The dark shadow in front of him looms and flickers. Whenever he catches up, he can always escape from his vision. Even if Lin Xi has heavenly eye power, he can't see his identity.

In this way, I chased out for a long time. During this period, I walked around, through many dark passages and many forks. People around me were dizzy.

Finally, the shadow in front stopped, and the light of the flashlight went out at this time. The surroundings were completely plunged into darkness, only the gasp of Lin Xi and Wu Younan.

"Lin Xi ······"

The sudden darkness made Wu Younan feel afraid and subconsciously caught Lin Xi.

"Don't be afraid, there's me..."

Lin Xi patted Wu Younan on the arm and advised her to be at ease, stop hiding her physical strength and use her heavenly eye power. Her eyes were as bright as day.

"This is a bat nest..."

As soon as the heavenly eye power opened, Lin Xi immediately saw the dark figure in front of him. His back was bent, about half a person high. He had two pointed ears on his head, several black hats on his bald head, his arms bent like folds, meat webs under his armpits, and his whole body was dark.

It's not just a shadow, it's really dark.

It seems to feel something. The dark shadow slowly turns around. With two green eyes on his head, he looks at Lin Xi faintly. It is particularly strange in the dark world.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of identical eyes appeared on the top of the cave, staring at Lin Xi and them.

Seeing this situation, Lin Xi was cold in his heart and guessed where it was. Cold sweat came out of his pores uncontrollably and realized that it was bad.

"Then, what's that..."

Because of the realization reason, Wu Younan couldn't see the whole picture of the bat, but the sudden appearance of green eyes made her feel inexplicably panic, unconsciously grasped Lin Xi, and held it tighter and tighter.

Lin Xi didn't dare to move, let alone make a sound - he didn't know whether the bats could see him or attack him.

Because according to common sense, bats have zero eyesight and can only distinguish things by sending out ultrasonic waves and receiving reflected echoes.

In other words, as long as I don't move, bats don't want to find themselves. Their green eyes are just an illusion.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi felt relieved - he stood still for the time being and tried to get away again.

"Lin Xi, let's go back..."

Wu Younan is too afraid, especially the unknown in the dark, which will magnify her fear infinitely. She can't bear hundreds of eyes and asks Lin Xi to leave here.

That is, her voice exposed the target, alerted the bats at the top of the cave, opened their meat wings and dived down to them.

"Danger, get down..."

Lin Xi's face changed dramatically. He quickly hugged Wu Younan, protected her in his arms, and squatted down to the ground together.

At the same time, hundreds of bats came to his head, stretched out their fingers and claws and tore at Lin Xi, as if to tear him apart. In less than a moment, his coat was torn to pieces.

"If I do this again, I'll die..."

Lin Xi buried his head and let the bats tear. He was anxious. If he continued, he would be doomed.

Although he has Qingshuang sword and golden cicada silk in the western regions, which are unparalleled sharp weapons, there are too many bats and they rush forward. If he works hard, he will only die faster.

What should I do! Lin Xi is more and more urgent!

"Whistling ····"

At the critical moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the cave, like a whistle.

After the sound came, it seemed as if they heard a command. All the bats stopped attacking, then spread their meat wings, flew to the top of the cave again, and hung upside down.

For a moment, the cave was strangely quiet, and the silence was strange.

"Patter, patter... Patter..."

A pair of footsteps sounded from the depths of darkness, like stepping on the heart, from far to near, came to Lin Xi's side.

When Lin Xi was surprised and suspicious, he looked up and showed a look of shock.

In the darkness in front of me, two green lanterns the size of an egg, about the height of an adult woman from the ground, were watching him motionless. The green lanterns flashed a faint light, which illuminated the surrounding small area hazy and almost visible.

The owner of the green lantern is a huge bat with ugly appearance, but judging from its size and the whistle just now, it should be the leader of the bat group.

"What kind of monster is this..."

Wu Younan saw the monster leader through the green light. Her face was bloodless and her soul flew away. She had never seen such an ugly monster before.

"He should be the bat leader. Don't be afraid..."

Lin Xi silently recites the formula to calm himself. Only when he calms down can he think of countermeasures, make Wu Younan feel safe and protect Wu Younan.


The bat leader is quite spiritual. He is very dissatisfied with Wu Younan's call of "monster". He opens his meat wings on both sides, waves them indiscriminately in the air, looks like a threat, opens his mouth, reveals two rows of sharp teeth, and looks like a bite.

It's obviously a threat.

Lin Xi saw something bad. His muscles were tense for a moment. He half knelt on the ground, put on the Qingshuang sword in his right hand and made a sword pulling posture.

If the situation is bad, he will kill the bat leader first.

