When it comes to the "pen" in the four treasures of the study, it actually refers to the Chinese brush, because among all kinds of pen products in the world, the brush is undoubtedly the unique category in China. In addition to being known as one of the four treasures of the study, it is also honored as "Guan Cheng Hou" by ancient scholars.

The traditional brush is not only a necessary tool for the ancients, but also has a unique charm in expressing the special charm of Chinese calligraphy and painting.

However, due to the fragility and poor preservation of the brush, some well-made ancient brushes with special historical background have very high collection value. Shine with great splendor,

, and with the continuous development of human society, the diligent and intelligent Chinese nation has constantly summed up experience, retained its essence, abandoned its dross, and was brave in exploring and daring to innovate. For thousands of years, the brush has made outstanding contributions to create a splendid culture of the Chinese nation and promote cultural exchanges between the Chinese nation and all races in the world, and is also the Chinese nation's art to the world. A treasure provided by the treasure house.

Of course, some modern brushes are also of great collection value. For example, the works of Xu Baosan, a famous brush maker before 1949, had the saying of "one branch, one gold" at that time, and were cherished by many calligraphers and painters at that time.

Even in modern times, in the famous duoyunxuan in Shanghai and rongbaozhai in Beijing, some brushes specially made for collection are also very expensive. For example, a famous work of rongbaozhai called "delicate Guangfeng" is very rare because of its exquisite rosewood penholder, and its price is as high as 36000 yuan. It can be seen that in addition to practical use, the brush can also be used as an investment in collection.

The brush is a unique writing and painting tool with different styles of feather writing between ancient China and Western nations. Although pencils, ballpoint pens and pens are popular in the world today, their functions are irreplaceable.

It is said that the brush was created by Meng Tian, so now known as the hometown of brush, houdian in Hengshui, Hebei and Shanlian in Huzhou, Zhejiang will make dumplings, drink wine and celebrate every third day of the third lunar month.

It is worth mentioning that, in fact, brush has different names in the past dynasties. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the princes dominated the country. At this time, different countries call the brush different. Wu (now Jiangsu) is called "Bulu", Chu (now Hubei) is called "Zha (bamboo)". After the unification of China by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, they were all called "brush", while Bai Juyi also called them "hair cone". According to the poem "Ji Wei Zhi", it is said that "the eye is like a letter, and the edge is like a cone."

Although the brush we use today is said to be the first invention of Meng Tian, a general who supervised the construction of the Great Wall in the Qin Dynasty, the invention right of the brush can not be entirely attributed to Meng Tian alone.

Because in 1954, a complete set of writing tools was excavated from a prehistoric tomb in zuojiagongshan, Changsha, Hunan Province, which proved that the earliest object of the brush was about 2500 years ago, that is, the state of Chu in the middle of the Warring States period, which directly represented that there was the so-called brush before Mengtian.

The research on Yin Ruins shows that as early as 3000 years ago in the Shang Dynasty, Chinese people began to write with writing brush. Although the literature of the Shang Dynasty we can see today is oracle bone inscriptions, there are sufficient data to show that the daily writing of the Shang Dynasty is not "Dao Bi writing", but the same as the writing on bamboo slips or wood chips after the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Therefore, some scholars infer that the daily writing of the Shang Dynasty was actually brush writing, but because the writing materials and brush writing could not be preserved for a long time, only the oracle bone inscriptions carved on the hard divination bones survived, and thus witnessed the existence of the Shang Dynasty (about 1600-1046 BC), but the oracle bone inscriptions should have been written with brush first And then it was carved with a sharp tool.

Moreover, studies have shown that: the earliest brush was produced in the Neolithic Age in China, and the history of using brush to write and draw in China has been thousands of years. The pictures and patterns on painted pottery should be depicted on the embryo by brush.

Although experts and scholars have inferred the specific origin of the brush, the most recognized one is Meng Tian's creation of the brush, which has handed down an interesting legend.

In 223 BC, Qin general Meng Tian led his troops to fight against Chu in Zhongshan area. The two sides fought fiercely and the war lasted for a long time.

In order to let the king of Qin know the situation on the battlefield in time, Meng Tian had to write war reports to the king of Qin on a regular basis. At that time, people usually dipped in ink with sub labels, and then wrote on silk cloth. The writing speed was very slow. Moreover, the pen was very hard, the ink was less, and after writing a few words, they had to stop and dip again. If the ink was too much, it would drop down and even drop The very valuable silk was wasted.

Because Meng Tian had the idea of reforming the pen before, and he had to write a lot of war reports this time, so his desire became stronger and stronger.

During the war, Meng Tian likes to go hunting in the wild. One day, he beat a few wild rabbits back to the barracks. Because of the number of rabbits he hit, he was heavy in his hand. A rabbit's tail was held on the ground, and the blood dragged the traces of twists and turns on the ground. Meng Tian couldn't help but move when he saw it: "wouldn't it be better to use rabbit's tail instead of ordinary pen to write?"

After returning to the barracks, Meng Tian immediately cut off a rabbit's tail, inserted it into a bamboo tube, and tried to write with it, but the rabbit's hair was glossy and did not absorb ink, and the words written on the silk were intermittent and did not look like it.Meng Tian tried several times in a row, but he failed. In a fit of anger, he threw the "rabbit hair pen" into the stone pit in front of the door.

But Meng Tian is not willing to fail, still takes time to think about other ways to improve, but has not found a suitable way.

On this day, he went out of the barracks to get some fresh air. When he walked through the rock pit, he saw the "rabbit hair pen" which he had thrown away. Meng Tian picked it up and pinched the rabbit hair with his fingers. He found that the rabbit hair was wet and the color became whiter and softer.

Inspired by this, Meng Tian immediately ran back to the barracks and dipped it in the ink. At this time, rabbit tail became very obedient. He not only absorbed enough ink, but also wrote very smoothly, and the font became mellow.

It turned out that the water in shanshikeng contained calcareous matter. After being soaked in alkaline water, rabbit hair became soft. Because this pen was composed of bamboo tubes and rabbit hair, Meng Tian added a prefix of "Zhu" to the popular pen name "Yu" at that time, and called it "pen". Today it is abbreviated as "pen".

Therefore, there is one of the most famous brush, namely "Mengbi", also known as "Mengtian fine brush" and "houbi", and houbi is houdian brush, which is called "Xiangbi" in ancient times. Its pen is long, hard, flexible, full of ink without dripping, and smooth without stagnation.


to illustrate, it's really not in the number of words in water!!!

As the most important writing tool in China, the brush is really worth understanding, and the story of the brush is really worth telling.

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