At the same time, at the moment of pulling out the pieces of the bamboo chair, the sharp pain from her left leg makes Lin Yunxian breathe coldly. However, because she is afraid of Lin Xi and worried about her, she bites her teeth and refuses to send it out.

But the beancurd sweat on her forehead showed the intensity of the pain, which made Lin Xi more anxious and irritable. He yelled at Zhou zhe: "can you take it easy?"

Maybe it's because of the professionalism of the doctor, or because of his deep sympathy for Lin Xi's impatience, Zhou zhe ignored Lin Xi's roar. Instead, he smeared the prepared red medicine on Lin Yunxian's wound and wrapped it with a piece of clean gauze, which soon stabilized the wound completely.

It has to be said that although Zhou zhe lacks practical ability and has many small problems, his professional quality of Western medicine is difficult to find out the problems. Although he is still a student in school, his technique and professionalism are not inferior to those of professionals, and he can be called a genius of Western medicine.

Although western medicine is good, it is only good at physical therapy and physiological surgery. Take treating wounds for Lin Yunxian. If Lin Xi's family doesn't always have gauze and red potions, as well as some simple common medicines, even if he has the professional skills of Western medicine, it is difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

According to common sense, it is difficult for rural families like Lin Xi's to have front-end health knowledge, let alone to keep medical supplies at home.

But since Lin Xi went to junior high school, he has a certain understanding of physiological and health knowledge. Combined with Lin Yunxian's years of hard work and farm work, her body will inevitably be bumped and bumped. At his strong request, Lin Yunxian purposely took out part of the hard living expenses and bought daily medical supplies, which has not been spared for so many years.

After helping Lin Yunxian deal with the wound on her left leg, Zhou Zhe's body and mind immediately relaxed. In a short time, he was sweating. But before he could breathe, he could see Lin Yunxian's more painful face.

At that time, after the wound of Lin Yunxian's left leg was treated, not only did she not feel relaxed, but the cold sweat on her forehead became more intense. Although in order not to let Lin Xi and Zhou zhe worry, she bit her teeth and refused to seal it, but the pain she suffered made her face a little distorted.

When Zhou zhe saw Lin Yunxian's painful face, he could not rest and diagnosed it again. However, a moment later, he also became very dignified. He looked up at Lin Xi and said seriously: "in addition to the injury of her left leg, aunt Lin should have suffered from acute lumbar muscle sprain when she fell down, which greatly oppressed the nerves of the body. She always lay on the ground like this, right The body will also cause a lot of compliance, we must rush to the hospital

As Zhou zhe said, Lin Yunxian's health is not good in rainy days because of her long-term work and busyness. Backache is a common occurrence. Now this season is cold and humid. Today it's snowy and windy outside. If she lies like this all the time, I'm afraid it will cause complications of rheumatism, which will be even more difficult.

Zhou zhe pointed out that Lin Xi didn't know about these situations, but he didn't have a better way to deal with them. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Although he also thought that sending Lin Yunxian to the hospital was the best way to deal with them, Lin Yunxian's body didn't allow him to do so, and the bumps on the road were also not allowed.

After negating Zhou Zhe's decision, in order to make Lin Yunxian feel better, Lin Xi reaches over to help her up again. But this time, he just touches Lin Yunxian's arm without exerting himself. Then he hears moaning: "ouch, pain, Xiao Xi, don't move. Just let your mother lie down for a while. It's really OK."

Hearing Lin Yunxian's mourning is more intense than before, he is so surprised that Lin Xi doesn't dare to act rashly any more. Zhou zhe also sees Lin Yunxian's pain, and he is eager to think about ways.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is a big problem to move Lin Yunxian's body, not to mention to send her to the hospital. In addition, Lin Xi's family is remote and has no professional medical equipment, which makes Zhou Zhe, a genius of Western medicine, helpless.

Although Lin's mountain area is remote, in fact, there used to be old Chinese medicine practitioners. But since the old Chinese medicine practitioners died a few years ago, there has been no emergency doctor in Lin's mountain area. If you want to go to the hospital after an emergency, the nearest hospital is also in the town.

But few people know that Lin Xi is actually half a doctor and half a traditional Chinese medicine. The reason why he is half a doctor is that when the old man taught him his skills, he only learned half a skill. He had a different understanding of pharmacology. He only fished for some books.

Of course, he's not without his unique skills. Maybe he's in a playful and playful mood. When the old man was teaching him traditional Chinese medicine, his pharmacology, pulse building and other skills were all half baked. He only learned acupuncture and moxibustion seven or eight times, which can be regarded as stepping into the room.

However, he has the ability of acupuncture and moxibustion, which can really help Lin Yunxian relieve the pain in front of her, but he has no needle, no silver needle to perform acupuncture and moxibustion.

This is just like Zhou zhe without medical equipment. It's hard for a skillful woman to make a meal without rice.

Lin Yunxian is a strong woman. No matter she experienced great changes in other places in her early years, or came back to Lin Jiashan to be conservative, indifferent and white eyed, or spent so many years trying to pull Lin Xi up, she has been quietly enduring the hardships that ordinary people can't bear, and she can face them with a smile.Along the way, she never showed any bitterness and hardship. She didn't even cry bitterness. However, this strong woman was tortured to death by her illness this evening. The pain made him shiver all over, and the cold sweat was as dense as sweat.

Looking at Lin Yunxian's self suffering and the moaning from her teeth, Lin Xi, as a son of man, is already wet in the corner of his eyes, leaving two lines of tears. He hates why he is so useless. If he had known that, he should not have agreed to let Lin Yunxian clean up her bedding, let alone run out to install tire chains at this time.

The most exasperating thing is that he knows how to use acupuncture and moxibustion, which can relieve Lin Yunxian's pain, but because of his past negligence and laziness, he did not prepare silver needles for emergency use.

Even if there were all kinds of remorse in his heart, even if there were countless remorse, it would not help now, but today's lesson and memory will only be remembered by Lin Xi all his life.

Suddenly, Zhou zhe seemed to think of something. He raised his head and told Lin Xi, "Lin Zi, take care of aunt Lin first. I'll get a hot towel to help aunt Lin apply it. It should be better ····"

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