The talk of the stall owner is not over, but Lin Xi has fully understood his idea. In short, he not only regards the money tree as a real old object, but also regards it as a real money tree. He puts it on the market to attract people's attention and attract customers to stop for him, and then facilitates the trading of other objects.

It has to be said that the stall owner is very smart. It's really inferior for him to do business in the ghost market. With his ingenuity, he will never be a senior white-collar worker in any big company. But Lin Xi can't help laughing at what he has done.

What makes Lin Xi even more strange is that his practice seems to be out of order. Why didn't anyone stop or publicize it.

But when he thought about it, he was relieved. The stall owner just had to raise the price beyond the limit of all the buyers, and he would bite the price to death without giving up. If the buyer felt that it was not worth it, he would not want it. If the buyer bought it blindly, the stall owner would never suffer a loss, let alone open for three years, even for ten years It's too late.

As for why the stall owner said these words to Lin Xi, in fact, as he said, it's just that Lin Xi is more pleasant to look at. Moreover, Lin Xi is young and doesn't look like someone who can afford to buy a cash cow. Therefore, in order to avoid wasting time on him, the stall owner said these words to make him retreat.

Of course, the stall owner also has a more important purpose, that is to solicit business for himself.

Sure enough, after a lot of talk, the stall owner finally showed his true face: "brother, I don't think about this bronze money tree. You don't have to look at other things any more. If you like it, I can give you a real price"

after listening to the stall owner's words, Lin Xi's heart suddenly moved and he had been waiting for himself here for a long time However, he didn't say anything about it, and his eyes turned away from the money tree. However, he lingered for three times in the process, showing his reluctance to part with the money tree.

Seeing Lin Xi's appearance, the stall owner became more and more elated. He was proud and proud in his heart. He even scored 100 points for his intelligence. He didn't feel proud for more than one point.

After looking away, Lin Xi sighed and complained in frustration: "brother, it's not kind of you to say that you're not a Baner. It's not good for me to put out good things and not sell them. It's just hanging my appetite. Oh, forget it. Let me see something else. Anyway, you won't sell me."

no matter how Lin Xi complains, the stall owner is always smiling It seems that he is not willing to say more about the money tree of the bronze ware. Instead, he tries to persuade Lin Xi to look at the other items on the stall and start selling them one by one.

At that time, Lin Xi put a jade cicada back to its original position disappointedly and shook his head and sighed, "Oh, brother, you are too fake. The imitation is powerful, not to mention the lack of arms and legs. How can you let me willingly buy it... However, brother, you don't know that I am very interested in imitation. Do you have any way to teach me? Why don't you tell me where you got these things from? "

Lin Xi had already looked at all the objects in the stall. He didn't have to think about them. He didn't bother to look at the rest. However, after putting down the jade cicada, he picked up an ancient book and looked at it.

Casually open the cover of the ancient books, Lin Xi just looked at it and closed it, then threw it to the original position. The rest of him was not in the mood to see it again, so he stood up to move his body and did not forget to talk from the stall owner.

Because what interests Lin Xi most now is not the objects on the stall, but the ghost who makes the bronze money tree. Although Lin Xi is not sure that the stall owner and the ghost must know each other, there must be countless relationships. Undoubtedly, if he knows who the ghost is, Lin Xi really wants to visit, and even has an impulse to worship him as a teacher .


It's because anyone who can make a high imitation of the real with the fake has a deep understanding of this industry, more than those so-called experts. It's not too much to say that they are famous experts in this industry. That ghost can make objects that even the old players can't see the real and the fake. His knowledge and experience must be very comparable. If you study with him for a period of time It's no problem to settle down in the antique world.

What Lin Xi lacks most now is the capital to settle down. He has the ability of heavenly eye, but he is like a beggar with a golden rice bowl. He has not enough knowledge and experience to carry forward his capital.

However, what Lin Xi didn't expect was that the stall owner seemed to hear his routine, and his face suddenly turned to one side. The Philistine's face, which was still smiling at the moment before, became overcast. Even in the dim light, he could feel the bad side of the stall owner.

I just heard the stall owner say in a deep voice: "I think it's your first time to come to the ghost market. Why don't you even understand this rule? Are you really looking for me to be poor and happy?"

Hearing the stall owner's words, Lin Xi's heart suddenly sank. He knew that he could not ask anything, but he was not stage fright. As soon as he turned his eyes, he paid attention and pretended to be silly: "rules... What rules? To tell you the truth, I'm really in the ghost market for the first time today. Many people don't know the rules and are about to ask for advice. Let's take my precious bronze money tree as an example. I don't know when I got it? Where did you get itIf Lin Xi didn't expect, before he finished, the stall owner's face turned from gloomy to angry. He pointed to the side of the road and said, "Oh, boy, you've come to find fault with my business on purpose. Don't you really know that you can't inquire about the origin of the goods in the ghost market? For the sake of not knowing the rules when you are new here, I'm not hard for you either. You'd better go there and not send it! "

Lin Xi, who is good at slandering and watching color, saw that the stall owner had some unnatural look and erratic eyes. He immediately had a general grasp in his heart, so he didn't bother to pester any more. He laughed at the stall owner with apology, and then turned around and left without stopping. He soon disappeared in the hazy fog.

When the stall owner saw that Lin Xi was in a mess, he was still ashamed to be scolded by himself, so he didn't think much and continued to start his own business. , the fastest update of the webnovel!