Almost at the same time, the two accomplices had a common idea - they really wanted to kill Feng Laoer.

"Cough... Cough..."

Suddenly, a quick cough rang out from the crowd.

Feng Laoer, who woke up, also had a bad feeling. He was thinking about how to get out, but he was attracted by the cough. He found that Lin Xi appeared behind obedience and took him in his hand.

Obedience's face is pale, but there is no imagined heavy damage. Although his physique has no divine power, it is also very special, which makes his physique extremely strong, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Lin Xi, you shrinking tortoise, are finally willing to come out

The appearance of Lin Xi reminds Feng Laoer of the past. He is blinded by hatred, forgets the current situation and shows the color of madness.

His long-awaited opportunity for revenge finally appeared.

"You adjust your breath first, and I'll deal with the rest..."

Lin Xi walked out of obedience behind him and calmly walked towards Feng ER. His eyes didn't have a ripple. He didn't seem to pay attention to his opponent. He might as well look at an mole ant.

At the same time, the beast army also became restless and looked at Lin Xi in unison. Many of them roared like a great enemy.

Lin Xi seemed to feel it. He swept away the beasts and found that he looked familiar. Then he suddenly remembered that when the team entered the bingdiyuan, it was attacked by these beasts and successfully repelled them.

One of them was a lone wolf with the scar he cut at that time. Even if it had been scarred, it could still be seen vaguely. The scar at that time was deep and bone could be seen.

In a trance, he knew the origin of the beast Legion - the barbarians of Xishan in the mythological era. Almost everyone had animal slaves. Later, the barbarians integrated into bingdiyuan and became the big leader Yimai. Although it was easy to go through a long time, they still maintained the tradition.

In other words, the beast army in front of us is the beast slave of the mausoleum keeper - the blind white tiger is almost the same as the white slave around Duanxiu.

If I had known, there would have been no bloody battle.

"Roar... Roar..."

The white tiger suddenly roared, like thunder, suppressing the whole beast army, which made them tremble. They all lowered their heads and dared not offend any more.

Then, the white tiger moved forward slowly, came to Lin Xi, turned around him, and finally stopped in front of him, as if sensing something.

Suddenly, the white tiger bent his forelegs, knelt down in front of Lin Xi, and lowered his head - the white tiger leading the beast army, the powerful king of the jungle, lowered his noble head.

This scene shocked everyone.

The obedience who was adjusting his breath couldn't help losing his voice and said, "tiger slave, what are you..."

The white tiger in front of him is not a slave of the old leader, but a slave of the old leader. He is even older than the slave's age. He is the patron saint of the people guarding the mausoleum and the barrier used by the people guarding the mausoleum on the periphery of the mountains to guard against invasion.

If it were not for the invasion of foreign enemies, Feng Laoer would not summon him back if he was pressed too hard.

I can't imagine that the patron saint of the village would kneel down and worship Lingxi. Even he, his father and even the great wizard don't have such treatment.

Therefore, his awe of Lin Xi became deeper and deeper. He believed that the imperial envoy in front of him had walked with his ancestors before the ancient years and was a divine existence.

The white tiger's kneeling is the best proof.

Lin Xi suddenly realized that he had treated the animals of the cold reined beast for the broken white slave and used his blood. It must be for this reason that his mark was left in the blood of the white slave and passed on to its descendants.

Lin Xi finally understood why even if he shot the white tiger blind after he was injured when he met the beast legion, the white tiger still chose to retreat - not because of fear, but because he smelled Lin Xi's blood, which stimulated the blood gene and made him recognize Lin Xi from the awe of his soul.

"Sorry! I made you blind in one eye..."

Thinking through the joints, Lingxi showed a bitter smile and touched the head of the white tiger. If we knew the cause and effect earlier, many things could be avoided.

"Unfortunately, there is no if... In the world," Lin Xi lamented.

Like a big cat, the white tiger rubbed Lin Xi intimately, then regained its dignity, went to the monster army and continued to stare at the invaders.

Its spirituality is much stronger than imagined.

"Why did you come to see me..."

Lin Xi raised his eyes and looked at Kong Laoer again. His tone was still calm.

"Hey, hey, aren't you afraid I'll kill you, just like him..."

Feng Laoer forgot his situation and thought only of revenge. He pointed to the guard who vomited blood and showed off the results to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi's eyes didn't squint and said, "if you're here to talk nonsense, you should have been aware..."

Feng Laoer was stunned and didn't understand what he meant, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that he came today to avenge Lin Xi.

He smiled angrily and said, "Lin Xi, I came to you today to settle accounts with you. The new hatred and old hatred are counted together for the sins you let me suffer..."

Before the word "Suan" fell, he had boldly shot, raised two fists and smashed at Lin Xi's face door

At the same time, black lines appeared on the backs of his hands, as if there were hidden mysterious forces that could promote his ability.

"Hiss... Hiss..."

This is indeed the case. After the black lines emerged, the sense of strength of Feng's fist was significantly enhanced. When it cut through the air, it burst into the sound of wind and thunder, like an empty bullet.

Feng's second hand is full of strength, and he has a premonition that even if Lin Xi has great skills and dodged this blow, his strange ability can appear behind Lin Xi and give him an absolute blow on his retreat.

This is the ability given by the master. It can not only enhance strength, but also twist at will, winding like a spirit snake.

He believed that Lin Xi could not resist such ability.

He had even foreseen the scene that Lin Xi was defeated in his acceptance, ashamed before the snow, and begged him for mercy.

However, the next moment, his actions solidified, his eyes solidified, and his face was unbelievable.

Before that, Lin Xi slowly leaned out his right hand, and the latter came first. With a high-altitude grip, an invisible force burst out of his palm. The second Feng who pulled and rushed over fell firmly into his hand, like pinching the moth that put out the fire and pinching the other party's neck.

This is a new technique that Lin Xi learned from Fengdu not long ago. Although his current skill is far inferior to Fengdu and can grasp a person in the air, it is more than enough for traction and grasping.

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