his strength, truly such a powerful shinobi." Shino said as he adjusted his sunglasses.

"Tch, if we just give them our support, then that Hikaru would probably lose. C'mon, Temari, let's go there and fight alongside them!" Kankuro said, feeling a little bit angered that he's just staring at the fight in front of him and could not do anything.

He was just about to charge straight in but Temari was faster with her giant fan. With one swing, she hit his head with her giant fan, making him fall flat on the ground.

"Dumbass, if we go there now, there's a huge chance that Hikaru would take notice of what we're doing right now. He may just attack us but even if he doesn��t attack us, we still need to take caution."Temari sighed before she stared down at Kankuro and said, "Remember this well, Hikaru is on a completely different level. Maybe even in our lifetime, we wouldn't be able to catch up to him."

Hikaru is strong, his powers could not be measured by any means. Maybe even he himself doesn't know how powerful he is. Shino and the others has never seen him go all out. Even after they've graduated from the academy, it seems like he's grown a hundred times more than back then. Maybe one day, they would be able to see just how strong he is.

(Scene Change)

"Interesting, interesting! Let me see how you will all beat me, I am curious!" Hikaru yelled as his smile grew bigger.

Gaara rushed straight at Hikaru with hundreds upon hundreds of sand shuriken following him.

Sasuke weaved a single hand sign before shouting, "Katon: Housenka no Jutsu!" 7 volley of flames came out of Sasuke's mouth before he controlled the flames to go directly towards Hikaru. The small volley of flames rushed at Hikaru at an incredible speed but hidden inside those flames were explosive kunais, making it even more deadlier.

"Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Hundreds of clones appeared in a large poof of smoke.

"Now for the real part! All of you, make a rasengan!" Azumi shouted to her army of clones.

Meanwhile, with Hikaru…

Before Gaara could reach him, Hikaru suddenly vanished from his vision. He stopped mid-run before,looking around for any signs of Hikaru. Yet he only found nothing. Until he heard a slight whistle from the wind, it was coming from above!


Hikaru had jumped above them before he kicked the air and was about to land a punch towards Gaara but it was blocked by his automatic sand defense.

Hikaru pushed his hand away from the sand and landed back on the ground but the flames that Sasuke fired earlier suddenly came from behind him!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fireballs exploded and the force was so great that it launched Hikaru towards Azumi, who's currently waiting for Azumi with her army of shadow clones. All of them has a rasengan in hand!

"I've been waiting for this! Take this!" Azumi shouted as she and the rest of her shadow clones attacked Hikaru with their rasengan.

"Ultimate Rasengan Barrage!"

Hikaru did not dodge the barrage of rasengan coming towards him as he was launched towards Azumi.


A huge dome of chakra was created when Azumi's and her clones' rasengans directly hit Hikaru.

As the dome of chakra slowly rescinded, they could finally see Hikaru's figure.

He stood there as if he was shocked. His current armor, which was Chester's set, has been destroyed! Only his pants were left but the upper top was completely destroyed.

"To be able to destroy my armor, how amazing!" *Clap* *clap* clap* Hikaru clapped but, suddenly, he threw up blood!

"Tch, the rotating force of her rasengan barrage messed up some of my organs. I need to fix it soon." Hikaru took out an old radiant lifegem from his storage box before crushing it. It healed most of his damaged organs but some are slow at recovery.

'To be able to injure me this much, how wonderful! She must've figured out that, although my skin is very hard to pierced, my insides are not. Such a bright girl!' Hikaru thought.

"Improvised strategies, you guys are synchronized too well. But that matters not, now it's my turn to go on full offensive." Hikaru said as the air around him distorted. He looked at Gaara and smiled.

Sasuke widened his eyes and yelled to warn him, "Gaara! Run! His target is you!"

"Too late…" Hikaru muttered as he appeared just under Gaara before he uppercuted him, launching him a hundred kilometre towards the sky.

Hikaru then jumped towards Gaara.

Now, they were both at the top of the clouds.

"Let's see you defend against this."

He appeared on top of Gaara before punching him straight towards the ground, hard.

Gaara fell from the skies like an asteroid, burning.

He had his sand defense up but the heat just kept getting to him. He covered himself in a dome of sand.

"Aaaaarghh!! Raaaaahhh!!" Gaara yelled in extreme pain.

As he was about to crash towards the ground, Hikaru was just in the right position to catch him with one hand.


The impact of Gaara falling from the sky created a huge crack on the ground. Thankfully, it was reduced because of Hikaru catching him.

"I can't have you die now, do I?" He said towards the unconscious Gaara. He then threw away the red haired boy towards the medics along with a divine blessing.

