Seeing the light, Lin Xi's brain twinkled, and he saw the origin at a glance - the god worshipped by bingdiyuan.

For some reason, the God did not show his face, but replaced it with light, which is a bit like abstractionism.

Of course, other factors, such as the gods themselves, cannot be portrayed by murals or dare not be portrayed.

This mural is very short, only one meter in front and back. It is located in the center of all murals, but it can vividly present the content of the performance. When Lin Xi saw the end, he had a strange illusion and seemed to worship.

This is the awe of ordinary creatures to gods, even if it is only a mural and a light.

Later, the content of the mural changed again.

It was a huge mausoleum built by countless slaves driven by a leader, but what the mausoleum was like was not shown in the murals, but the hard work of construction and the tragedy of those slaves.

During the construction process, countless people were tired to death or crushed by collapsed boulders. Almost the prototype of the mausoleum was poured with corpses and blood.

Lin Xi didn't have to think about it, but he knew that the leader above must be Qiaoyu. At the same time, he was secretly surprised that he should pay such a heavy price for this mausoleum. Is it worth it?

This concludes the mural.

On the whole, these murals are very simple, with only simple lines. However, the content presented is very intuitive and most touching.

At the same time, another doubt took root in Lin Xi's heart, grew and became a towering tree.

He turned around and asked Deng Xiaoyu across the well wall, "I don't understand why the remnant limbs of the seal soldiers and Demons must be in the mausoleum. Can't it be in other places..."

After a pause, Lin Xi continued to ask, "is it really necessary to waste people and money, countless deaths and injuries, and even sacrifice blood to heaven and earth for this mausoleum..."

Deng Xiaoyu didn't seem to expect that Lin Xi would ask this question and didn't answer it for a long time, but she didn't feel surprised, because he had expected that Lin Xi would ask sooner or later, but it shouldn't be at this time.

She didn't answer in a hurry, but after taking a panoramic view of all the murals, she thought for a moment and then said, "let me tell you, the mausoleum in the mythological era is very different from us now. They think that the mausoleum is only a temporary destination and can connect the underworld. After visiting the underworld, the dead will be reborn from the mausoleum and reappear in the world..."

Lin Xi has heard of similar statements, and even many ethnic groups still preserve this tradition, but he still doesn't understand what it has to do with the remnant limbs of the seal soldiers and demons?

Deng Xiaoyu saw that he was still confused, so he continued: "you already know that everything that happened to us is related to all causes and effects, and in the causes and effects, there are two people who can't escape, one is the emperor and the other is the soldier demon..."

"Although the soldiers and demons were killed by the emperor, they were brothers after all. They had the same idea. The emperor had to kill him in order to take into account the overall situation, but similarly, he didn't want to lose this brother..."

Hearing this, Lin Xi's brain roared and understood Deng Xiaoyu's meaning. He suddenly looked unbelievable and asked, "do you mean that the emperor wants to revive the soldiers and demons with the help of this tomb..."

Deng Xiaoyu looked at Lin Xi with meaningful eyes. "If you think so, it's not impossible..."

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, and his keen perception was wrong. Since the emperor wanted to revive the soldiers and demons, why seal him, and seal him separately?

It doesn't make sense!

Moreover, can a dead person who is divided into corpses really be resurrected?

Deng Xiaoyu saw his doubts, reached out and stroked his hair, smiled and said: "I know your doubts, but you understand that the resurrection is just life and death. The emperor wants to use this opportunity to arrange a safe successor to prepare for the future..."

"He chose to bury his rear hand in the mausoleum, which is both a carrier and a ceremony, hoping to expand the possibility of success in this way..."

Lin Xi gradually frowned. Instead of solving his doubts, he became even more confused - what is the so-called resurrection of the emperor and the rear hand of the arrangement?

And this kind of ceremony, does it really work?

The mythical age is over. What's the use of his backhands?

If useful, where is it useful?

If it doesn't work, isn't it unnecessary?

Thinking of this, Lin Xi's eyes suddenly solidified and thought of a possibility, showing a look of panic.

In a trance, I came to a conclusion.

The so-called mythical age may not be over.

Why is there such a conclusion?

He always thought that Zhuan Xu's connection between heaven and earth, isolation between man and God, and the end of the mythical era, but Deng Xiaoyu said that all causes and consequences are related to the mythical era, and now the cause and effect is still there. Doesn't it mean that the mythical era is not over.

From this, we can draw a conclusion that Zhuan Xu's isolation of human and divine worlds is actually just "isolation", which does not really solve the future problems. Maybe at some later time, the divine world will return to the world and the gods will rule everything again.

So, according to what Deng Xiaoyu just meant, the emperor's successor was prepared for that time to completely end the mythical era.

Although this is just a guess, Lin Xi is still creepy. If the myth becomes a reality and the divine world comes to the world, what kind of Senluo hell will it be?

He can't even think about it.

His experience in the mythological age, once seen a foot, has been shocked by its bloody and wild, and he never wants to experience it again.

Looking at Lin Xi's face gradually changing, Deng Xiaoyu silently smiled and guessed his idea, but did not confirm it. Instead, he continued: "there are more secrets hidden in it than you think, more cruel than you think, more magnificent and smaller than you think..."

"For some reason, I can't tell you all, but you can explore by yourself until you find out the whole truth. Sometimes I'm in a good mood and will tell you some clues, but you can't think I'll tell you without reservation, because some secrets are lost in the long river of years, and I'm just a chaser, so I can't know everything..."

This time, Lin Xi finally understood Deng Xiaoyu's real idea. She couldn't help nodding and accepted her suggestion.

Because only in this way can he feel real and secure in his heart. Otherwise, he will always be led away and his heart will never let go.

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