After pretending to pause, Pete looked at shulao and Zhang Jianping, and then continued: "it's not nice to say that although Mr. shulao is much older than us, he can't count his appraisal skills when he is older"

you can see that Pete's words are more than straight, they are just straight over his head, and he is clearly questioning shulao's weight In other words, he is venting his dissatisfaction with the two appointments.

After hearing Peter's query, Zhang Jianping's face suddenly smiles, and even his eyebrows are a little sulky. He has already beaten and warned the boy just now. How can he be so ignorant? Because Peter is not only questioning the old man's ability, but also embarrassing the person who read out the appointment.

Like Zhang Jianping, Lin Xi was also angry at that time. He had long regarded shulao as his own grandfather. How could he tolerate Pitt's questioning of shulao? He even thought in his heart, "even if you sneer at me, after all, my manager does have water and really has no experience to talk about. You should question me, even if you really have some ideas in your heart But Shu is so old that he doesn't know how to be more tactful and how to respect the old people? "

Perhaps he had expected that Meng Fankai and Pete would not agree with him. After hearing the query, Shu Lao not only didn't feel dissatisfied, but walked forward two steps with his back hand. He looked at Meng Fankai with a gentle smile and said with a smile: "I heard that Qian Yanzi had accepted an apprentice, but he looked old when he was young. A few days ago, he was still showing off in front of me, saying how his apprentice made progress and how he behaved What is a piece of material? It must be you? "

Meng Fankai was shocked when shulao told him about his school. Although it was no secret for him to learn from his teacher, few people knew who his master was, and even no one in the pawn shop knew.

But now listen to the tone of old Shu, not only know who his master is, seems to be quite familiar with his master, otherwise it is impossible to know his master's nickname, more impossible to call out his master's nickname.

You should know that his master is an old collector in Yunjian, but his reputation is not very good. Other people's nicknames are honorific, but the nickname "Qian Yanzi" is ironic. If he could not be called brother to his master, no one would call him "Qian Yanzi" face to face in Mingzhou antiques circle, let alone his apprentice Meng Fankai.

In other words, Shu's status in the Ming Dynasty antique world can at least be compared with Qian Yanzi's peers. He can be regarded as Meng Fankai's elder. How can Meng Fankai's shrewdness surprise him?

While Meng Fankai was shocked, shulao looked at Pete with a smile and exclaimed noncommittally, "you are a young man who speaks too straight. I don't like you very much, but what you said is also true. After all, I have no talent and virtue when I first came here."

after a pause, shulao continued: "I heard that you are a returnee, right? And you are still a Coban I've read your information. I know that your former teacher was Ning Yuanshui. I remember it was more than 20 years ago. At that time, your teacher was only in his thirties and was still working in the cultural relics department of Kyoto. I've seen him several times in my spare time. He's a very good hardworking guy, but later he went to teach and taught you as a student. "

As Shu Lao said, when Peter was studying in the science class, his teacher was Ning Yuanshui. He was very nice to him. He really worked in the cultural relics department more than 20 years ago. Later, because of the spring breeze of reform and opening up, he became a science class teacher.

But what Pete didn't expect is that shulao would know ningyuanshui, and listening to shulao's tone, it seems that ningyuanshui is still a younger generation in front of him, and there is a kind of dispensable younger generation.

In a few words, shulao not only succeeded in calming Meng Fankai and Pete, but also directly proved that he has the ability to sit in the position of professional consultant. Let alone say anything else, he can rank above Meng Fankai and Pete even if he ranks in the ranks.

As early as when Mr. Shu told him about his school, Meng Fankai knew that it was done and that he had no ability to resist the appointment of Mr. Shu from the investment company. However, he was still unwilling and asked humbly, "Mr. Shu, can you tell me your name?"

Although Meng Fankai's name is consultation, Shu Lao doesn't know what he's thinking, but Shu Lao doesn't care. Instead, he shakes his head noncommittally, and then says with a smile: "it's been many years, no one has asked me about my taboo, but now that you've consulted, it's OK to talk about it. Maybe you've heard about it, maybe you haven't heard about it Shu Zhongtian ··· "

even though he has been with Shu for two years, Lin Xi heard Shu's taboo for the first time today. However, his time in the business is too short, and he doesn't know the weight of Shu's taboo at all. On the contrary, Meng Fankai and Pete suddenly changed their faces after hearing the taboo, as if they had heard something incredible.

After a long silence in the conference room, Meng Fankai's attitude suddenly changed, and he became extremely respectful to Shu Lao, but also from the bottom of his heart. He tried out some unbelievable words: "you, are you really the president of Shu Zhong Tian Shu?"

Perhaps it was questioned, let Shu old some unhappy, face smile suddenly disappeared: "do you think I'm cheating you?"

Seeing shulao's smile disappear, Meng fankaidun felt more pressure, as if there was a big mountain on him. He couldn't help but excite himself. He denied: "I dare not. How dare you, younger generation?"He glanced at Meng Fankai in displeasure and asked, "since you don't dare, it's OK for me to be the professional consultant, isn't it?"

Speaking of this, Meng Fankai said with a smile: "no problem, no problem, shulao, you can come to our pawnshop. That's the blessing of our pawnshop. We need to learn from you in the future."

At the same time, Pete also echoed: "yes, yes, Lao Meng is right. In the future, we need to consult with you more. Just now, it was the younger generation who said nothing. Please don't take it seriously."

Seeing Meng Fankan and Peter's attitude, after hearing about shulao's taboo, he made a 180 degree turn, which immediately filled Linxi's heart with surprise. What's the origin of shulao? These two arrogant appraisers can be convinced by the taboo. They should not be worldly experts hiding in the downtown!

As a matter of fact, although Shu Lao's origin is not an expert in the world, it is not too far different. In fact, Shu Lao is not a native of Mingzhou. Before he retired in the early years, he used to work in Kyoto, where he works is the cultural relics department in charge of national cultural relics. He is mainly responsible for the identification of cultural relics, and his position is not low.

in the middle of last century When he was old, Shu applied for retirement and wanted to come out from the cultural relics department to enjoy his life. But who wanted to retire not long ago? In view of his qualifications and status in the antique industry, he was invited to the national antique Association and became honorary president for three years. After leaving office, he came to Mingzhou to provide for the aged.

But even so, with shulao's position in the antique industry, let alone Mingzhou, he is also among the best in the country, so up to now, he is the Honorary Adviser of the national antique Association, and can be described as a great figure in the industry.

It was for this reason that he was surprised when he knew that the half bag of Biluochun tea was obtained by Lin Xi from Zhu Kejin, because he had been familiar with Zhu Kejin for a long time, and they were all old players of the same level.

In other words, when shulao was working in the Department of cultural relics, Ning Yuanshui, Peter's teacher, poured tea at the bottom of his hand. It was like a small running room. He was twice as big as Pipi just because of his seniority.

As for Meng Fankai's teacher, Qian Yanzi, a big collector in Mingzhou, has a good relationship with Shu Lao. There is no doubt that Meng Fankai is his younger generation.

Even Lin Xi didn't know that it was Shu Lao's secret help that he could find the job in a pawnbroker. If he hadn't insisted on working on his own, he would have been the responsible manager of the pawnbroker at the beginning of the year, even in a higher position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!