In physics, there is a principle of "mutual attraction and mutual repulsion". In psychology, there is the same saying. If Lin Xi guessed correctly, Yu pangzi must be the first person to see through his sunglasses at the private auction that day. It is precisely for this reason that Lin Xi can conclude that Yu pangzi and he are the same kind of people, so he initially refused Yu pangzi's kindness, and even refused it To avoid and keep away.

After all, everyone with a black belly is not willing to associate too much with people who have the same black belly and know themselves, which is the so-called "same sex repels each other" principle, at least in Lin Xi's view.

Lin Xi never thought that he would be here again today. At this special time, he saw Yu Pang again and was saved by Yu Pang. This is really "he has a heart to plant flowers, but he has no heart to plant willows into shade".

The most important thing is that the previously unknown bodyguard's skill is so good that he is at least one level better than Lin Xi. Lin Xi is almost sure that Xiao Min must be an expert of a certain family boxing sect, and he has been practicing hard since he was a child, otherwise he would not have been able to do so.

To know the cultivation of neijiaquan, all talents have to lay a solid foundation since childhood. Only when they have a solid foundation can they become stronger. When they have accumulated to a certain extent, their power is hard to imagine. For example, Su Tianlan is such a cultivation method. Even those neijiaquan masters who have been practicing for 50 or 60 years can hardly compete with Xiao Min and Su Tianlan Like a genius who has laid a foundation since childhood and has accumulated a lot in 20 or 30 years.

However, Lin Xi still has some doubts in his heart. Just like the original doubts, why did the bodyguard named Xiao Min follow the fat man wholeheartedly? If you want to say that there is no story in it, even if you kill Lin Xi, you don't believe it.

Today's Yu Pang is almost the same as he was at the private auction. It's just the face of a local rich man. If he opens his mouth, he will get dirty. If he closes his mouth, he will not lose money. It seems that in his eyes, as long as he has money, there is nothing he can't buy.

But Lin Xi can be sure that Yu Pang's face is just pretending to be a fool. As for the real Yu Pang, I'm afraid he's a master of abdominal blackness with extremely delicate mind. No matter how to say that, Lin Xi's color is inferior, even far away from Lin Xi.

Those so-called idiots are those who have not reached the height of a fat man, who have been deceived by his upstarts, and those who are against him, such as the guests present.

With the help of Xiao Min, Yu pangzi quickly comes to Lin Xi and holds his general's stomach with his hands on his waist in an attempt to lighten the burden of his body. He takes a close look at Lin Xi, and then looks into his eyes with a funny smile. Then he says quite meaningfully: "little brother Lin, you say the world is really small. Why are we so predestined Obviously, you don't want to get on my old car, but I didn't expect that we met just a few days later. However, it seems that my little brother is in trouble today. He's in a bit of a mess. How can we have the style of last time? "

Hearing Yu pangzi's words, Lin Xu immediately showed a bitter smile and said with serious thanks: "let Yu Ge see the joke, but I still want to thank Yu Ge for helping me. If I have a chance in the future, this kindness will surely be rewarded." Lin Xi showed a rather bitter smile: "thank you for your help. I've written down this kindness. I'll definitely repay you later."

Maybe the posture was a little tired. Yu changed his posture. He waved his hand and said, "what's the reward? You're embarrassing me. I lack your money? It's not that I'm old enough to brag with you. Who dares to say that I'm old enough to have more money? At most, we can walk around in the future. You can go to my elder brother's place and sit more, right? "

Obviously, Yu's words caused public anger, and the guests who had been silent for a long time were in a commotion again. They were filled with righteous indignation and resentful. They were so disgusted with his rich face that it was hard to describe. However, the crux of the matter was that the fat man really had more money than them. They were so angry that they couldn't even say a retort except to vent their emotions.

Although the guests didn't listen to the voice of the fat man, Lin Xi, who was the party, didn't know? Yu pangzi's so-called walking and sitting is just to make friends with Lin Xi, and coerces Lin Xi to make friends. He doesn't give Lin Xi any reason or opportunity to refuse. What's more, Lin Xi inherits Yu pangzi's kindness. He can't say the reason for his refusal, so he has to get on the boat.

But then again, Yu pangzi dares to let Xiao Min fight in front of Yu Tianwang and injure so many black bodyguards. He saves Lin Xi in front of everyone's eyes, regardless of Yu Tianwang's face, and even sneers at him. Even those guests dare to be angry. If you say that Yu pangzi doesn't rely on his strength, no one will believe it, at least in front of Yu Tianwang Yupang must have a voice.

Taking Lin Xi's present situation as an example, if he doesn't seek the protection of the fat man, it's hard for him to be good. But Lin Xi didn't expect that he had spared no effort to avoid the fat man, and now he has to take the initiative to get up. It can be said that "the world is changeable, and nature makes people" and it can be called mysterious and fate.

At that time, Lin Xi avoided the arm slapped by the fat man and showed a sincere smile. He said with a serious smile: "if this is the case, I will accept my brother's love today... I also know that my brother is not bad for money, but I still want to thank you. When I have a chance after today, I will come to thank him."The reason why Lin Xi said this was completely out of helplessness. Although he didn't want to meet Yu Pang too much, Yu Pang offered a helping hand after all, and the polite words he should say were still indispensable.

Instead of giving Lin Xi a chance to dodge, Yu chuckled and said, "well, you little brother, I'll take it today. If you call me brother, you have to give me a gift. Anyway, I'm always happy today.

after a pause, Yu chubby seems to think of something, She continued: "Xiaomin, you go to the car and get a box of money. Even if I give my little brother a gift, we are rich anyway. Unlike some people, if we don't have money, we still have big head garlic. Bah!"

It's obvious that some of the individuals Yu pangzi refers to are the guests, which immediately makes them stir up again. Some people even point at Yu pangzi and yell at him. However, because Yu pangzi is old-fashioned, he is indifferent to those guests' yelling, and even has some contempt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!