"For example, the little nurse just now is good. I'm very optimistic about her. I can let her try the position of head nurse. Even if she really can't, she can change another person. Is that right? Director Liu... The hospital will issue a formal appointment notice tomorrow. Director Liu, please go back and prepare. Don't let the hospital down."

At this moment, Liu Min knew that he was completely cold, and even his wife had been implicated. One of them was transferred to the logistics department, and the other was all the way to the end. At the same time, he fell from the previous high position into the stinky ditch, and his future was all over.

At that time, Liu Min wanted to cry, but he also wanted to make a final struggle: "Dean, please give me another chance, I know it's wrong... Mr. and Mrs. Du, please give me another chance"

but what's the use of this?

In order not to let his son be disturbed, Liu Min was dragged out of the operating room by a bodyguard in black at the instigation of Du Jinliang. No matter how much he begged, Du Jinliang and the director turned a deaf ear to it. It can be said that he committed a sin of his own. I don't know that when he made the decision, he didn't think about the consequences now.

Although Liu Min has always regarded himself as a character, he never meets Lin Xi and Zhou Zhe, and is never on the same level. Even so far, Lin Xi and Zhou zhe do not know his name.


after going out to the hospital, Lin Xi's mood was not very good. After standing at the door of the hospital for several times, he finally took out the phone and dialed a good word. After several long connecting tones, Wu Younan's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, is Lin Xi you? What's the matter with the phone call?"

Hearing the familiar voice on the phone, Lin Xi was not as happy as usual. On the contrary, after three seconds of silence, he joked rather farfetched: "it's me. Can't I make a phone call if it's ok...? I want to ask you how are you and Yan Yan? Are you OK?"

Wu You Nan did not recognize Lin Xi's strange, in the phone replied: "we are very good, Chengdu here procedures are done, the day after tomorrow to Kyoto tickets are also bought, as long as in the past to implement the research quota, after the new year I can go to class."

Even hundreds of kilometers and a phone call apart, Lin Xi can still clearly feel Wu Younan's heartfelt joy and joy. He can even think that Wu Younan must be leaning his head at this time. There will be two shallow dimples on his cheek, and he will also wave his fist to express his mood with a smile.

Thinking of this, Lin Xi couldn't help smiling, and even the haze in his heart faded a lot. He said with a smile, "that's great. Congratulations, you Nan. By the way, Yan Yan, isn't she here?"

"Yan just went out shopping and came back later."

"That's OK. If it's OK, I'll hang up first. When Yan Yan comes back, please say hello to me."

Even though Wu Younan has some big nerves, she is a smart girl after all. She quickly found out Lin Xi's unusual character: "Lin Xi, do you have something to say, how strange the tone is, what happened?"

In order not to let Wu Younan worry, even though Lin Xi is full of worries and has already turned the river upside down, he can still keep a sunny smile: "it's really nothing. I haven't called you for two days, and I miss you strangely, so I want to call and ask. When you get to Beijing, I'll be relieved... Yan Yan is not sensible, and sometimes she likes to play small temperament You can take care of it. "

Hearing Lin Xi's words, Wu Younan on the other end of the phone suddenly blushes, and his heart is as sweet as honey. He even thinks about when Lin Xi's wood suddenly becomes enlightened.

"I know. We will call you as soon as we get to Kyoto. You can rest assured... In fact, Yanyan is very good. Thanks to her help me a lot this time ···"

in fact, before Linxi hung up, his conversation with Wu Younan was not over, but he hung up in a hurry because of Tongyan who was out on the other end of the phone, I don't know why.

When Tong Yan knows that Wu Younan is on the phone with Lin Xi, Jiao man's temper suddenly gets out of hand. Obviously, she is still worried about what happened in the bus station that day. When Wu Younan reacts, she takes away the phone, and then yells at the phone.

Linxi helpless, also lazy to listen to Tongyan scold, directly hang up the phone, who let him now in a bad mood!

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi pondered thoughtfully. The reason why he made this call was not because he missed Wu Younan, but because the old man he met in the operating room reminded him of the old man.

You know, there are many skills that the old man is proficient in. Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine and neijiaquan of Taiji are just one of them. Among the many skills that the old man is proficient in, he can also do divination and divination.

Since Lin Xi took the old man as his teacher, the number of times he did divination and divination for people is not very much, even very few. But the key point is that the old man is not sure whether he is divining people, things, things, or asking for money and life, and so on.Take the "fleeting year" written by the old man to Tong Yan after she was born (the old fortune teller called a person's luck a fleeting year, and the so-called "fleeting year" is to write down a person's luck every year from birth to his death, and these fleeting years can't be taken apart in advance, only when he reaches the corresponding age can he see the corresponding fleeting year) Well, it has come true almost every year since birth.

Although Lin Xi had learned divination and fortune telling from the old man, he was still at a half level. He was the kind who didn't work when he failed. He basically relied on luck to touch it. If he touched it right, it would work. If he touched it wrong, it would not work.

The old man once admonished Lin Xi not to do fortune telling casually. He also said that it was a handed down rule. Since he learned this skill, he had to abide by it. Therefore, Lin Xi almost never showed his ability of divination and divination in front of others. Even Zhou zhe didn't know much about it. At most, he only knew it.

Last year, Lin Xi was still working in a hotel in Mingzhou. In order to make Yu Qingming happy, he used divination tricks to show off in front of the girl. He not only won the girl's favor, but also had a good relationship with each other, really good.

Of course, the tricks Lin Xi used at that time were not real divination, but just opportunistic magic. Even so, he convinced Yu Qingming, and even gave him the nickname of a magic wand.

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