"Wait, who are you talking about the emperor of heaven..."

Linxi interrupted Deng Xiaoyu and asked a question.

Since he woke up, the great wizard and Deng Xiaoyu mentioned the emperor of heaven many times. It seems that this person's existence is far above the emperor.

In fact, he already had a guess, but he was not sure, and he didn't dare to imagine.

"The emperor of heaven is the emperor of heaven. The emperor is the master of human world, and the emperor of heaven is the master of heaven. He is high above all others..."

Deng Xiaoyu's answer is groundbreaking.

It turns out that there are not only ghosts and gods in this world, but also heaven and the emperor of heaven!

When Lin Xi was shocked, he remembered the carved ghosts and gods behind the bronze door of the general's tomb. At that time, he thought that the ancients worshipped ghosts and gods. Now if you think about it, I'm afraid it's more than that - it's not worshipping ghosts and gods, but really offering sacrifices!

This truth was hard for him to accept, and his heart was like a tsunami.

"No, if there are ghosts and gods and the emperor of heaven, why didn't it happen later..."

Lin Xi thought of another key, which is related to later generations. There are no ghosts, gods and miracles.

"Because heaven and earth are connected! Since then, people and gods will be separated and never meet, so naturally there will be no miracles..."

Deng Xiaoyu answered casually, but he thought it was wrong. Lin Xi walked around in such a big circle and covered her words. He hurriedly returned to the subject with dissatisfaction: "Oh, the more he said, the more he digressed from the subject. Now he talks about Hongming Dao..."

"Heaven and earth are connected, and the book of mountains and seas is true..."

One by one, Xinmi, like a tsunami, impacted Lin Xi's cognition.

The record of "the connection between heaven and earth" was first seen in the book of mountains and seas: Emperor Zhuanxu was not satisfied with the mixed residence of human beings and gods, and the chaos in the world was reborn. Therefore, his descendants paid attention to the connection between heaven and earth, and human beings and gods performed their respective duties and did not interfere with each other.

This record is very simple. Many people think it is a myth, legend or other interpretation. They never believe in the literal meaning.

It turns out that this record is really literal!

In other words, all the records in the book of mountains and seas are true!

Those myths, those legends, that strange world, really existed!

Now, Lin Xi, who came back from crossing, is in this world!

"After the imperial sword was baked, there were still some raw materials left, and the high temperature of the furnace did not dissipate. The emperor used the remaining materials to cast Hongming Dao. Because the imperial sword absorbed the aura of just to Yang, the spirit of Hongming Dao was only soft to Yin, which was suitable for women to wear, so it was given by the emperor to his lover, implying the harmony of yin and Yang..."

Deng Xiaoyu continues to explain the origin of Hongming Dao regardless of the shocked Lin Xi.

"Hongming Dao, Minghong Dao, no wonder it sounds so familiar. Isn't Minghong Dao a magic Dao..."

Lin Xi calmed down and listened to Deng Xiaoyu.

No wonder when he heard Hongming Dao, he felt his name was familiar. He had heard it for a long time, but what he heard was called Hongming Dao. It was a complete magic Dao.

It is said that Minghong's Sabre is so strong that it can bite back at the person holding it. He intended to destroy it. Unexpectedly, the sabre was spiritual and disappeared into a Skylark. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty got it and gave it to Dongfang Shuo. Then he disappeared.

"I say it's Hongming Dao, it's Hongming Dao! Future generations are foolish and confuse black and white. They think that the most soft and Yin are demons. They don't know the harmony of yin and Yang..."

Deng Xiaoyu sneered, disdained Lin Xi's doubts, and had a deep obsession with the name of the knife.

Lin Xi didn't bother to argue about such side details, and then asked, "there are records in history of several imperial concubines of the emperor, such as imperial concubine yuan. Who did he give Hongming Dao to and who was his favorite person..."

Lin Xi has a vague guess, but he still needs timing - first of all, we must find out the whereabouts of Hongming Dao.

"Who says the emperor's favorite person must be his concubine..."

Deng Xiaoyu asked Lin Xi in a dissatisfied tone.

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, and then his thoughts surged like a tide. A flash of light flashed in his brain and secretly scolded himself for being confused.

The emperor's marriage is never based on personal preferences, but on the world. For example, the imperial concubine yuan, the virtuous mother, the world, passed on silkworm breeding and silk making, educated the people and made a match with the emperor.

However, the existence of imperial concubine yuan is only to cooperate with the emperor. Their feelings are more like a partner. As for their personal feelings, they are unknown.

The same is true of other concubines.

"The great wizard recognized you as a female envoy because of Hongming sword..."

The Hongming sword came from the same source as the imperial sword and was given to his beloved by the emperor. Deng Xiaoyu came with it. No wonder the great wizard respected him as a female envoy.

The messenger of the emperor's beloved is second only to Lin Xi.

"That's right, but there's no reward..."

Lin Xi's brain is finally enlightened, and Deng Xiaoyu can't help feeling proud.

"Qingshuang sword and Hongming sword have such origins. What about me and you? What's our connection..."

Taking advantage of Deng Xiaoyu's happiness, Lin Xi asked the long buried doubt.

