The most important thing is that after making a phone call in the tree, Zhou zhe just wanted to get down, but he found that he couldn't get down. Finally, he made a good decision to jump down from the tree, but he fell down hard. Fortunately, he landed on the ground first.

However, Zhou Zhe's resentment towards Lin Xi is getting deeper and deeper. He keeps saying that Lin Xi values sex more than friends. When he has two younger sisters, he forgets his brother, which is totally inhuman. Therefore, he even thinks of a reason to blackmail Lin Xi, because only in this way can he make up for his inner trauma.

After returning to the SUV, Zhou zhe waited for a long time, but he didn't see Lin Xi coming. He couldn't help complaining more deeply. He looked like a bitter woman in the old days. He kept complaining there. If you listen carefully, you'll find that what he said was: "is it dinner or going to a restaurant? Cash and checks are OK. Just beat him, but it's not good As a matter of fact, although they are only about five kilometers away from each other, for jeeps without brakes, the distance is no less than tens of kilometers away, and it will take a little time to complete the distance.

Time went by for a long time. I don't know if I was tired of complaining. Zhou Zhe's stomach suddenly growled. As the saying goes, "man is iron, rice is steel, so I don't have to be hungry." he hasn't eaten anything since the simple breakfast in the morning.

So in an instant, he quietly made a decision in his heart, turning his complaint and indignation to the power of appetite. He took two big chicken legs and a big pig hoof from the trunk of the SUV and ran to the back seat to fight to the death.

Although these three kinds of food are cold, but they can't stand Zhou Zhe's determination to eliminate them is hot. In a short time, his mouth is full of oil. At the same time, it is enough to see his dissatisfaction with Lin Xi. He hates Lin Xi to the bone.

When Lin Xi saw the SUV again, it was half an hour later, and he finally fell a stone in his heart. He even thought that he had come in time. Zhou zhe should not blame himself. After all, we are all scholars, and we should know right and wrong and understand the truth.

What's more, Zhou Zhe is still a graduate student, so he should have higher cultural quality. He is definitely not the kind of unreasonable person. At the same time, he also thought maliciously that Zhou zhe could climb a tree. This is absolutely a big news. It is estimated that no one will believe him. At that time, he must interview him well to satisfy his gossip heart.

But I don't know why, Lin Xi was still a little nervous, as if something would happen.

Sure enough, let Linxi quite depressed things appeared, and in front of him.

At that time, the SUV was parked on a wooden bridge at the end of a downhill road. There was no shelter on the bridge, but it was parked by the bridge. Under the bridge was a turbulent River, which was more than ten meters deep.

The most important thing is that at this time, the jeep has been sliding on this downhill road. Although the speed is extremely slow, because there is no brake, the inertia makes the speed faster and faster. If we don't stop it quickly, the two late and early vehicles will collide, and the consequence is that the off-road vehicle will be hit into the river under the bridge.

But at this time, no matter how much Zhang Zhiyan tried to control the jeep, he couldn't let it slow down. Instead, the speed became faster and faster, and the distance between the two cars became closer and closer.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xi felt very anxious. He poked his head out of the window and yelled out Zhou Zhe's name. However, because the window of the SUV was closed, Zhou zhe could not hear his voice, let alone respond.

In desperation, Lin Xi opened the door of the jeep and jumped directly from the co driver's seat. After several faltering, he finally stood in his figure. Then he grabbed the door of the SUV with both hands and tried to stop it.

However, when the manpower was poor, he was not a Hercules, who had the strength to stop the sliding jeep. Instead, he was dragged for a long distance by the jeep.

Seeing Lin Xi's dangerous behavior, both Wu Younan and Zhang Zhiyan are anxious, but they have nothing to do. They can only follow Lin Xi. Wu Younan even jumps down to help Lin Xi, but Lin Xi's face is red and his ears are red. He yells at her and tells her not to move in the car.

In a hurry, Lin Xi didn't know what he thought of. He ran to the side of the road, picked up some big stones, and then threw them under the jeep's tires in an attempt to brake the jeep.

However, because the inertial force accumulated by jeeps has reached a certain level, not a few stones can stop them at all. Moreover, when throwing stones on the move, they can't get the tires down. What they do is useless.

At the same time, Lin Xi did not forget to shout Zhou Zhe's name, but still did not respond, as if Zhou Zhe in the SUV fell asleep, did not know the imminent danger.

The jeep and the SUV are about to collide. If they do, not only the SUV and Zhou Zhe in the car will be in danger of being hit under the wooden bridge, but also the jeep and Wu Younan.

At this critical moment, Lin Xi was so desperate that he grabbed the door with both hands again, then leaned back and used his feet as the brake, trying to slow down the jeep with his own strength. The most serious consequence of his doing so was that his legs would be broken because of inertia.But even so, Lin Xi's action or Mantis arm when the car, beyond measure, the speed of the jeep or did not slow down, but he was in great danger at this time.

"Linxi, let go, you let go, you will die like this, let go quickly"

sitting in the back seat, Wu Younan saw more and more close off-road vehicles, as well as Lin Xi, whose face was full of blood due to excessive force, and immediately burst into tears. This girl, who is usually full of ruffians, is actually very kind-hearted in her heart, and when she understands Lin Xi, she will cry Regardless of safety, we can imagine our eagerness.

However, Wu Younan's cry did not make Lin Xi hesitate or waver. He still broke the door and tried to do his best. Even if the speed of the jeep slowed down a little, it was enough in his heart.

No matter Zhou zhe or Zhang Zhiyan, they are all good friends in his heart. Especially Zhou zhe has been in love with him for five years. If something happens here, how can his conscience go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!