Lin Xi was speechless, secretly make complaints about it, but he didn't show it. He laughed and said, "the entrance to the tomb should be coming soon. I want to talk to Xiao Yu about his plan to enter the tomb."

The wind blocked his eyebrows and frowned. He didn't seem to expect that Lin Xi could determine the entrance of the mausoleum so quickly.

Even so, Lin Xi's request still made him uncomfortable. It was almost intentional. He wanted to refuse the plea, because it would delay Deng Xiaoyu's recovery, which he didn't want to see.

He thought for a moment and planned to let Lin Xi see Deng Xiaoyu after the entrance of the mausoleum was finally determined, but before he could say it, Deng Xiaoyu's voice came from the stilted building: "let him in..."

The wind blocked his eyebrows and frowned more tightly. He still didn't move away and seemed hesitant.

Seeing that the opportunity was not lost, Lin Xi quickly squeezed his eyes, looked at the gate of the stilted building, and signaled the wind block to get out of the way.

Although Fengdu was dissatisfied, he made way of the road and said coldly, "boy, you'd better be honest..."

Lin Xi smiled, walked to the place where the wind block gave way, pushed the door and went in.

In the building, Deng Xiaoyu sat on the bed with her knees crossed and her eyes closed. Her originally pale face has improved significantly after two days of cultivation. However, her injury involves the source, and it will take some time to fully recover.

"Did you find Li Lake..."

Deng Xiaoyu opened his eyes. His eyes were very bright and fell on Lin Xi.

Lin Xi was not polite either. He just sat down and said, "according to the deduction of the secret of yin and Yang flying stars, the orientation has been basically determined and will only be verified in the end..."

Deng Xiaoyu pursed his lips, relieved a little more in his eyes, saw Lin Xi's intention, and said with a smile, "if you have anything to say, you and I don't have to taboo so much..."

Lin Xi fell into silence.

In terms of personal feelings, although he and Deng Xiaoyu have been unclear and hurting each other, the relationship between them and their cause and effect are indeed very close.

Previous experiences are the best proof.

To some extent, these forces are more like a group.

However, the actual situation is that Lin Xi is employed by Professor Meng, and even Su Tianlan and Deng Xiaoyu have her ideas. She is not a passer-by at all.

This separation made Lin Xi very uncomfortable and hated this state.

This disgust was forced down by him, returned to the subject and said: "you have reached this stage, should you tell me how to get along with us after entering the mausoleum..."

Deng Xiaoyu's bright eyes, bent into a crescent moon, seemed to have expected it long ago, and asked Lin Xi, "what do you think..."

Lin Xi breathed, and an unspeakable depression rushed into his heart.

I came to ask you. How did you come to ask me?

Deng Xiaoyu saw his entanglement and continued with a smile: "brother Xi, we are husband and wife. You won't help outsiders beat me, will you..."

Lin Xi could not answer this question.

Although he was not sure, the final goal of several forces should be to attack the relics of the seal soldiers, and he promised Professor Meng that he was destined to fight against Deng Xiaoyu at the last minute.

He didn't want to betray Professor Meng and stand with Deng Xiaoyu in exchange for more causal information, but he racked his brains and couldn't find a reason for betrayal.

The key is that Deng Xiaoyu's goal is unclear, so he can't fully believe it. Moreover, the poisonous insects planted by Deng Xiaoyu must be removed by Professor Meng. Only in this way can he completely get rid of control and have no reason to betray Professor Meng.

Therefore, in the end, they will go to the opposite. In order to avoid tragedy, he must find Deng Xiaoyu and delimit the degree of opposition - he doesn't want to hurt Deng Xiaoyu or be hurt by Deng Xiaoyu.

"You should know that this is something you have to face

Lin Xi was silent for a long time, without a positive answer, but told the truth.

Deng Xiaoyu's face changed, showing a sad posture, and said, "so you'll help them beat me..."

Lin Xi clearly felt that Deng Xiaoyu's sadness was completely sincere.

He just wanted to ease the atmosphere, but Deng Xiaoyu's face suddenly changed and became gloomy like water, vaguely emitting a killing opportunity. He said in a somber tone: "after all these years, you haven't changed at all. You're not soft on me at all..."

Seeing that Deng Xiaoyu was in a wrong state, Lin Xi stood up and said, "I don't mean that. I just want to discuss with you whether there is a better way to solve this problem peacefully..."

Lin Xi said this to show his attitude that no matter who gets the divine object, he should not face each other with a sword.

