It's not that Lin Xi didn't want to put the thatched cottage together, but in view of the old man's last words, he gave up the idea. In his last words, the old man said: when I die, even if the things in front of me stay, they don't have any meaning. Let them go with me, or they will be sad.

After passing the thatched cottage and walking on, Lin Xi saw a small hill, which was not very high. It was only about 50 meters high, covered with withered and yellow vegetation, shivering in the cold wind.

And behind that hill is the old man's grave.

At that time, Lin Xi stood behind the thatched cottage and looked at the hill. On the other side of the hill, there were fireworks rising, flying in the air with the cold wind. Although he was hundreds of meters away from the hill, he could smell the pungent smell of firecrackers and incense.

See here, Linxi heart move, standing in situ pondering for a few seconds, immediately can't help but speed up the pace to the hill.

Soon, Lin Xi and Zhou zhe climbed to the top of the hill and looked to the other side of the hill. Under the hillside on the other side of the hill, there was a lonely tomb standing in the cold wind.

The size of the tomb is not exaggerated, or even extremely simple. It's like a small mound. If you don't look at it carefully, you can't see that the mound is a tomb at all. Moreover, because no one takes care of it all the year round, the weeds on the tomb are almost as tall as the weeds on both sides of the path, just like a natural curtain, which completely covers and covers the tomb.

That mound like grave is the old man's final destination.

To Lin Xi's surprise, in the past, the weeds on the grave had disappeared, leaving only a lonely grave bag and the renovated soil on the grave bag. Beside the grave, a young girl was bending down to take care of the weeds pulled from the grave, grabbing a handful of them and throwing them behind her.

The little girl is very young. She seems to be two years younger than Lin Xi. Her long hair is covered by a fluffy pink hat, and she is wearing a pink down jacket. As for the white shoes on her feet, she is tall and tall.

Looking at the girl's face from a distance, she looks quite young and lovely. Her face is carved with ice and jade, and her flesh is extremely lovely. However, it is striking that even if she is wearing a bulky down jacket, it is difficult for her to completely contain her proud chest. With her every movement, the tight down jacket can't help shaking, as if the next moment is coming Break free from the shackles, jump out of the general, can be called the body proud.

Lin Xi also saw that behind the young girl, there was another girl in a black down jacket and a baseball cap. She was cleaning up the weeds thrown by the young girl and moving them to a place far away from the grave to pile them together. She should be planning to burn them later.

But because the girl in the black down jacket is back to Lin Xi and Zhou Zhe, she can't see her face clearly for a while.

At the moment when he saw the young girl, Lin Xi was suddenly stunned, and immediately showed a bitter smile. Just when he saw the fireworks flying in the air in the thatched cottage, he had a guess in his heart, but when the guess was confirmed, he was extremely bitter.

Because he not only knew the young girl in the pink down jacket, but also could not be more familiar with her. Even she had a few moles on her body.

At that time, the two girls in front of the old man's grave were concentrating on taking care of the weeds. They didn't find Lin Xi and Zhou zhe standing on the hill, or they didn't bother to find them.

Zhou zhe followed Lin Xi and discovered the existence of the young girl. After a short surprise, he gave Lin Xi a rather strange look, then patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Oh, you, you'd better go out and see the Yellow calendar in the future!"

Hearing Zhou Zhe's words, Lin Xi couldn't help frowning, and felt a burst of sadness in his heart: "God, what kind of evildoer have I made here... How can I meet this little girl here, and whether or not I have such bad luck."

Standing in the same place pondering for a long time, Linxi heart finally relieved, since the should have come, he just want to hide also can't hide, it's better to go down to say hello, and even if now run away, in the evening is estimated to have to chase home, now go down to eliminate her gas, when the time comes, still can leave a face in front of his mother.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Xi went down to the hill with the objects of worship and a stiff smile on his face, and said flatteringly, "Yan Yan, when did you come back? I don't want to call in advance to say that I can pick you up."

Hearing the sound in her ear, the young girl was shocked. She even forgot the busy work in her hands, because the sound was so familiar that it could not be anyone else except the tortoise son of a bitch.

But, how did that tortoise son of a bitch come here today? Did he already know about his return? And in shock, the young girl slowly raised her head, and then looked in the direction of the hill. Sure enough, the man she called the tortoise bastard was walking slowly from the hill.The most important thing is that tortoise bastard still greets him with a cheap smile on his face. As for Zhou zhe who follows tortoise bastard, she selectively ignores him, because she has only met Zhou zhe once, not too familiar with him, and even forgets who Zhou Zhe is.

Looking at Lin Xi's nearer and nearer figure, the young girl's dislike became more and more intense. However, when she thought that the main reason for her coming back this time was the tortoise bastard in front of her, her hostility to Lin Xi was eliminated.

But dispelling hostility doesn't mean forgiveness. The young girl said coldly, "my name is Tong Yan. Please call my name. Don't be Yan Yan every day. Hum, I'm not familiar with you?"

From Tong Yan's words, we can hear that he is obviously against Lin Xi's calling himself Yan Yan, and he is even more disgusted with Lin Xi.

Hearing Tong Yan's words, Lin Xi said with a wry smile: "Yan Yan, can you change your temper? Be careful that you won't get married later... Why do you have to remember things when you were a child for so many years? Besides, I'm your elder martial brother. Even if you don't call me elder martial brother, it's not too much to call me elder brother. Why do you think it's like meeting an enemy every time you see me? We are so big What's your revenge? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!