Such a school had actually accepted him, a wild kid who came from a ravine, into their school. Furthermore, it had even voluntarily issued a notice of admission.

Lin Xi did not dare believe that this school had allowed him to be accepted. After thinking about it for many nights and not being able to think of any clues, in the end, it was all because of his good performance and great luck that caught his attention.

After entering the school, Lin Xi studied hard, not only did he become a member of the student council, he also became an officer of the student union. He even received scholarships every semester, and at the same time, became a famous person in the school, lightening the financial burden on Lin's mother.

At that time, Lin Xi and Ang Youyong were famous brothers in the class, and almost always went in and out together.

However, even in high school, when Ang Youyong was tall and sturdy, he was thin and weak. Every time he was bullied, Ang Youyong would stand up for him and defend him.

Lin Xi had always been hiding behind Ang Youyong to unleash his black spear, one shot at a time. The most important thing was that he still had his teacher's love and support behind him, so their reputation gradually rose in the class, and almost no one dared to offend them, becoming the true King of the Mountain.

However, the times had changed and things had changed. It no longer looked like it did in high school.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We came late. Let's give ourselves three cups of wine to apologize to them later."

When Lin Xi and Ang Youyong walked into the banquet hall, those students who had been here for an unknown amount of time turned to look at them at the same time. At that moment, Lin Xi and Ang Youyong seemed to have returned to high school, and became the focus of everyone's attention.

However, the reason why they had become the focus of attention tonight, wasn't because of the two brothers, but because Ang Youyong was the one who initiated this gathering.

This meant that the focus of attention at that time was not on Lin Xi at all, and they did not even know that Lin Xi would appear.

With regards to him being ignored and ignored, Lin Xi didn't display any trace of dissatisfaction. Instead, he continued to follow behind Ang Youyong while laughing and apologizing to the other students together with him. After all, Ang Youyong was the star of the show tonight, and he was willing to be part of it.

"Brother Yong is going to get married soon. His face is flushed red. Haha."

"Who says that's not the case. Everyone says that people are in high spirits when they see a happy occasion. Isn't this a huge matter? Oh right, Brother Yong, didn't you say that sister-in-law would come as well? Why haven't we seen anyone yet?"

"Brother Yong is now reaping great rewards for his love life, it really makes us old classmates envious."

"That's right, Brother Yong. How can three cups be enough? We need at least three bottles. We won't agree if we lose any."


Lin Xi, who was far away, could hear the ruckus that came from the students. Amongst the ruckus, there was one person who could not avoid being envious, attentive, and flattering of Ang Youyong, and there were even some who were willing to lower themselves in front of him, just so that they could get close to him.


It was because Ang Youyong could be considered to be the most successful person present right now. Even though he had never gone to university, his career was flourishing, surpassing who knows how many times the old gnaw clansmen had.

It was said that the reunion between classmates was a platform for comparison and public relations. The purpose was to find a sense of accomplishment to prove how amazing one's ability was and how superior one's ability was.

While finding satisfaction, trampling on others' dignity and self-esteem had long lost the original meaning of classmate gathering. Moreover, this trend had become more and more obvious in recent years. It had almost become a malignant tumor in social phenomena.

It was also because of this that many people changed their facial expressions whenever they mentioned "reunion of classmates". They avoided it like a tiger, but they still had to force themselves to attend it. It could be said to be a deformed form of social interaction.

It was obvious that they had a good personal relationship with Ang Youyong. However, Ang Youyong was also a person who understood his, and always maintained a proper distance from those female students, as if he still had intentions to dodge.

What a joke, in two days, they would be married. If his future wife saw this, would she want to get married? Plus, his wife said she would come tonight. If she saw something she shouldn't have seen, even a magnanimous woman wouldn't be able to tolerate this kind of thing. Even if she didn't say anything in front of everyone, she would still cause a ruckus when she returned.

Moreover, Ang Youyong's wife was not kind at all, when he thought of his own wife's terror, he immediately felt his scalp go numb, the cold wind behind his back seemed to have eyes staring at him.

When almost everyone came to chat with Ang Youyong, there was only one person who thought that he was arrogant enough to not crowd around, and had a noble and pure temperament that seemed to be "out of mud and not dirty water".

The man sat down and picked up a goblet, spinning the wine in it in his hand. He waited until the rolling red wine gradually calmed down before he raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. However, he was not in a rush to swallow it.

This sort of elegant method could no longer be called 'drinking', but rather 'tasting'. It was at the same level as tasting tea.

After swallowing the wine, the person closed his eyes and savored the taste for a while before putting down the wine cup. Afterwards, he stood up from his seat in a gentlemanly manner, passing everyone and walked to the front of the group.

He did not look at Ang Youyong, and instead directly jumped onto Lin Xi's body, looking as if he was looking down on Ang Youyong. This was originally extremely rude, but he actually extended his hand towards Lin Xi, and laughed: "Mr Lin Xi, do you still remember me?"

Looking at his face, Lin Xi, who had originally felt that he was a little strange, suddenly matched up with a person in his mind. Even though the two people's voice and appearance had changed greatly, his eyes were still exactly the same, proud and disdainful.

When he thought about what happened all those years ago, Lin Xi couldn't help but laugh, as if he was laughing to the point of obliterating the grudge between them. He then extended his hand to shake's hand and greeted him with a smile: "Liu Mang, our class monitor, of course I remember."

But just as Lin Xi was about to grab onto Liu Mang's hand, Liu Mang suddenly retracted his hand, turned and pointed at Lin Xi, and asked all the students in a clear voice: "Fellow students, this is our learning committee member, Mr Lin Xi, do you remember?"

The sudden change caused Lin Xi to be stunned and a bad feeling rose in his heart. At the same time, he tightly furrowed his brows and thought in his heart, "It seems that his grudge against himself is still very deep!"