Of course, there is a premise here - when facing Buddha and ADA, they should always unite, always be external, and solve these two major problems.

"There's nothing to discuss. In the end, we all rely on means. Either you or I die..."

It's OK that Lin Xi didn't explain. After explaining, he made himself self defeating, which made Deng Xiaoyu more excited. On that sweet and greasy face, there was an abnormal purplish red, which seemed to be more gloomy.

"Light rain, you

Lin Xi's face changed slightly and stepped back, frightened by Deng Xiaoyu's state.

He had never seen Deng Xiaoyu in such a state that he was like a madman. He couldn't listen to the explanation at all, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said just now.

"Boy, get out of here, you want to die..."

Just as Lin Xi tried to ease Deng Xiaoyu's mood, there was a voice of wind blocking outside.

Fengdu stood at the door with a gloomy face, but he didn't dare to come in. It seemed that he was afraid of something - his eyes had been on Deng Xiaoyu.

"You come out for me..."

Lin Xigang wanted to explain, but the wind block didn't give him a chance. He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Xi's chest with an invisible force, pulled him out of the stilt building, then closed the door and left Deng Xiaoyu alone.

In the whole process, Lin Xi was almost powerless to resist and didn't even react. What happened.

As soon as the door was closed, the building suddenly looked dark.

A small part of the sunshine came in from the window and hit Deng Xiaoyu's face, making her delicate face half bright and half dark. Like her mood at this time, there was a demon living in her body.

She looked at the closed door and almost shouted, "you ungrateful man, ungrateful man..."

However, her body always sits on the bed and doesn't move. It seems that there are two souls in her body, one is out of control and the other is controlling the body, which is particularly strange.

With the passage of time, she gradually recovered her calm and finally whispered, "brother Xi, I really can't control myself. Don't hurt me again

Unfortunately, Lin Xi couldn't hear her whisper.

At the same time, the wind blocked Lin Xi away.

Lin Xi stabilized his figure and asked in embarrassment, "senior, Xiaoyu, he..."

The wind block interrupted Lin Xi, with fierce eyes and said, "boy, if you want to die, you can go in. I won't stop you..."

Lin Xi immediately stopped fighting and became suspicious. What happened to Deng Xiaoyu?

He was silent for a moment, calmed down, and then asked, "what the hell is going on..."

"The girl's injury is too serious and her mood is a little sensitive. Don't disturb him and go back..."

Fengdu glanced at Lin Xi and sent him away without telling him what he meant.

Of course, Lin Xi knows that Deng Xiaoyu's injury is troublesome, but Deng Xiaoyu said that it is still under control. After entering the mausoleum, he will use pills to suppress the injury, which will not affect the follow-up plan.

The excuse of wind blockage is hardly persuasive.

Lin Xi looked at the stilted building and didn't continue to insist - for this reason, he had to go back first.

He didn't say hello and turned to leave, but not far away, there was a wind blocking voice behind him: "I warn you again. If you dare to hurt the girl again, I will kill you even if you go to the ends of the earth..."

"She can't stand your hurt anymore

In the end, the sound of the wind jam was very light and almost inaudible, but Lin Xi's six senses still heard it clearly, so his body shook and his eyes burst out.

At this moment, he seemed to have guessed the answer.

Deng Xiaoyu's state just now should come from their cause and effect.

Further analysis, why does Fengdu say "she can't stand your injury"?

Before that, Lin Xi had such behavior, so there is only one possibility, that is, their cause and effect. Similar things have happened, which made Deng Xiaoyu accumulate resentment and was triggered just now, so he suddenly lost control.

Lin Xi is more curious about the cause and effect between them. What is the connection?

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Spit out a mouthful of turbid air. Lin Xi looked up at the sky. The blue sky, blue clouds and bright sunshine dispelled the cold of winter.

However, the haze in his heart never dissipated. The more secrets hidden in him, the more mysteries will increase, just like an unsolvable mess.

I don't know when it can be completely untied.

"Emperor envoy, someone outside wants to see you

At this time, obedience ran from outside the village and respectfully reported to Lin Xi.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is hatred and anger hidden in the obedient eyebrows.

"Who wants to see me? What do you look like..."

Lin Xi's bad mood was resolved, so he frowned again and guessed who the visitor was.

If you are one of your own, you certainly don't have to report it. Is it Ah Da?

Has he heard from Wu Younan?

"They killed my father..."

At this moment, there is no need to hide compliance, and all emotions are completely burst out.

Lin Xi's eyes jumped wildly and guessed the identity of the visitor - the master's man.

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