"Make him drink that, it should heal him." Hikaru said to the medics, who catched Gaara along with the bottle of divine blessing.

All of the people on the stand were in awe and shock. They've never seen anything like this, such strength, he may be a reincarnation of a god!

The crowd roared in cheers.

But the most shocked of all were the Daimyos. There's never been a shinobi like this, ever. His pure strength alone can defeat armies, but if it's true that he's not even using his powers and other abilities, then this one is simply a monster in a human's skin.

"Gaara…" Temari couldn't help but in tears as she saw her brother's condition. Even though she was far away, she could see those terrible burn marks across his body.

"F.u.c.ker, he'll pay for that!" Kankuro cursed.

"Everyone, I've finished making the seal!" Airi yelled from inside the bug dome.

When Shino heard that, the dome of bugs that he made dispersed.

"Finally! So where is it?" Hinata asked.

Airi smirked and showed her 5 Talismans. They were all engraved with fuinjutsu.

"This is all of them, it took me a little bit more time to make 5 of them. We need to be cautious, after all. We will surprise attack him with these, and if we're lucky, we might just be able to use all these to bind him." Airi said as she gave each of them a talisman.

All five of them were now ready, it's time for Hikaru to lose!

With Hikaru…

Sasuke and Azumi were already low on chakra. Sasuke had to go beyond his limit to use Chidori three times but it didn't work. They were powerless against him.

"Is this the best you two can do? I'm over here, unarmed with no armor on, yet you two can't even put a single scratch on my body? Even with your 3 Tomoe Sharingan, Sasuke, you still can't beat me? Azumi, why don't you try using the fox's power? That should help you all defeat me, at least that's what I think." Hikaru was mocking them. Their powerlessness, it was as if the training they did was nothing but a joke to Hikaru.

After training with Kakashi for a month, Sasuke unlocked the next stage to his Sharingan, the 3 Tomoe Sharingan. He had to train harder than normal but it was worth gaining this power. Yet, it was still useless against Hikaru. He can't even see his movements with his eyes.

Azumi clenched her fists, no matter what she did, she still couldn't catch up to him. She's strong, she knows this, but Hikaru's even stronger. She just wants to one day stand side-by-side with him on the battlefield. She feels like there are secrets that Hikaru is not telling her, she also wants to know that, so she could understand him better.

If she can gain power through begging the Nine-Tailed Fox, then so be it.

At least that way, he would acknowledge her strength.

She took a deep breath before diving deep into her mindscape.

With Hikaru…

When he saw her taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, he knew that she would try to contact the fox and ask for its power.

He was just about to stop her, since she could lose control of it and he blames himself for telling her to do that, but he was stopped by something. He looked at his shadow and there was another shadow connected to it. He then looked around and saw Shikamaru doing the hand sign for his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

But Hikaru just ignored and continued walking towards Azumi.

As he was walking towards Azumi, he felt something touch his back. When he turned around, he saw Temari and the others. Four of them were holding talismans.

Then he realized he couldn't move. There was something binding him.

'The seal!' Hikaru thought, 'So they've completed it?"

"You fools! What do you think you're doing!?" Hikaru said.

"We've binded you with a fuinjutsu seal, there's no way you could escape right now!" Temari replied.

"Azumi is currently drawing power from the Kyuubi! If I don't stop her now-"

It was too late. Red, menacing chakra bursts out from Azumi. It was full of hatred, the people around the arena could feel it. Its extreme hatred, it was directed at everyone.

Three red tails made from the red chakra sprouted from Azumi's behind. Her features started to look feral, her whisker marks turned dark and larger, her teeth grew sharper. Two long ears protrude from the red chakra cloak.

"Darling, darling, darling, you're proud of me now, right?" Azumi smiled sweetly, her eyes devoid of any pupils. It was like back then, when she was s.e.x.u.a.lly harassing him every night.

"Azumi…" Hikaru muttered. With one push, he broke the binding seal.

He has to be fast or Azumi might go to her fourth tail soon!

'Why the hell did I have to say that!? Goddamnit!' Hikaru cursed inside his head. He looked around the stadium and saw that most of the people around them were scared, they were all terrified of her.

Knowing that this situation could get worse, he just decided to win this and end all of this because this is definitely not going well.

In a single blink of any eye, all of the contestants in the arena were knocked out except for Hikaru. He was not in his position from before, he was carrying Azumi like a tender princess in his arms. It seems like the chakra cloak finally rescinded when he knocked her out. He couldn't use his mana or else, he will lose the exam.

Now, the chunin exam has officially ended!