Lin Xi scooped a spoonful of the oil tea along the side of his mouth and blew on it. Only then did he carefully put it into his mouth, feeling that it was still a little hot, but the taste seemed to be exactly the same as what he remembered.

After eating the oily tea, Lin Xi picked up the golden oily spoon and nibbled on it. It was crisp in his mouth, but his heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but ask, "Empress Zhao, are you from Cang Xi?

Mistress Zhao heard Lin Xi's question and put down the work she was doing. She wiped her hands with her apron and walked towards them while laughing, "Young man, are you a fellow villager of Cang Xi? But how am I part of Cang Xi? I am part of Lang Zhong! "

It turned out that this golden oil scoop was one of the special snacks in the North Sichuan region, and its range of spread was not very wide, even smaller than the range of the Ba Chuan region's oil tea leaves. It only spread around the Cang Xi region, and what was considered as the most authentic one was the one made from Cang Xi.

Lin Xi's hometown was located at the North Sichuan. He had originally thought that he would encounter a fellow villager from the Cang Xi s here, but didn't expect that Empress Zhao would actually have a Lang Zhong.

The method of making this scoop of oil was actually very simple. It was simply laying a layer of well-prepared rice flour on the inside of the special scoop, shaking it and running through the entire spoon before pouring the excess rice flour out. After that, he added a spoonful of pre-mixed filling material into the spoon and pressed it flat.

It was worth mentioning that the filling used to make the scoop was made from tofu, carrot, bean sprout and spring onion.

After the filling was flattened, all one needed was a layer of rice flour to fry the oil in the wok. After the filling was pressed flat, one only needed to sprinkle a layer of rice flour on the final layer to fry the oil in the wok.

When Lin Xi was young, his mother would take him for a stroll around the city every New Year's Eve. She would even buy him an oil spoon, which was worth at least fifty cents.

In other words, the oil spoon was a part of Lin Xi's childhood, and even if he met the old man later on, who had doted on him and spooned through his life, he had never bought the oil spoon for him like his mother.

It was because this golden oil spoon in front of him reminded Lin Xi of his childhood, that he had this question.

"Brother Xi, how did you know that Lady Zhao belongs to Cang Xi? Do you know her?"


After finishing their breakfast, Lin Xi and Ang Youyong returned to the underground parking lot to retrieve their car. It seemed that no matter where they were, parking the car was always a troublesome matter.

When he returned to the car park, Lin Xi was already sweating profusely. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the sweat from dripping down his forehead.

It seemed that Ba Chuan Oily Tea was really like what Ang Youyong had said, capable of treating colds.

Heh heh, Brother Xi, if your precious Green Pine Rock is sold for a lot of money, you must treat us to a meal. I want something good to eat and something expensive to eat.

Lin Xi looked at Ang Youyong who was happily driving and could not help but sneer, and said: "There are only five Green Pine Rocks there, and they probably aren't that heavy. If you really sell them, it might not be too expensive, and if the quality is high, it would be at least ten thousand, what kind of money is this for you."

"That won't do. It's an old tradition to just eat and drink. We can't lose it. It doesn't matter what we eat, but we have to eat it, don't you think?"

"Fine, if you want to earn money by selling it, then I'll treat you to some rice soup, dried radish, and enough food. We don't need this much money!" Although Lin Xi was joking around, neither he nor Ang Youyong took it seriously. Instead, it had attracted Ang Youyong's snicker.

All these years, Ang Youyong had always said that he wanted to lose weight, and his slogans were ringing loudly. It was just that he could not control his own mouth, so even if his weight did not decrease, it would make his even fatter. It seemed that his fiancée had taken a liking to him because of this point, and he was the one who did not want to marry.

It was true. It was not that no one family was allowed to enter the same house.

Ang Youyong's teahouse was close to the center of the city with its three Flower Crutching Bird Antique Street, which was also the largest flower and bird Antique Market in the city. Its entire length was over four hundred and fifty meters and the entire street was filled with ancient, elegant and refined family members of the Zhong Gu family.

Although this flower bird's Antique Street could be considered to be flourishing, it was still a mix of fishes and dragons. All day long, there were several people mixed within, and it was said that a person's life had once occurred.

Lin Xi really did not understand why Ang Youyong would open the teahouse at that location.

Actually, the reason why Ang Youyong opened the teahouse at that location was because the teahouse was located at the center of the city.

Besides, if someone else came to the teahouse to drink tea, it would be a beautiful scene with a profound mood. Otherwise, it would be better to just go home and shut the door to make a pot for yourself.

Just as he got off the car in front of the teahouse, a rather southern and village-like building that resembled an insignia of the underworld entered Lin Xi's vision, and an ancient aura pervaded the air.

This building wasn't very tall, only three stories high. It wasn't very wide, only 300 square meters, but its atmosphere and antiquity were vividly displayed.

He saw that the door to the building was an old-fashioned red-painted door. Two tall red lanterns were hung outside the door, and a gold-plated plaque had the words "Jingyi House" written on it in large, flamboyant characters.

When Lin Xi saw such an imposing scene outside the Jingyi House, he unknowingly thought of a poem, and lamented on the inside: "It really is the Big Red Zhu Gate, but I wonder if the wine and meat are stinky."

From time to time, after Lin Xi had seen all of the architectural styles, he and Ang Youyong walked into the Jingyi House. The moment he stepped into the building, Lin Xi felt like the entire world had quietened down.

At that time, just as Lin Xi pushed open the profound energy thick and simple door, a faint fragrance suddenly wafted over from the tip of his nose, immediately causing him to feel relaxed.

This fragrance should be the fragrance of the sandalwood in the shop.

Outside of the Jingyi House, the city's hustle and bustle continued. The pedestrians on the streets were also constantly running about for their lives, as if the inside and outside of the Jingyi House were two different worlds, strangely peaceful and peaceful.

"Hehe, Brother Xi, our Jingyi House is pretty good, right? Don't just stand there, let's go in and take a look."

Lin Xi returned to his senses and smiled, following Ang Youyong's footsteps, he saw that the entire Jingyi House's interior style was decorated extremely retro, almost all of them were made of wood, with the retro colors as the main melody, all sorts of green potted plants were embedded within, adding a bit of green colour.

In addition, in the corner of the window, there was a variety of tea and refreshments, some of which were placed on delicate blue-and-white plates, some of which were placed on every table, and which had a touch of elegance in their antiquity.

At this moment, the faint sound of a pipe could be heard. Presumably, a professional technician from the teahouse was playing a piece of music. The elegance and tranquility of the pipe could be clearly seen.

He could see the green smoke curling up, the fragrance of tea assaulting his nose, and the lingering sound of the zither. He was extremely pleased with himself, this Jingyi House was truly a good place to enjoy and relax.

Ang Youyong invited Lin Xi to go up to the second floor through one of the quiet room s. The first floor was even more quiet, and not long after they sat down, a waiter came over with two cups of tea and a few plates of snacks.