The hale and hearty old man standing outside the nunnery took a fancy to Xiao Min's bones and told him that he had no intention of passing by. When he heard what had happened, he stood up for justice and felt that Xiao Min had commendable courage. He wanted to take him as an apprentice and promised that as long as he promised, other little beggars in the nunnery could have a good home.

Without hesitation, Xiao Min knelt down on the spot and worshipped the old man as a teacher. Then he went to the mountain depression, took the girl's ashes and left the nunnery with the old man.

Soon after, Yu pangzi, who was still very young and not fat at that time, appeared in the nunnery, waved his big hand and sent all the little beggars to the nursing home.

From then on, the picture ends.

Xiao Min's consciousness fell into a deep sleep. His eyes lying on his body immediately enlarged his pupils, pulled the pictures in Xiao Min's memory out of his mind and emerged in the air, ready to devour them.

"Boom... Boom..."

Suddenly, the whole tomb vibrated and made a deafening sound, and then a dazzling light burst out at the end of the front hall. In an instant, it shrouded the Sanzhu tree and the eyes lying on Xiaomin.

As soon as it touched the white light, the three pearl tree shook violently, and its eyes wriggled rapidly. It looked very frightened. It wanted to escape from the light, but no matter how it escaped, the light was like a maggot on the tarsal bone, leaving it nowhere to hide.

At the same time, thick black smoke evaporated from the eyes, which can be vaguely seen. There are countless pictures hidden in the black smoke, which are the memories swallowed by it, wrapping the story of Su min and sister Qiuyue.

Against the background of black smoke, the eyes become distorted and ferocious. If it can make a sound, it must be howling violently at this time, just like the devil meets the Buddha light, is attacked by natural enemies, and shows signs of collapse.

Unfortunately, the light at the end of the front hall is powerful, and the damage to the eyes can not be made up. However, the time is too short. The eyes have strengthened with perseverance.

At this time, the eyes are beyond recognition. The green vines in the whites of the eyes have dissipated more than half. There are burning marks everywhere in the strange pupils, just like dying.

When the light dissipated, Xiao Min, bound by jade beads, suddenly opened his eyes.

When the light just came, the three pearl tree shook violently and woke him up. Even the branches and leaves tied to him dissipated from him automatically, leaving only the jade beads wrapped around him.

In other words, under the attack of light, all the strangeness of the three trees have been greatly suppressed. If it lasts for a moment, it can even erase the three pearl trees.

"Give it to me..."

When Xiao Min woke up, he found his memory and understood the current situation. He immediately drank low, burst out all his strength, burst open the package of jade beads and fell from the air.

In the process of falling, he controlled his body, flipped in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

Instead of rescuing sister Qiuyue and Su min, he almost subconsciously swept to the three trees in front of him and fixed his eyes on the burned eye. His pupils suddenly shrank, his body rose up and killed his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Min pounce on his eyes, he wanted to repeat the old trick and bind him with branches and leaves, but Xiao Min was ready. How could he let it do what he wanted? He moved and twinkled a few times, so he avoided the attacking branches and leaves, rushed to his eyes, raised his weapons high and stabbed them into his pupils.

The next moment, scarlet blood oozed from the pupils of his eyes, and his eyes wriggled more and more violently. He tried to escape Xiao Min's killing, but no matter how it wriggled, he couldn't move a penny until he was nailed there.

At the same time, the whole three pearl tree trembled like chaff. The jade beads hanging on the tree fell down one after another, like a rain of jade beads, but after the jade beads fell to the ground, they magically disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Sister Qiuyue and Su min were finally rescued and woke up.

"Chuckla ·····"

Xiao Min saw the flaw in his eyes, poured his strength into his body, pulled the weapon down hard, and immediately broke the eye in half from the pupil and pulled out a ferocious and cruel enough.

The eyes cannot speak, but the response of the three trees is its feedback.

If the three pearl trees were struck by lightning, countless ferocious roots broke through the earth and pulled them away from Xiao Min, but as soon as they came out, they withered and collapsed quickly, and then fell to the ground and turned into powder.

It is no longer a threat!

Xiao Min fell back to the ground again, picked up Su min and sister Qiuyue, made sure they were all right, and then looked at the legendary sacred tree.

The three legendary sacred trees are like residual candles in the wind. Thick black smoke rises from the trunk and dissipates invisibly. The black smoke becomes larger and larger and condenses into thick smoke, which is like a black curtain.

Finally, the black fog dissipated, and the three pearl trees dissipated with the wind. They no longer exist, but on the ground, there is a huge pit, like a ferocious scar, located in the center of the front hall.

This deep pit is the only trace of Sanzhu tree.

"Are you okay..."

After solving the great enemy of life and death, Xiao Min still didn't relax. Instead, he looked at sister Qiuyue and determined the state of her and Su min.

Sister Qiuyue shook her head: "it's all right. It's all skin trauma. The light just now should be a sign of the opening of the hell hall. We have to hurry over..."

They were secretly attacked by the three pearl tree and hung on the tree. I don't know how long. Just now, the jade bead fell and threw them to the ground. They must be seriously injured, but they have rich experience and good health. It's not a big problem.

Sister Qiuyue has guessed that someone has entered the nether hall first. At present, the top priority is to hurry to the nether hall, find Lin Xi and meet them and try their best to rob the sacred objects.

"OK, let's go... Let's go..."

Xiao Min's face was calm and heavy. Knowing that it was urgent, he promised to bypass the pit on the ground and run to the end of the front hall.

He killed three trees, but pictures echoed in his mind. It was the tragic experience of his childhood and the deepest secret in his memory. Because this secret changed his life.

I didn't expect that after many years, he would reappear in his mind under this situation. It's conceivable that he didn't dare to think about it carefully, because compared with this memory, it is the top priority at present.

As for sister Qiuyue and Su min, their memories were swallowed by their eyes. They didn't know what had happened or even had deep memories.

They have only one goal - to reach the underworld hall as soon as possible and take the sacred thing into their hands - and they still don't know that the thing they want to compete for is the sacred thing that seals the remnant limbs of soldiers and demons.


After the light dissipated, Lin Xi looked at Deng Xiaoyu. Deng Xiaoyu also looked at him and saw each other's dignity.

They didn't say a word, but they reached a tacit understanding in an instant. They suddenly made a force under their feet and ran to the end of the front hall.

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