Driven by the powerful power of the jeep, Zhou Zhe, a driving expert, Lin Xi, with the gifts they bought, galloped all the way back to Lin Jiashan.

But after returning home, Lin Xi found that an uninvited guest had come to his home. The reason why he said he was an uninvited guest was that every time Lin Xi saw her, he would feel disgusted. Especially in recent years, it was a nightmare.

Strictly speaking, the visitor has some relatives with Lin Xi, but even Lin Xi himself can't tell how many generations apart they are. Anyway, they are seven aunts and eight aunts. After meeting, they have to call "aunt song".

To tell you the truth, the last thing Lin Xi wants to see when he comes back to Cangxi is aunt song. She is also the one he is afraid of. Why?

This is because Aunt song is so enthusiastic. Her enthusiasm makes Lin Xi's head very big. But aunt song's enthusiasm lies in that she likes to help people get along with each other and promote other people's marriage.

If it is more popular, aunt song is a matchmaker.

When it comes to matchmakers, we have to talk about matchmakers first.

Matchmaker is a unique profession in ancient China, which plays a role of matchmaker in China's marriage. Male matchmaker is also known as "Yuelao", while female matchmaker is known as "matchmaker" or "dajianjie", such as aunt song.

In other words, matchmaker is a woman who used to take the marriage as her occupation.

In the traditional culture of ancient China, "no matchmaker, no marriage" is absolutely an impossible part, which makes matchmakers occupy a very important position in China's marriage system. Mencius put "parents' orders, matchmaker's words" in an equally important position.

The natural economic form of feudal society limited people's labor, education, and entertainment to their families. That is to say, the so-called "the sound of chickens and dogs is heard from each other, and the people do not communicate with each other until they die of old age", which made people and families separated from each other, and made parents not understand each other's situation in Fang's family, It is for this reason that many ordinary families have grown up, but they do not know which family needs to marry.

Feudal customs caused people's shyness on the issue of courtship. It became one of the important features of feudal social customs that people didn't express their desire to get a spouse openly. If they asked directly, they were ignorant. It was an important form of courtship method in feudal times to entrust him or her to ask.

In this process, the business of matchmaker came into being, and it has become an important form of expression for matchmakers to mediate and promote marriage. Even in the ancient feudal dynasty of China, there was a special court to manage the marriage of the people, so matchmakers are sometimes called official media.

It is worth mentioning that after the liberation of our country and the founding of the people's Republic of China, advocating freedom of marriage and love, matchmaker has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history, but it does not mean that there is no matchmaker in our country.

With the imbalance of marriage between men and women in recent years, the trend of blind date has become more popular. As a result, the matchmaker industry has appeared in the eyes of the public, but now they are not called matchmakers, but introducers.

There is a big gap between aunt song and the matchmaker in TV dramas. At least she is not as powerful as the matchmaker in TV dramas. There is no black mole symbolizing the matchmaker in the corner of her mouth, and there are no black hairs on the mole.

Only from the appearance, aunt song's face will give people a kind feeling, and speak very well. If not everyone knows each other's roots, plus she often matchmaker, maybe others will really think that she is a knowledgeable lady.

However, aunt song did read a lot of books. When she was young, she was an educated youth and knew a lot. She and Lin Yunxian were good sisters who had nothing to say. However, why she became a matchmaker has puzzled many people.

What makes Lin Xi puzzled is that Aunt song seems to pay special attention to his marriage. In the past two years, she has even gone crazy.

As early as Lin Xi had just graduated from high school and was only a week away during the summer vacation, aunt song went to Lin Xi's house to talk about the matchmaker, such as Zhang San's beautiful girl, Li Si's virtuous girl, Wang Mazi's girl with high education.

As long as they are the girls who can speak from Aunt song, they are almost the best girls in the world. They can't be found with lanterns. They all reveal that Lin Xi's happiness of marrying them has been cultivated by Lin Xi for several generations.

But the most important thing is that although Lin Xi told aunt song that the girls didn't know much about it, she had heard that, not to mention being good-looking, virtuous and highly educated, it would be good if she was a normal person.

Lin Xi really doesn't understand how aunt song can tell the girls so well in front of him and Lin Yunxian. Does she really think that their wives are easy to cheat?

I don't know when or where. Lin Xi has heard a saying about blind date, which roughly means: what kind of blind date your relatives introduce you to, then what kind of you are in your relatives' eyes.

So every time aunt song tells Lin Xi which girl is good, Lin Xi always wants to ask her if she is really that bad in her eyes, or if she has offended her.

Maybe Lin Yunxian also knows the virtue of aunt song, or maybe she has heard something about the girls of Zhang San, Li Si and Wang Mazi's family. She finds a reason to say that Lin Xi is still young and has just been admitted to university. She doesn't worry about getting married and simply beats aunt song.I thought that after being sent away, aunt song would not be harassed any more. But what Lin Xi didn't think was that Aunt song had a kind of spirit of moving mountains and perseverance. As long as Lin Xi came back from school or work for the new year, she would get news to introduce a girl to Lin Xi.

It seems that if aunt song doesn't make a marriage for Lin Xi, she will never die.

At the beginning, both Lin Xi and Lin Yunxian were grateful for Aunt song's warm-hearted actions, but they didn't know what to do. After all, the girls introduced by Aunt song were really poor, but they all welcomed each other with a smile and politely refused.

However, with the increase of the number of times, Lin Xi began to have an aversion to her, and even sometimes wanted to blow him out, but this is just thinking about it, and would not really do so, after all, people also out of some good intentions.

It is for this reason that since the beginning of University, every time Lin Xi came back to Lin Jiashan, aunt song has become his biggest worry. Before he came back, he thought about how to avoid the "kindness" of aunt song.

The most important thing is that during her four years in University, Lin Yunxian and Lin Xi stood firmly in the same line, but after graduating from University, Lin Yunxian's camp immediately drifted to Aunt song, and soon reached a unified position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!