Big manga said wrongfully: "when my uncle took the lead and knocked down the landlord, he personally brought people to copy the house and destroyed the original house. At that time, a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who went to Shaohua mountain Yuqing palace to hang a bill passed by us and said that if he didn't do well, he would bring disaster to himself..."

"But my uncle is as stubborn as my elder brother. After listening to it, he got angry and hung a sign for the Taoist priest. He criticized and killed people alive for half a month. Since then, no one dared to say anything..."

"Uncle, in order to bring down cattle, ghosts and snake gods and believe in science, the Taoist priest not only didn't listen to what he said, but also went against others. He threw all the bronze swords, stones, gossip stones and bronze mirrors arranged by the landlord into the stove. Unfortunately, those old things can sell for a lot of money now..."

If it weren't for the inappropriate atmosphere, Lin Xi almost laughed happily. The big scar looked stupid. It turned out that he wasn't really stupid. At least he knew the value of old things.

Chen Muning turned his eyes and looked down on the vulgar ambition of the big scar.

You know, those old objects that ward off evil spirits can't be measured by gold. Especially for the evil and gloomy land, they can be described as treasures that are hard to buy.

The big scar also felt that the words just now were inappropriate. He cracked his big yellow teeth and smiled foolishly.

Turning to spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, the big scar continued to say: "the gatehouse was originally opened in the East, and the trees in the yard were planted in the backyard, but my uncle said, move the gatehouse and plant it full of big trees and ancient trees, surrounded by green shade in summer, so as to enjoy the cool under the big trees..."

"He also said that in 30 years east and west of the river, the landlord lost all his strength in the East. Only by taking advantage of the strength in the west can our family have a chance to prosper..."

"It's all right now. I haven't seen it. Disasters happen one after another..."

After hearing this, Chen Muning sneered and said, "it's nonsense. Playing the piano indiscriminately. If Feng Shui is so simple, why do we need our local teacher? The wood of five Yin belongs to Yin, and of course it should be planted in the backyard. The purple gas comes from the East. The rising sun rises at the beginning, and the evil spirits can ward off changes. The gate should be built in the east to ward off evil spirits and drive away Yin..."

"Your uncle doesn't understand shit. He deserves his family's bad luck by changing things indiscriminately. This is retribution, not non reporting. It's not time yet..."

The big mangy face was sad: "my uncle didn't know what little immortal said. My sister-in-law didn't realize it until he and my three nephews shot one after another. She wanted to invite Mr. Feng Shui to have a look..."

"It's a coincidence that I invited old immortal Chen. At that time, the old immortal saw the problem, but my eldest brother was a donkey and didn't listen. He not only drove the old immortal away, but also beat and scolded my sister-in-law. She really couldn't stand it. She ran away with the wild man outside and hasn't believed it until now..."

I have to say that the old scabby head family can have today, all by themselves

Lin Xi couldn't help sighing: "like father, like son. Father and son don't know good people and heaven's rites. It's bad. They deserve this disaster..."

The big scar smiled awkwardly, but also heard the deep meaning. He asked incredulously, "Mr. Lin, do you mean that my uncle, my three miserable nephews and my big brother's strange diseases are all due to this house..."

Chen Muning didn't have a good way: "what do you think? If it weren't for your uncle and your brother's family, it wouldn't be so miserable. If I guessed right, your uncle's fate would be bad..."

The mangy man patted his thigh and made a fuss and said, "Oh, my God, the immortal master is so clever and anticipates things like God. You guessed right. After uncle repaired the house, he died inexplicably a few years later..."

The big scar paused for a moment and suddenly changed his words: "no, no, he's not dead, he's missing, and suddenly he's gone..."

Lin Xi listened curiously: "missing? How can a living person go missing..."

The big scar manga organized his language and said while making gestures: "that summer, he went to the mountain to collect medicine and never came back. We went around looking for him for two years. Even at the Sanqing palace, we ran several times..."

"Except for those cliffs, deep valleys and Tiankeng, we have found all the places we can find, but we can't find him. We don't even have footprints. We really can't see people in life or dead bodies..."

"It's said that uncle offended the spirits in the mountain and the immortals in Shaohua mountain. He was either eaten by the spirits or beaten to hell by the immortals. He will never be born again..."

"But according to master Xiaoxian, I deserve my uncle's bad luck, and until now, we dare not go up the mountain in dark for fear that we will never come back again..."

Good guy, even the strange gods have come out.

Lin Xi was really unable to laugh or cry. Unexpectedly, there was such a superstitious place at the foot of Shaohua mountain and in Longhu Mountain.

The immortal can also make sense. If it is really a strange mess, it is estimated that Shaohua mountain and Longhu Mountain must be disgraced.

But when you think about it carefully, the big scar is strange. It's probably not a mountain monster, but a wild beast in the mountain.

So Lin Xi said with a smile, "the theory of immortals, spirits and monsters is just far fetched. Maybe he met a beast and was caught by the beast..."

The big scar touched his bald head and said foolishly, "that's what we said, but we'll just say that to scare the children so that they don't run around in the mountains..."

Chen Muning glanced at him and said if there was a deep meaning: "you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Some words can't be said. When will they come true? You don't even understand this taboo. What ignorance..."

"Master Xiaoxian is right, right. I will change it in the future and never talk nonsense again..."

He was frightened by Chen Muning and his big scar. He didn't dare to refute. He nodded and bowed and repeatedly said yes.

This is the Savior he invited. I can't afford to offend him.

Lin Xi asked Chen Muning, "brother Chen, how do you think this gatehouse should be handled..."

Chen Muning tilted his lips and said without thinking, "what else can we do? Pick it up and change it back to its original position..."

The big mangy face suddenly looked silly and said, "little immortal, is there any other way? Pick the gatehouse, change the location and ask someone to pay for it. Our family is not rich..."

Chen Muning shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "there's a way for you anyway. If you're not afraid of death, of course you can't dismantle it, but don't blame me for not reminding. It's your turn at that time, which may be worse than the fate of old mangtou and his three sons..."

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