"Go... Go..."

After the insects stopped growing, Deng Xiaoyu put down the Jade Flute and pointed to the tomb path. With a low drink, the black haired insects squirmed their bodies, climbed into the tomb path and returned along the original road.

Lin Xi was amazed and envious. If he had these means, how could he often be controlled by others.

Only at this moment did he understand Deng Xiaoyu's intention - although he broke the jade brick, he could not guarantee whether they would lead to danger if they broke in alone under the prying eyes of the mysterious force.

It is undoubtedly a wise choice to let black insects explore the way.

When Lin Xi was alert, he remembered this iron rule. No matter when or what situation he encountered, he couldn't be alone in the city wall. Don't be lucky. If he can let others explore the way, try to let others explore the way.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, the so-called morality and ethics and the so-called dignity and face are not worth mentioning.

Of course, the bottom line can't be lost!

After entering the tomb passage, the black insect kept creeping forward and had a safe journey until it entered the tomb passage and turned into a small black spot.

Because the tomb path is too long and deep, even if the lampholders are on, it is difficult to see the end.

Finally, the black hair bug disappeared in the horizon, but Deng Xiaoyu didn't stop. She closed her eyes and turned her head slightly, as if she was listening, sensing the position of the black bug and the information transmitted back.

After a long time, she opened her eyes again and said calmly, "it's okay, let's go..."

Lin Xi responded and took the lead in entering the tomb path and returning along the original road. Although there were black poisonous insects to explore the way, he did not dare to despise it. He maintained high vigilance and put the green frost sword in front of him to prevent possible dangers.

Deng Xiaoyu also pulled out Hongming knife, followed behind, formed horns with Lin Xi and moved forward slowly.

"Pa ·····"

At this time, a clear sound suddenly came from the tomb path, echoed endlessly, and then the pale light suddenly darkened for two minutes, and the darkness came from behind them.

Lin Xi was stunned and his eyes jumped wildly. Thinking that it was invisible and dangerous, he finally showed his fangs. He was as nervous as taking a roller coaster.

Almost subconsciously, he forced himself to calm down, grabbed Deng Xiaoyu, flew forward and threw himself away from the darkness behind him as far as possible.

"Pop... Pop... Pop..."

However, the faster he pounced, the more secret the sound behind him was. It was like the sound of gnashing teeth. The darkness from behind became more and more obvious, as if an invisible beast had opened its big mouth to devour them.

Lin Xi was sweating and trembling. He didn't dare to stop at his feet for a moment. With his greatest strength, he ran towards the front and wanted to have two more legs.

He was almost frightened by the darkness. He didn't dare to face it or look back. He was afraid that once he looked back, he would fall into the mouth of the monster and be torn to pieces.

Hundreds of meters ahead, the exit of the tomb passage, that is, the tomb with well wall, is still far away, which makes Lin Xi anxious.

"Wait... Wait..."

Suddenly, Deng Xiaoyu, who was dragged and ran by Lin Xi, seemed to find something. He suddenly whispered and broke away from Lin Xi's arm.

Lin Xi was caught off guard and took several more steps before he found something wrong. He quickly stopped, turned around and stared at Deng Xiaoyu and said, "what are you doing, moth? Don't you run quickly..."

Deng Xiaoyu didn't answer him. Instead, he looked strange and compassionate. He looked at him deeply, then turned around and looked at the darkness that had been swallowed up behind them. Youyou said, "brother Xi, what are you afraid of..."

Lin Xi was in a trance. What was he afraid of?

He is afraid of danger and the strangeness here!

Deng Xiaoyu's question awakened Lin Xi and seemed to understand something. He looked at the darkness behind him along Deng Xiaoyu's eyes.

The darkness was so deep that even light could devour it. When the light of gemstones in their hands touched the edge of the darkness, they were swallowed up cleanly and could not extend a trace.

But Lin Xi found that the darkness that followed them also stopped there when they stopped, keeping enough distance, as if they were afraid of something.

This made him wonder, what's going on?

Deng Xiaoyu sighed, took back his eyes and came to Lin Xi. At this time, there was a clear sound of "pa", and the light was dim for a few minutes.

Lin Xi was caught off guard by the sudden accident, and his face changed dramatically. He thought that "darkness" was coming and was preparing to escape, but he found that Deng Xiaoyu's face was as usual, stood in front of him and said, "it's just turning off the light, not a flood and beast..."

Lin Xi's body shook and his face was unbelievable, but he still moved his eyes and looked at the lamp holder on the wall. It turned out that the sound just now was made when Deng Xiaoyu passed by the lamp holder and the light went out.

The darkness from the invasion is a natural phenomenon of losing light after the lamp holder goes out.

The next moment, Lin Xi suddenly recalled that the clear sounds just sounded were the sound of the lamp holder going out, and the darkness invaded was not invisible and strange.

In other words, he scared himself and scared himself out of his courage.

He was stunned. Why?

"Brother Xi, what are you afraid of..."

Deng Xiaoyu looked into his eyes. There was a complex flicker in his eyes. He repeated the question just now, straight into his soul, shaking his mind and revealing a dazed color.

Yeah, what are you afraid of?

Since entering the blue eye, he has been afraid and panicked all the time. If there is a slight wind and grass, he will be full of grass and trees, even lose his own opinion, and there is no stability in the past.

He didn't find out all this himself.

His inner fear makes his actions childish and ridiculous, and even makes him no longer like him, but a stranger.

Facing Deng Xiaoyu's question, he began to ask himself what he was afraid of?

He looked at himself, at his heart, at his fear, and faced the most vulnerable place, that is, the root of fear.

When a person has the courage to face his heart and fear, the root of fear will be obvious and appear naturally - but in a short moment, he will know what he is afraid of.

He is afraid of all causes and consequences, afraid of the peaceful life before. From now on, he is just a kind of extravagant hope, afraid of this change, afraid of being involved in everything, afraid of the role he plays in all causes and consequences, and the confusion about the future. Where will he go?

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