"Whistling ····"

Aware of the danger, the bat leader stepped back a few steps and was obviously afraid of the green frost sword. However, Lin Xi's posture completely angered him, stimulated its beast nature and immediately roared up to the sky.

Lin Xi's face suddenly changed. He was about to draw his sword and cut off. The bats overhead had swooped down, didn't give him a chance to draw his sword, and grabbed him to tear.

In his eagerness, while blocking Wu Younan with his body, Lin Xi waved his scabbard and slapped the bat on his body, which was in a mess.

"Whistling ····"

The bat leader roared again, only heard the "Hula" noise, and the bats flew back to the top of the cave, hanging upside down like a sculpture.

Lin Xi just breathed a sigh. Unexpectedly, the bat leader came up with a vigorous step, stared at the green frost sword in Lin Xi's hand, and then stretched out his fingers and claws. He didn't see how it moved. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the green frost sword from Lin Xi's hand.

Take the white blade with empty hands!

Lin Xi was stunned and raised a huge wave at the bottom of his heart. He was not only shocked that the bat leader could take Qingshuang sword from him, but also shocked that Qingshuang sword was taken away by the bat leader.

For him, Qingshuang sword is definitely the lifeblood and the treasure for self-defense.

Without Qingshuang sword, it's like a tiger without teeth and no capital anymore.

"Sniff and hum..."

The bat leader got the Qingshuang sword, looked back and forth, then gave a scream, jumped and jumped excitedly, and held the Qingshuang sword high as if holding a sacred object.

"Give me back the green frost sword

Lin Xi was frightened and angry. He couldn't care much anymore. He was going to grab the green frost sword.

"Crash... Crash..."

The bats hanging upside down on the top of the cave suddenly swooped down and circled around the vice leader, as if they were worshipping the holy thing and protecting the vice leader.

In this case, Lin Xi couldn't rush in at all. When he was trying to break the road by force with the golden cicada silk of the western regions, the change began again.

"Whistling ····"

The bat leader roared and made the bats return to the top of the cave. Then he looked at Lin Xi and shook the green frost sword again. It seemed that there was no hostility.

Lin Xi doesn't know why, so he confronts with vigilance - the spirit of the bat leader is much higher than expected, just like ordinary people. Lin Xi can't determine what it means.

Wu Younan was also very nervous and didn't let go of Lin Xi.


Suddenly, the bat leader blinked, then jumped back, retreated to the depths of the cave and disappeared into the dark.

"What shall we do..."

Wu Younan also had no idea, so she had to ask Lin Xi for help.

Lin Xi didn't understand his meaning and didn't dare to act rashly,


Xu Shi saw that Lin Xi didn't move. The bat leader turned back, blinked again, repeated the action just now, and his cry eased a lot, waiting for Lin Xi's response.

"Let's go, let's follow..."

Lin Xi bit his teeth and decided to follow.

Anyway, he will take back the green frost sword.

Seeing Lin Xi following up, the bat leader retreated into the depths of the cave and went deeper and deeper. He didn't know where to go.

"Where is it taking us..."

After walking in the dark for a long time, Wu Younan had no bottom in her heart and fear rose again.

"It may be leading the way to show us something

Lin Xi has calmed down. After analyzing the pros and cons, he is stunned to find that the change of bat leader's attitude stems from Qingshuang sword. It is even possible that he knows Qingshuang sword.

This speculation is absurd. The smelly bat has been hiding in the isolated cave of bindiyuan. How can he have seen the green frost sword!

But when you think about it, this is the most reasonable explanation.

Wherever the bat leader takes him, just follow him.

Continue to move forward, the cave is getting narrower and narrower, and even have to bow forward. The foot is not flat. There are rocks everywhere. Wu Younan can't see things. She stumbles all the way and can barely keep up with Lin Xi's help.

After walking for some time, the front gradually opened up, with weak light blue light and the sound of running water.

"Where is this..."

Lin Xi and his colleagues came out of the cave and looked at this magical place. They found that it was a naturally formed karst cave. There were many sharp stalagmites on the ground, many stalactites hanging on the top of the cave, and a bright red field stretched out.

In addition, in the most central position, there is a huge oval object, like an egg. The light blue light is emitted from it and can be clearly seen in the hole.


The bat leader jumped onto the stone egg and kept blinking at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi walked slowly over and looked at the stone egg, but he couldn't see the famous hall. Instead, he became more and more confused and looked at the bat leader, hoping it could solve his doubts.

The bat leader didn't know what to say and didn't want to solve his doubts. Instead, he threw the Qingshuang sword back into Lin Xi's hand, then jumped down the stone egg, spread out the meat wings and flew back the same way.

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