Standing in the distance, young master Tian and Li Xuexue look at this scene in their eyes. They are stunned and unbelievable. As a high-end consumer group, how can they let the poor boy go in, and the security guard still looks very respectful to him. What's the matter? Are they dazzled?

The scene in front of her almost subverts Li Xuexue's imagination. Suddenly, she has a bad premonition and a trace of regret. However, as a material advocate, she absolutely doesn't believe the bloody scene in front of her. She even tries to find a reason to deceive herself. She murmurs around Mr. Tian "It's impossible, it's impossible, how could he go in... He must be working in it, well, it must be so."

The funny thing is that no matter Li Xuexue or Tian Gongzi, they have never seen the purple consumption card Lin Xi took out, and they still think that they have their own preconceptions.

Because in their thinking, it seems that this is the only way to explain why Lin Xi can enter the shop door of heaven and earth. It is really full of malice for Lin Xi.

As soon as he walked into the hall of heaven and earth, Lin Xi saw the professional welcoming staff welcoming him. He immediately felt that he was worthy of being a high-end consumer place. The service level was high-grade, and the service to the guests could only be described as Zhou Lai.

In fact, as early as when the doorman swiped the card, the welcoming staff had already known about the arrival of Lin Xi, and specially arranged the personnel with the highest professional quality to receive Lin Xi's special customers. However, when the welcoming guests saw Lin Xi for the first time, they were inevitably surprised.

Because, Lin Xi's dress is not up to grade, and it is quite incompatible with the grade of heaven and earth, as if it is like two worlds.

It's just that this welcoming guest's professionalism is obviously very good, and he doesn't show his thoughts in his heart. He is also meticulous in welcoming Lin Xi, and doesn't neglect him because of his clothes.

However, she is just a small welcome guest. Lin Xi is a big customer with a purple consumption card. Even if she is not well dressed, she is not qualified to show her identity.

After welcoming Lin Xi, it was a standard meeting gift first, and then Yingying said with a smile, "Hello, sir, how many people are you dining? Do you have any special dining requirements?"

Lin Xi didn't rush to answer the question of greeting the guests. Instead, he looked around the hall. The decoration in the hall was very luxurious. The western style decoration style promoted the grade of the hall again. There were decorative partitions between the adjacent dining places, which had a certain buffer effect on the vision. The soothing music in the hall was even more intoxicating.

Moreover, Lin Xi also saw that there were not many guests in the hall, but they were all elegant. Everyone showed elegant temperament. The room with hands and feet raised was quite gentlemanly, and the conversation was quite funny.

At that time, when Lin Xi wanted to answer the question, his eyes inadvertently fell to the farthest corner. In that corner, Lin Xi saw a small figure, red T-shirt, line pants, flip flops, big glasses, small waves and shallow dimples.

That petite figure, not Wu Younan, who will be!

But how can Wu Younan be here!


"that position, I'll go there, OK?"

Lin Xi's position is just on the other side of Wu Younan's position, which can just take a panoramic view of what happened there. Moreover, the position he chose is close to the window, with slow lighting, melodious music and very good scenery.

As for why he chose that position, even Lin Xi himself didn't know. Anyway, it was the ghost's choice, and the biggest reason was that Wu Younan could be seen there completely.

And I don't know why. Although this is the second time that Lin Xi meets Wu Younan, he feels very happy, and there is an indescribable urgency. The feeling is not clear, and it makes him feel wonderful, because it is a feeling that he has never experienced.

Just two days ago, although Lin Xi was still worried about the quarrel with Zhou Zhe that night, and his feeling about Wu Younan was quite complicated, when he saw Wu Younan again today, that complicated feeling disappeared immediately, leaving only full of joy.

But Lin Xi didn't go to say hello, because he saw that Wu Younan seemed to have an appointment with someone. If he rashly went to disturb others, it seemed that it was not good.

"No problem, sir. This way, please."

Under the guidance of welcoming guests, Lin Xi goes to the position he said. After he sits down, his eyes stay on Wu Younan. For a moment, he is crazy.

At that time, opposite Wu Younan, there was a rather white young man with gentlemanly demeanor. He always talked with Wu Younan with a faint smile. The content of the conversation was unknown to Lin Xi. However, Lin Xi saw Wu Younan with the same smile. The two wine pits on his cheek had never disappeared, and sometimes he would laugh, regardless of himself And their atmosphere seems to be very harmonious.Seeing this scene, Lin Xi's eyebrows can't help frowning slightly, and his heart can't help jumping, half a beat faster than usual. It seems that Wu Younan's relationship with the young man is very unusual.

Because of this, even the waiter brought the menu, Lin Xi didn't know. If the waiter didn't politely call him several times, he still didn't know how long he would keep that silly posture.

In fact, at this time, Lin Xi was not interested in knowing what dishes were on the menu. Because he didn't know why, he suddenly felt a little upset. Even if he was reminded by the waiter, he just pointed to two dishes on the menu and sent the waiter away.

The waiter was surprised to see that Lin Xi's order was so careless that he didn't even look at the menu. After all, it was the first time for him to see such a tasteless guest. However, he was surprised. He said politely in a low voice: "yes, sir, just a moment. The meal will come up soon."

After the waiter left, Lin Xi's eyes fell on Wu Younan again, but he was more and more impatient. He picked up the aperitif from the waiter and took a mouthful of it, but he just drank it for less than a second, and then it was spurted out by him.

Because the taste of this aperitif is so strange that he is not used to it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!