The third training method is the horizontal training method. It is a deformed training method produced by the wrong understanding of the way of attack and defense for various special reasons in the process of martial arts development. It is a special training method that exceeds the physical endurance of ordinary boxing practitioners, such as inserting sand: fill sand in a wooden bucket to make it dense, and insert it with both hands every day. Over time, the fingers are as hard as iron and stone; Another example is rubbing the palm: rub and grind boulders, door edges or table corners inside and outside the palm root every day. Always turn up the hard skin on the palm edge until it is as hard as iron stone. You can practice the attack and defense ability that seems to surpass ordinary people.

To practice in this way is not to pursue the martial arts realm of style and martial arts, so as to improve the offensive and defensive skills, or to regard the objects and images of martial arts practice as greedy and light.

This kind of abnormal practice method can produce "horizontal" Kung Fu. Although it can hurt people or even kill people, it seems that it can get a temporary ability, but it can not achieve the mystery of the realm and "real kung fu" in the end, and the hidden injury caused by horizontal Kung Fu is even worse. Therefore, most people who practice horizontal Kung Fu can not live a long time.

Among the people, there are numerous people who have died early because of improper practice of martial arts. They don't follow their methods. Although they can show their prestige for a while in their youth, they can't become a top-notch expert. Therefore, most of the horizontal martial arts and literary skills are defeated, because the horizontal force of the chest diaphragm is "horizontal". Once broken, it will cost their lives.

Therefore, among the three training methods, only Wen training method, that is, Neijia boxing, is the orthodox Avenue.

However, although the horizontal training method is a branch, after the exploration of countless sages, the wise and wise ancestors have made up for the disadvantages of the horizontal training method and created a horizontal training method that is not inferior to the essence of various schools, which is the famous "Thirteen Taibao horizontal training".

To cultivate this horizontal training method, you need to maintain the boy's body. Once the boy's body is broken, his skills will be broken. He also attaches importance to practicing Qi, especially nourishing qi. He not only practices the skill of opening bricks and gravel, but also practices the rapidly changing real Qi, that is, the Qi of Dantian.

Although it is called "horizontal practice", it is actually an excellent kung fu both inside and outside. It practices refined Qi and spirit inside, muscles, bones and skin outside. The internal skill is internal explosion, and grandpa is horizontal union method. Each has thirteen moves. Therefore, it is called "Thirteen Taibao".

Lin Xi had heard from the old man since he was a child about the reputation of the thirteen Taibao horizontal practice, but he was never lucky to see it. He didn't expect that Shi Wuyan, who was less than 40 years old, could practice this magic skill. There are really people outside the people, and there are days outside the world, which can't be underestimated.

However, relying on this Kung Fu alone to block his way and threaten to "surpass" him is exaggerated.

Lin Xi said with a sneer: "monk, the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises are powerful, but you want to surpass me with this, it's a fool's dream..."

Lin Xi dares to make such a big talk. Naturally, he has his reliance. Although the thirteen Taibao horizontal practice is invulnerable, he has a green frost sword in his hand. He cuts iron like mud and has unparalleled sharpness. He looks at the horizontal practice as if there is nothing, like cutting vegetables and melons.

Shi Wuyan seemed to have expected it long ago. He was neither angry nor afraid. "Benefactor has divine soldiers in hand. Naturally, he is not afraid of the horizontal practice of the poor monk, but in the previous wars, benefactor must have consumed a lot..."

"I wait for work with ease. Just stand in a stalemate with the almsgiver. When the almsgiver does his best, it's time to surpass the almsgiver..."

Lin Xi was awe inspiring. Shi Wuyan looked like a reckless man, but in fact he was as careful as hair. He even wanted to drag him to death here with delaying tactics. I really don't know whether he was smart or self-knowledge.

"In that case, come on

Lin Xi suddenly looked up, murderous, and rushed to the past without hesitation. At the same time, with his left hand raised, the Qingshuang sword came out and turned into a blue startling flood. With the sharp sword light, he shot at the door of Shiwu Yanmian, and the sword roared.

At the same time, Lin Xi jumped up and walked with the sword, like a meteor, smashing into Shi Wuyan's retreat.

In the process, he leaned out his right hand, waved it forward, and used the killing move of "two peaks through his ears" to try to kill the enemy with one move.

"Benefactor, you don't talk about martial virtue..."

Shi Wuyan didn't expect that Lin Xi would suddenly explode. A touch of shock and anger appeared on his bronze face, but he didn't slow down and panic. His body flashed and his feet moved. He turned sideways to avoid the green frost sword. At the same time, he gathered his Qi and concentrated, slammed out a fist, tilted his whole body strength, and hit Lin Xi's double peaks and ears with a move of "Luohan closing the mountain".

"Bang... Bang..."

A violent muffled sound burst at the moment of the fight, and an invisible hurricane spread out from around and rolled up the snow under your feet.

Lin Xi only felt that the incomparable power came from the opposite side, which made his palm numb and seemed to be broken. The whole man took the green frost sword and flew backward.

Not only that, a powerful force intruded into his body along his arm, specifically destroying his heart and lungs and tearing his meridians. He was already injured internally.

"What a powerful bald donkey..."

Lin Xi was shocked. Knowing the power of Shi Wuyan, he quickly fell to the ground and raised his skills to dissolve the power from the attack. At the same time, he operated the heavenly eye power to eliminate the hidden wounds in his body.

Even so, he still had a pain in his chest and almost lost his breath.

Shi Wuyan is not only powerful, but also deserves his reputation for practicing martial arts.

The other side.

Shi Wuyan also flew out backward. After landing again, his face changed slightly. He felt that his horizontal practice Kung Fu was weak in front of Lin Xi. After the unique strength of Taiji thirteen style invaded his body, it immediately flowed to all parts and bones. No matter how he concentrated and guarded one, his strength was all pervasive. It was like killing him late. It was extremely painful and even his breathing became heavy.

"The almsgiver has profound skills, and I feel ashamed of myself. However, I dare to conclude that the almsgiver has not reached the micro level. There should be another secret reason why he can defend the sword in the air..."

While delaying time, Shi Wuyan secretly resolved the injury. He didn't forget the verbal attack, revealed the truth of Lin Xi's imperial sword, and advertised it so that everyone at the top and bottom of the mountain could hear it clearly.

Since it's not a micro mirror, there's nothing to worry about as long as you don't connect the green frost sword.

But Shi Wuyan was curious. What method did Lin Xi use to create the illusion of imperial sword?

Seeing that Lin Xi didn't want to answer, he continued: "my monk's view of almsgiver's boxing is not today's Tai Chi School, but rather ancient. It fits quite well with the legendary thirteen forms of Tai Chi of Sanfeng immortal, but it is still different..."

"I don't know if it's better to kill the master of Tai Chi than to kill the master of Tai Chi."

Lin Xi stared at him tightly, and with the a move of the his left hand, summoned Qingshuang sword back into his hand. He didn't mean to answer.

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