Since knowing Deng Xiaoyu, Deng Xiaoyu has kept in mind the special of Lin Xi, so he has long guessed that there must be some connection between them.

And this connection must not be shallow.

"I have a long conversation with you. I have to go back and forth... Eh? Brother Xi, you are dishonest and want to set me up again..."

Deng Xiaoyu forgot himself and was about to say. Unexpectedly, she found out at the critical time.

"Cough, I'm just asking casually, even if I don't say..."

Lin Xi felt embarrassed when he was exposed. He coughed twice and turned the matter into a small one.

However, Deng Xiaoyu's attitude made him more confident that there must be a special connection between them.

"Another question, you said the imperial sword has divine power. Why is my Qingshuang sword different from what you said..."

Lin Xi changed the topic and diverted his attention, otherwise Deng Xiaoyu would stare at him. It was really uncomfortable.

As he said, the shapes of Qingshuang sword and Emperor sword are very different. They don't look like half emperor sword.

"It's simple. It's sealed..."

Deng Xiaoyu answered directly.

Lin Xi was surprised: "sealed? How to remove the seal..."

Deng Xiaoyu pointed to Lin Xi and said seriously, "use your blood..."

"My blood? It's impossible

Lin Xi's tone was very firm. Although Deng Xiaoyu said that his blood was pure Yang's blood and the best psychic medium in the world, he cut his palm with Qingshuang sword more than once, but there was no abnormality.

His blood can't untie the seal of emperor's sword.

"That's your wrong way. Do it like this..."

Deng Xiaoyu smiled cunningly and flashed away. He picked it up from the bed and came to Lin Xi. He grabbed his left arm wrist with one hand and took out Hongming knife with the other. The light of the knife twinkled and turned on his wrist, revealing a bloodstain.


In Deng Xiaoyu's hands, Lin Xi can't resist at all, or he can't keep up with the speed at all, so he can only let Deng Xiaoyu do it.

It was only Deng Xiaoyu's action that shocked him. He remembered that he was in the general's tomb, and he was also extracted by Deng Xiaoyu. Only then did he open the bronze coffin, which made him lose his strength and recovered not long ago.

Now come again. The little witch really wants to kill him!

"Miso ·····"

Without waiting for Lin Xi's reaction, Deng Xiaoyu swept his left leg and kicked the zhongqingshuang sword. The Qingshuang sword was forced, flew out of the scabbard, fell in front of Lin Xi, stabbed into the ground for an inch, grabbed Lin Xi's wrist, put it above the Qingshuang sword, and let the blood flow from the hilt to irrigate the whole sword body.

At the same time, Deng Xiaoyu also drew a blood mark on his wrist and watered the Qingshuang sword with Lin Xi's blood.

"Buzzing ·····"

The Qingshuang sword, which was watered with blood, suddenly vibrated uneasily and sent out a buzzing sound. The pattern on the sword body was slowly cool and blue, and became more and more prosperous. It enveloped the whole Qingshuang sword like a special rune.

In the next moment, starting from the end of the hilt, the original color fades and the metal texture emerges. It extends to the sword God. The green and glittering color is more intense, with gold in green and purple in gold. It is particularly sacred.

In an instant, runes began to appear on the sword handle and the sword God. On one side of the sword body was the sun, moon and stars, on the other side were mountains and rivers, plants and trees, on the other side was grain and animal husbandry, and on the other side was golden and iron horses. Although they were not words, the meaning of the expression could be clearly understood at a glance.

Qingshuang sword finally shows its true face - Emperor sword, Emperor's sword!

"This, this is the imperial sword

Looking at his own sword, Lin Xi was stunned.

"Buzzing... Buzzing..."

He stretched out his finger and wanted to touch the Qingshuang sword to confirm whether it was true, but at the moment of touching, the Qingshuang sword vibrated more violently, swinging a circle of sword light and layers of sword spirit, which continued to spread outward, illuminating the whole temple.

The sacred attribute of imperial sword is undoubtedly revealed.

Outside the temple.

After the sacrifice, the aborigines who were celebrating silently stopped their actions. For a time, the whole square was silent.

Everyone looked up at the temple and saw the sword light overflowing from the temple.

"Emperor ·····"

Finally, the great wizard "Putong" knelt down, lowered his head, surrendered to the light of the sword and shouted the name of the emperor.

"Emperor ·····"

Others also knelt down and prostrated piously on the ground, shouting "emperor" together.

Further away, and in the low mountains outside the Diyuan.

Countless wild birds also flew, and countless wild animals were scared away and roared uneasily up to the sky.

"That's the breath of the emperor. Has he arrived in person..."

Somewhere in the low mountain in the west, in a narrow valley, someone looked into the distance and murmured.

"The imperial envoy brought the imperial sword, but he could use the imperial sword

Somewhere in the low mountain in the north, a bright cave always comes out with a burly figure. It's incredible to look at and tie yuan in the distance.

"Roar... Roar..."

Under the ground near bingdiyuan, a huge shadow is breaking mountains and stones, acting as prison coolies, day and night.

At the moment when the emperor's sword appeared, it suddenly stopped its action, bent its limbs, crawled on the ground, and sent out a low roar to convey its submission.

Emperor Jian has natural restraint against it!

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