Although Lin Xi had the heavenly eye ability to heal wounds, his skill was extremely limited, not even half of that in the past. As soon as he jumped into the air, he felt a great force and wanted to tear him down.

He rushed forward, fell down and landed on the rolling wave. Before the wave drowned him, he jumped up again with the force of falling, and his body rose again.

Fortunately, the falling tide is the embodiment of the bronze bush. If it is a real tide and there is no place to borrow, it must be a blessing in disguise.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't touch the water.

Lin Xi rose up again. After reaching the highest point of the wave, what he saw in the air was the magnificent scene in front of him. All the bronze jungles were rolling here, rolling towards them, shaking the earth and mountains, and flying smoke and dust, as if the planet hit the earth and the end of the world.

Lin Xi was so frightened that he couldn't even see a way out, but his instinct to survive made him cheer up, lift up his strength again and run to the entrance of the hall.

The reason why he ran to the entrance was that he didn't know how long it would take to reach the end, and when he reached the entrance and retreated into the tomb passage, he would be able to escape. It's a big deal to change the front hall and continue to break through.

"Boom... Boom..."

Lin Xi's idea is good, but the bronze wave under his feet doesn't give him a chance to breathe. The waves before the wave push the waves after the wave, pushing higher and higher. Rao is that no matter how high he jumps, he is about to drown him.

Seeing that the wave under his feet was about to drown to his ankles, Lin Xi was ruthless in his heart. Despite the more powerful force of counterattack, he raised his body again. Unexpectedly, the force of counterattack was too powerful. He cried out in pain, fell down and was about to fall into the wave.

Falling into the tide, the result is doomed to death.

"Brother Xi, let me come

On the occasion of life and death, Deng Xiaoyu, who was held in Lin Xi's arms, suddenly broke away from his arm. Instead, he grabbed his collar and waved a glow on his body. The glow gathered behind her to form a pile of colorful wings.

The wings gently shook, and their falling bodies were lifted up by a powerful lift. Lin Xi was not surprised, so they were taken by the wings to fly forward.

After flying for a short time, the wings behind Deng Xiaoyu suddenly flickered violently and were extremely unstable. When it was clear that it was going to go out, Deng Xiaoyu's face turned from ruddy to pale.

They flew forward for tens of meters, and the glow on Deng Xiaoyu suddenly dissipated out of thin air. Their flying figure also suddenly fell down, and they were about to fall into the wave.

Deng Xiaoyu himself turned pale and his breath was weak, as if he had no vitality.

"Boom... Boom..."

Seeing that the road ahead was cut off, Lin Xi had given up his struggle and even despair. At this time, the bronze wave surging from all directions suddenly came to an end, which made him see new hope. He hurriedly encouraged his participation strength, threw his last strength around Deng Xiaoyu, and then took advantage of this inertia, Take yourself out.

At the same time, they threw forward and rolled for more than ten meters. Finally, they ran out of castration, fell to the ground, and rolled out a distance of two feet through inertia.

The surging bronze wave just fell behind them and rushed to the position in front of them, so that they narrowly escaped a disaster. Otherwise, they would be dead or alive if they were involved in the bronze wave.

"Drizzle, drizzle, wake up..."

After landing, Lin Xi felt that almost all his meridians were broken, as if there were thousands of saws. At the same time, he saw his body. The pain made him tremble and almost wanted to kill himself.

Reason told him that now was not the time and the danger had not been relieved. While using the heavenly eye power to alleviate the reverse phagocytosis in the body, he struggled to get up, picked up Deng Xiaoyu on the ground and checked her situation.

At this time, Deng Xiaoyu, how can he hold the usual wisdom beads? Not only her face was pale and her breath was weak, but there was blood overflow from the seven orifices, such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It can be seen how much the wings had eaten back at her just now.

Lin Xi knew that the glow that broke out on her body was not only the means of her finale, but also the divine power of her body. However, she didn't understand why she used this divine power to bite such interests, while others used it without any burden.

In other words, the burden of others is not obvious.

At present, this situation is not the time to explore. He just wants to take Deng Xiaoyu and quickly escape from the front hall.

Lying in Lin Xi's arms, Deng Xiaoyu was as angry as a gossamer, but he still showed a smile. It was a satisfied smile and inexplicable infatuation. He said weakly, "brother Xi, I, I..."

"Let's go... Let's go..."

Seeing that Deng Xiaoyu could still talk, Lin Xi was overjoyed and was about to pick her up. Deng Xiaoyu broke away from his arms with his residual strength, shook his head and said, "it's useless. We can't go away. It won't let us go..."

Lin Xi was stunned when he heard the speech. He seemed to feel something. Looking back blankly, he saw that the tide gathered in the bronze jungle was condensing in the middle. The ancient thunder cloud seal engraved on it burst out dazzling light, as if it was summoned by some kind of call, or like countless magnets, attracting each other and condensing into a behemoth.

With the passage of time, the behemoth gradually emerged, forming a huge bronze python with the bronze jungle as the main body. The python is more than ten feet tall, with one eye on the top of the head, and one eye is covered with eyes, layer by layer, as if endless, dazzling.

The huge body of the bronze Python is composed of countless little python. Each little Python has a python head. It opens its mouth and spits out messages. It has sharp teeth and is extremely ferocious.

At the moment of seeing the bronze python, Lin Xi was shocked, and two words automatically came to mind: "poisonous beast..."

Only the poisonous beast in the mythological age can have this extraordinary and extremely ferocious strange shape.

The so-called poisonous beasts were originally refined by soldiers and demons to resist the emperor. They are like the animal slaves around Duanxiu. Duanxiu is just that those animal slaves are ordinary beasts, while the refined poisonous beasts are refined by the secret method of witchcraft and insects. They are not only powerful, but also strange in shape and have everything.

Lin Xi had seen a similar one in Youmiao tribe, but it was far less amazing than the bronze python. It was almost the difference between the ape Tarzan and the baby.

Lin Xi finally knows why Deng Xiaoyu said that they can't go now.

In front of such a bronze python, even the friends who fit with the cold boar are not opponents.

"Brother Xi, kill it

Deng Xiaoyu, who was extremely weak, exhausted his last strength, took out a red medicine bottle from the treasure bag, put it in Lin Xi's hand, and said an instruction, there was no movement.

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