The silent tomb was empty, and the Milky light dispersed the darkness, which seemed to have a sacred meaning.

The breathing of Lin Xi and Deng Xiaoyu and their heartbeat are the only sounds here.

The water under the well wall seems to come from hell, which is terrible.

Knowing that the Gu Lei Wen Yun seal on the well wall was connected with the Gu Lei Wen Yun seal at the entrance of the mausoleum, which was underground in the blue eye water area, and formed a directional transmission array, Lin Xi suddenly wondered. Since it was directional transmission, where did the others go, why didn't they even have traces?

In a trance, he thought of his previous speculation. Is there something strange hidden in the invisible place that erased their traces, and even themselves were poisoned?

He just knew all the causes and effects. He didn't know much about the world and knew little. It was difficult to figure out the truth. He could only find Deng Xiaoyu and seek the answer to the truth.

He looked at Deng Xiaoyu and waited for an answer.

Deng Xiaoyu thought for a moment and didn't answer immediately. Instead, he walked around the shaft wall twice to observe the Gu Lei Wen Yun Zhuan on it.

Finally, she said slowly, "they have actually come in, but they are no longer with us

Hearing Deng Xiaoyu's answer, Lin Xi suddenly jumped from the corners of her eyes and couldn't understand what she meant - since she had come in, what about their traces?

Where have people gone!

Lin xiyufa felt that this place was too strange. He had straight hair in his heart and a cold sweat on his back.

He held back his emotions and asked Deng Xiaoyu, "I don't understand..."

Deng Xiaoyu pointed to the ancient leiwenyun seal on the shaft wall and said in a faint voice: "if I'm not mistaken, the ancient leiwenyun seal on it should be incomplete, but it's also complete. The integrity is that it can be transmitted in a directional way, and the incompleteness is a part of being separated compared with the integrity..."

Lin Xi's head was almost dizzy when he heard the cloud, so he quickly interrupted Deng Xiaoyu: "don't beat around in circles, just say the result..."

Deng Xiaoyu smiled and said with a smile: "the result is that there should be more than one well wall like this around the whole mausoleum, that is, other people should be transmitted to other places..."

Lin Xi could barely understand this explanation and felt relieved. As long as he didn't encounter strange and dangerous, but in the twinkling of an eye, he was worried again.

He made no secret of his emotions and said anxiously: "so, the real entrance of the mausoleum is not just here, but there are many. Maybe qiaobing had expected it long ago and designed it like this..."

"The purpose of this design is to separate the intruders and deal with them one by one. That is to say, no matter where they are, they will encounter danger. Now the key is that we don't know how many such shaft walls, and we don't know their location, so we can't catch up with them..."

Listening to Lin Xi's analysis, Deng Xiaoyu nodded frequently and showed no surprise.

He knew the result and naturally knew the process. It was similar to Lin Xi's guess, but at last, Lin Xi suddenly looked up and asked her, "do you have any way to use this transmission array to send us to meet them..."

Deng Xiaoyu was in a trance for a while, looked strange and said, "why do you think I will have a way..."

Lin Xi was suddenly stunned and understood Deng Xiaoyu's meaning.

Although she has a broad vision and can recognize directional transmission, she has no way to use it. Moreover, although Deng Xiaoyu's origin is unpredictable, after all, she is a modern man. It will not be the norm after a long time from the mythological era.

She is not omnipotent, she can only know more.

Seeing that Lin Xi was in a low mood, Deng Xiaoyu knew his worries and said with relief: "brother Xi, in fact, you don't have to worry. We came in successively, and the transmission location must be different. At least so far, don't worry that Xiao Min and them will collide with Buddha and ADA. The only thing they have to face is the tomb itself..."

Lin Xi knew this truth, but he couldn't help worrying: "it can be seen from the well wall that the tomb is full of the legacy of divine power. Although Xiao Min has good strength, he is only an ordinary person after all. I have to protect Su min and them. I'm worried that his power is not dangerous

As Lin Xi said, this tomb is not the same concept as the general's tomb.

From the beginning of entry, there will be the legacy of divine power. What strange faces are there? You can see that there will be more strange inside, even everywhere.

Although the general's tomb at that time was also very strange and dangerous step by step, it was rarely left with divine power and was relatively safe.

Of course, there may have been many remnants of the general's tomb itself, but because it was occupied by doves, the magpie's nest may have been completely destroyed as early as the period of Pakistan, so when Lin Xi and them went, they had no similar experience.

Now, unlike in the past, Xiaomin and others have not experienced it. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not mess with themselves and cannot deal with it. Moreover, in addition to the mausoleum itself, there are Buddha and ADA. Once they encounter it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Thinking of the consequences, how can Lin Xi not worry.

Deng Xiaoyu may not share Lin Xi's concerns, but it is understandable. Therefore, he has long thought out the answer and told him: "so, our top priority is to leave here quickly, enter the tomb and meet them as soon as possible..."

After a pause, Deng Xiaoyu added: "as for their safety, there's no need to worry. The pill I gave Xiao Min is to let him deal with the changes. Moreover, in a short time, Buddha and ADA are in the same situation as us and may not meet them..."

Lin Xi's eyes lit up. All his worries were as clear as the clouds and the sun. He was obsessed with the situation, and his concern was chaotic. Only then did he get into the tip of the ox horn and fail to see the situation clearly.

At the same time, he secretly praised Deng Xiaoyu for his foresight. He had expected it long ago and sent out pills to deal with this situation.

As long as it is not a fatal situation and supported by those pills, it can be protected temporarily.

With this in mind, he immediately decided, "then don't delay and start looking for a way out

In fact, he has another worry, that is Wu Younan.

He even eagerly expected to meet the Buddha quickly, so as to save Wu Younan, and worried about Wu Younan's safety. In such a situation, he could be safe and sound.

On second thought, with the Buddha around, you must be able to deal with the danger, unless the whole army is destroyed.

Next to Deng Xiaoyu, he looked around for possible sources, but looking around, except for the well wall, the tomb was almost closed. There was no way out.

However, since it is transmitted here, it will certainly not be a dead end. The way out must be in it, but we just need to find it.

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