Deviation in implementation?

Lin Xi's doubts are even stronger. Since the ideas are the same, why is there a deviation in implementation?

Deng Xiaoyu lowered his head and tightened his lips, as if he were remembering something and considering something.

She explained: "in the emperor's view, ordinary people in that era, even with their help, could not resist the notice of the gods. Even if the resistance was successful, it would have to pay a great price..."

"Therefore, the emperor advocated that we should conserve our energy and strength, wait for the time to be ripe and reduce unnecessary sacrifices, but the soldiers and demons were more radical and advocated to launch resistance immediately..."

"In fact, the soldiers and demons did, cut off the sacrifice of ghosts and gods, and then there were later things

Lin Xi can fully imagine what the situation was like at that time - the emperor focused on the overall situation and moved forward steadily, and the soldiers and demons were mainly radical and could not wait. However, the reality at that time was that ghosts and gods had ruled for a long time and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and ordinary people had long been numb and had no intention to resist.

In this case, even though the emperor and the soldiers and demons have powerful divine power, they are still insignificant in front of the world's big vision - except them, ordinary people have no power to bind chickens, and can only be slaughtered by ghosts and gods, and bullied by blood tribes. If they resist immediately, it is almost a one-sided massacre.

The deviation in implementation comes from this.

Lin Xi sighed: "facts have proved that the emperor is right

Lin Xi's prejudice against the emperor disappeared in an instant. Instead, he admired the emperor's vision. In that situation, he could be so calm that he didn't hesitate to break his wrists, completely break with the soldiers and demons, and even kill the soldiers and demons, but also strive for the opportunity of self-cultivation.

In any case, both soldiers, demons and emperors are worthy of admiration. They are great ancestors - they do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves and sacrifice their lives for justice for the sake of ordinary people and more living environment. No wonder countless people in later generations respect them as ancestors and offer sacrifices to them from generation to generation.

Although some things, submerged in the dust of history, exist in legends and myths, have long been unable to distinguish the true from the false, what they have done has left a trace, which is revered and respected by future generations.

Wherever you walk, there must be traces.

However, in this question, Lin Xi had another doubt and asked Deng Xiaoyu, "I've always been curious. Can the divine power of emperor and soldiers and Demons really resist the emperor of heaven and many ghosts and gods..."

Deng Xiaoyu was not surprised. He still lowered his head and said in a leisurely voice, "you should already know that the divine power obtained by the emperor is the power of God, and the divine power obtained by the soldiers and demons is the power of demons..."

"The extreme of these two forces can be comparable to the emperor of heaven. If they unite, the emperor of heaven will be inferior. But in this resistance, even in the face of the rolling torrent of history, their divine power is so insignificant. I explain it like this. You should be able to understand..."

Lin Xi nodded slowly to express his understanding, but he was still skeptical about the power of God or devil.

"What kind of power is that..."

In Lin Xi's existing cognition, what is the difference between the divine power form of God or devil and the divine power of gods, the blood inheritance of tribes, and the immortal cultivated?

He was about to ask a question, but Deng Xiaoyu suddenly laughed and said with sarcasm: "if you really fight for ordinary people, it will not waste the sacrifice of later generations. Unfortunately, hehe..."

Lin Xi's eyebrows rose. Hearing the unusual, he felt inexplicably tight in his heart and asked, "is there any other reason..."

Deng Xiaoyu's laughter was even worse. He was seeping and his voice became ethereal. He said, "let's change the question. I don't want to answer you, otherwise I will lose control and kill you here first..."

At last, Deng Xiaoyu suddenly looked up, his eyes full of killing opportunities, and stared at Lin Xi faintly.

Killing is like the essence, which makes Lin Xi suddenly cold - a strong sense of crisis hit his whole body in an instant, and his pores contracted inward at the same time, causing countless goose bumps.

He is absolutely sure that Deng Xiaoyu is not joking.

"Shit! What does this have to do with me..."

Lin Xi didn't dare to move and roared in his heart.

In front of Deng Xiaoyu, with his current skills, he doesn't have any sense of security. He even doubts whether he can go through a round in Deng Xiaoyu's hands.

Deng Xiaoyu's strangeness is deeply felt by him.

At the same time, he kept shouting: "the little witch is crazy. She will change her face if she changes her face. Where did I provoke her..."

Similar situations have happened before, which once baffled Lin Xi.

Lin Xi didn't dare to ask or test, so he had to deal with it in silence.

The atmosphere in the temple was frozen to the extreme, like a pool of stagnant water, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

Such a solidified atmosphere is worse than suffocation.

"Hee hee, people are joking! Brother hee, aren't you really afraid..."

Suddenly, Deng Xiaoyu smiled and made a silver bell like sound. The killing disappeared instantly, as if everything just now was just an illusion, just her joke.

Lin Xi knows that it was definitely not a joke just now!

Such a joke is not funny at all!

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief when the killing machine dispersed, and his body completely relaxed. At the same time, he felt that the clothes on his back had been soaked and the beads of sweat on his forehead were rolling away.

The little witch's killing machine is really terrible.

Ignoring Lin Xi's embarrassment, Deng Xiaoyu stood up and walked around the temple again, talking with confidence: "after the emperor defeated the soldiers and demons, the emperor came to the world, dominated the whole world, stood on an equal footing with the emperor of heaven, suppressed the tribes with blood power, or subdued, exiled, suppressed, or erased..."

"He reached a consensus with the emperor of heaven and the gods on his own, and he was in charge of the world. The emperor of heaven and the gods were high in the divine world, so they were no longer allowed to interfere in the affairs of the world, and gave enough sacrifices..."

"At this time, the emperor of heaven and the gods were stunned to find that the emperor's tusks were so sharp that they had to agree, that is, the era when we passed through bindiyuan..."

After a while, Deng Xiaoyu continued: "in this way, the emperor's goal was achieved, which was the best result at that time. At least it gave ordinary people a chance to breathe, but he was unable to complete his idea in his lifetime..."

"Therefore, he entrusted his ideas to later generations, that is, his grandson, which should be called emperor Zhuanxu..."

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