Lin Xi thought that he had overestimated the strangeness of these hair as much as possible. Unexpectedly, he was careless. Even Deng Xiaoyu couldn't resist independently and was swallowed up by them.

He split the sword Qi one after another, opened a channel and rushed in to rescue Deng Xiaoyu, but his hair was too much and too tight. The sword Qi only flew out of the ruler, which was offset and dissipated into the invisible.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xi only felt that his scalp was numb, but he still hardened his scalp and stabbed it in the middle of his hair. In any case, he could not put Deng Xiaoyu and Xiaomin down. Fortunately, the sword Qi was not completely useless, at least he could ensure himself.

It took him a long time, but he didn't know how much sword Qi he cut. Finally, he broke the channel and found the wrapped Deng Xiaoyu and them.

Deng Xiaoyu was fine at that time, and Xiao Min could still insist. Only Su min and sister Qiuyue could not be described as embarrassed. Their bodies were full of scars and fainted with a bright red color.

The wounds are very small, like spider silk, but if we hold on like this, sooner or later the blood will dry.

Knowing the seriousness, Lin Xi quickly gestured that the entrance had been opened and hurried to withdraw.

Deng Xiaoyu nodded and sank to the entrance with Lin Xi, but at this time, the hair covering their heads suddenly rolled violently, as if something was going to come out of it.

Lin Xi and Deng Xiaoyu are vigilant at the same time. While guarding against the surroundings, they pay attention to the movement above their heads. As long as the thing dares to come out, they will not hesitate and work together to kill it first - if there is anything else, it is definitely a terrorist existence, which is far more troublesome than these hair.

As soon as they reached a tacit understanding, they saw the hair on their heads shrink suddenly and rise suddenly. A bright light came down from their heads to disperse all the darkness.

Through the light, Lin Xi saw the "thing" and was about to take action, but he was suddenly stunned - it was not the danger he imagined, but the Ah Da and them who fell behind.

ADA and his men in black, surrounded by the petite saint, sank slowly from above. They didn't wear equipment. Everything was like the outside world, but they could stand in the water like walking on the ground.

Around them, there seemed to be an invisible barrier, which broke the ubiquitous waters. It was also that barrier, which broke the layers of hair and appeared in front of Lin Xi.

In addition, Lin Xi also heard the recitation and recognized that it was a female voice. The content of the recitation was similar to Deng Xiaoyu's mantra, which was extremely ancient and mysterious.

He looked for the source of the sound and found that it came from the petite figure.

He suddenly realized that it was a woman.

I don't know why, he felt that the voice had an inexplicable familiarity. He had heard it somewhere, and more than once, but he couldn't remember it strangely, as if this memory had been pulled away.

After they came down, ADA saw the surrounded Lin Xi and them, but as if they didn't see them, they continued to sink to the bottom of the water, and there was no plan to help.

It was reasonable for Lin Xi not to be surprised, but when he thought that the mausoleum he opened would be cut off by Ah Da, his face was as heavy as water, but there was no way to change it. He could only watch them break open layers of hair and be about to sink into the water.

At this time, the voice of the saint chanting the mantra rose abruptly and became clearer. With her chanting, circles of invisible ripples spread around, broke through the barriers around them and continued to spread in the water.

With the diffusion of ripples, all hair shrinks at the fastest speed like an electric shock, just as snow meets the spring sun, which is their natural nemesis.

With just a few breaths, the water was completely empty, restoring the previous silence and clarity, while the hair retreated to the rock wall and retracted to the forehead of the face.

That circle of ripples did not let them go. Like retro maggots, they went deep into the rock wall to find their existence.

It can be seen that with the infiltration of ripples, the faces on the rock wall are distorted in an instant. Although they can't make a sound, they can distinguish their panic and despair from their faces, and dissipate in the distortion, just like pencil drawings on white paper erased by erasers, until they disappear, as if they never existed.

Finally, the ancient leiwen cloud seal script on their foreheads is also slowly dissipating until there are clean rock walls left.

Vaguely, Lin Xi seemed to hear the nonsense again. It was the voice of countless faces, liberation and detachment. It was fleeting. If he hadn't heard it, he even suspected it was auditory hallucination.

After being sealed for a long time, her distorted and strange face finally got rid of the bad luck of being imprisoned in the mantra recited by the saint.

"What kind of power is this? It's so magical! And why did she save us..."

When it was over, Lin Xi was overwhelmed by doubts.

The mantra recited by the saint must be some kind of divine power. Undoubtedly, Lin Xi's knowledge of the mythical age is limited, and he can't see what kind of divine power it is, but it's certain that this kind of divine power is related to purification and can shuttle freely in the water.

And what's the purpose of saving them?

You know, from entering the blue eye, the two sides are antagonistic. Wouldn't it be better to use those strange faces to solve or delay Lin Xi and them?

No matter how you look at it, it's not wise to save your enemy.

Deng Xiaoyu around Lin Xi was as gloomy as water at this time, especially the mantra recited by the saint, which made the evil hidden in her heart spread out uncontrollably. She almost couldn't help but go up and fight with the saint.

In her mind, there was only one thought: "that was my power, you thief..."

After dispersing her hair and purifying those faces, the saint took back the voice of the mantra and quickly sank down without the slightest pause, let alone seeing Deng Xiaoyu.

Standing in the barrier, ADA's chest fluctuated, showing his dissatisfaction, but seeing that the saint didn't move any more, he forcibly suppressed his emotions and went into the mausoleum first.

In a moment, they entered the door and were submerged by endless darkness.

When their backs disappeared, Lin Xi reacted, patted Deng Xiaoyu and prepared to enter the mausoleum, but he found that Deng Xiaoyu's current state was countless times more terrible than when she was on the shore, as if the evil in her body had been released.

In particular, her eyes at Lin Xi were full of hostility, as if she wanted to eat people.

Lin Xi was so frightened that he stepped back a few steps and opened the distance between them. He kept complaining. He just sent off the wolves and woke up the hungry tiger. It's too fucking unlucky.

He also found that Deng Xiaoyu's bright eyes began to be full of blood and became more and more evil. However, her body was trembling slightly and seemed to be fighting against something.

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