Wu Younan may be the only one who doesn't know. She plays happily like a child and perfectly releases her innocent youth and lively personality.

However, with the progress of the game, Lin Xi found that Wu Younan was more and more like a big sister, and the ruffian spirit when he first met her appeared again.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xi couldn't help thinking: "sure enough, no wonder I used to cover up so well. I almost believed it. It turned out that it was all nature."

Although playing the game can be divided into high and low levels, the three of them still enjoy themselves very much. I don't know how long later, the sun has been hanging high, and they try to release the temperature to warm the gradually cold earth, trying to make the world no longer cold and indifferent, but they are quite powerless.

All of a sudden, Lin Xi heard the roar of the engine, accompanied by the fierce friction between the tire and the ground. The sound soon came from far and near to their position.

After waiting for such a long time, a car finally arrived. Lin Xi and his family were overjoyed. As soon as Zhou zhe threw some stones on the ground, he was ready to run out to stop the car so that the driver could take him.

However, in order to avoid the blood and smell of the boar corpse, Lin Xi and his family are still some distance away from the road, and there is also a dead zone of turning angle. Before Zhou zhe runs to the side of the road, the car coming from the distance is close at hand.

In the distance, Lin Xi saw that the Mercedes Benz was an off-road vehicle, and it was also a jeep with a wild texture. The dark body and configuration were much better than Zhou zhe's.

Seeing the jeep coming from a distance, I didn't mean to slow down at all. It seemed that I was in a hurry to drive. However, judging from the driving skill and speed, the driver was undoubtedly an old driver. Otherwise, it would be impossible for others to drive at such a high speed on such a bumpy road. At least Zhou zhe didn't dare.

At that time, I don't know if it was because the jeep driver saw the off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road, or saw Lin Xi and them. As soon as they came out of the dead zone from the perspective of turning, they stepped on the brake in a hurry. On the dry winter road, a large amount of soil and dust was raised, and the jeep tires also pulled out long scratches on the road. It was really shocking.

The next moment, a harsh sound of impact and friction filled everyone's ears, but also reverberated in the mountains, stabbing their eardrum as if they had a knife cut open, creepy.

Finally, under the gaze of Lin Xi, the jeep slowly stopped. More accurately, it had to stop.

The sow that rushed out at the last moment last night not only knocked Wu Younan to the ground, but also ran into some big rocks when she ran into the jungle. The stones rolled down from the mountains. Unfortunately, the place where the stones rolled down was right in the middle of the road, and Lin Xi forgot these stones, even their existence, because of the following things I'm here.

So, here's the scene.

In fact, the jeep that came from afar was too fast. At the beginning, I didn't see the stones on the road at all. I just saw the SUVs parked on the roadside from a distance.

The jeep driver obviously didn't care much, and the speed didn't slow down at all. However, when she finally saw the stones in the middle of the road, she subconsciously wanted to brake, but it was no hurry. The huge inertia pulled the jeep out of the distance of several tens of meters in an instant. The driver couldn't help but react, and she had already collided with those stones.

However, due to the fact that the jeep's site is relatively high, the huge impact force almost ran over the stones after hitting them. At the same time, the jeep's site also had a close contact with the stones. Suddenly, there was a sharp and harsh sound of friction, and then the brake stopped suddenly, and everything was calm again.

This scene happened so fast that the jeep driver and Lin Xi didn't even have a chance to react. After they reacted, the jeep had turned off and the door in the driver's seat had been opened.

At that time, when Lin Xi heard the sound of the jeep door being opened, his heart suddenly sank, and the secret was that it was terrible, because these stones were in the middle of the road because of them. Now when this happens, it's strange that other drivers don't look for trouble.

However, when Lin Xi saw the driver coming down from the driver's seat of the jeep, he suddenly froze, and even the expression on his face was completely frozen, as if he had encountered something incredible. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth turned into an ellipse involuntarily.

Because, it's really incredible, how can there be such a coincidence!

It seems that after a long time, it seems that only a few seconds later, Lin Xi Zheng low voice: "Zhi Yan... How are you here?"

Yes, the old driver walking down from the car is Zhang Zhiyan.

She was wearing a white sportswear, a white baseball cap and a horsetail on the back of her hair. When she came down from the driver's seat, she was young and beautiful.

If Wu Younan's temperament is ruffian and quiet, then Zhang Zhiyan must be beautiful and graceful, almost two completely different styles, but it can attract Lin Xi's eyes at the same time, let him be a sidelight.But there is still a very obvious difference between the two people, because Zhang Zhiyan's beauty can make everyone look at him, while Wu Younan's temperament can only attract Lin Xi's eyes and make him fall for one person.

To be more accurate, Lin Xi really likes Wu Younan, but to Zhang Zhiyan, he only appreciates beauty. Of course, there are some other feelings in it, but he will never like this one.

Maybe after hearing Lin Xi's low voice, Zhang Zhiyan immediately found them standing in the distance, and without hesitation turned and walked over, showing a happy smile. Obviously, she was surprised and overjoyed to see Lin Xi here, but at the same time, she also had doubts: "Lin Xi, why are you here, aren't you back to North Sichuan?"

Zhang Zhiyan's voice is very beautiful, as clear and pleasant as dingdong spring. When Zhang Zhiyan greets Lin Xi, he hasn't sobered up from the shock of meeting Zhang Zhiyan in the wild mountains. Even though he knows that all this is true, he still feels some dreams and can't believe it.

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